Livreiros protestam contra manobra de site da Amazon

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Histórias em quadrinhos que ensinaram toda uma geração de adolescentes americanos sobre o holocausto

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Site permite que escritores ofereçam suas obras a produtores de cinema

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Telos, uma nova editora em tempos de crise

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Ubisoft está adaptando “Child of Light” para a TV

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A universidade britânica onde hologramas serão professores

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Entrevista con Ana Paula Brandão

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Open Access Workshop

The scholarly landscape is experiencing a constant shift towards the usage of digital content. This ongoing development withholds a great variety of opportunities for publishers to position themselves in this new landscape and to increase the usage of their content globally. To a … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Taller de Metadatos en la UANL

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Taller: Mercado de audiolibros en América Latina

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Entrevista con Cecilia Espinosa

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Entrevista con Myrna Ortega

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Entrevista con Juan Murillo

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Desafío y oportunidad de las ‘nuevas tecnologías’ 

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Interview with Lara Mainville

By the editorial board We talk to Lara Mainville from the University Press Éditions de l’Université d’Ottawa, about the strategies on Open Access carried out by one of the most relevant institutions in the field of academic press publishing in North America. The University of Ott … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Editorial de la Universidad del Rosario

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Editorial de la Universidad del Rosario

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What is

By Pablo Laurino Currently publishers and authors of books, newspapers or magazines are forced to offer their contents through third party platforms that impose their own business model, taking around 40% to 60% of the earnings, and even worse keeping the readers as users for the … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

¿Para qué sirve el análisis del comportamiento de usuario?

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Inteview with Thomas Minkus

By the editorial board We talk to Thomas Minkus, CEO of IPR License, pioneer in online rights deals and automation solutions. Could you please tell us a little bit about IPR License platform and rights automation? What do users mostly use it for? For those who may not know, IPR i … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Estrategias en las librerías

Con el boom del comercio electrónico, las ventas por internet se han disparado en prácticamente todos los sectores. Muchos comercios tradicionales han tenido que cerrar o bien diversificar su negocio, apostando por el comercio online y dando un nuevo uso al espacio físico. La era … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Entrevista con Maya Flandin

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Interview with Sandra Schüssel

By the editorial board We talk to Sandra Schüssel, head of MVB Labs, about the benefits and services of the MVB, the importance of partnerships among all players of the industry and the need of unifying and standardizing processes. Could you tell us a little bit about MVB Marketi … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Beneficios de los metadatos

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The bid for innovation in Germany

The book industry has once again launched a summer of new ideas: For the third year in a row, the Börsenvereinsgruppe is searching for five founders who will undergo the three-month coaching programme in which they will be able to develop their business ideas further. The goal is … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Innovación en Francia

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La Biblioteca Juvenil Internacional

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Impresión bajo demanda

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El Centro Cultural de España en México

El Centro Cultural de España en México (CCEMx) es una plataforma de promoción y cooperación cultural multidisciplinar innovadora, abierta e incluyente que presenta en México lo mejor del arte, la cultura, las industrias creativas y la ciencia españolas. Nuestra programación está … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Interview with Babar Baig

By the editorial board Today, we talk to Babar Baig, CEO and Co-Founder of WriteReader, the startup of the year in the last CONTENTshift contest. First of all, we would like to congratulate you on your CONTENTshift prize of last year! We would like to hear more about WriteReader … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Edición, diversidad cultural y desarrollo sostenible

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IPR License

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Entrevista con Pablo Laurino

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Subscripción: la vuelta de un clásico

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Así como suena

En Así Como Suena contamos historias: historias de amor y de odio, de crimen, de política, de corrupción, de vida cotidiana. Hablamos de personas, de personajes. Nuestro equipo de reporteros no se queda en la superficie; cava profundo. Así Como Suena se trata de ofrecer piezas so … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Entrevista con Marc Santandreu

Por la redacción Hablamos con Marc Santandreu de la startup barcelonsa Tekstum, centrada en la obtención de algoritmos para la identificación de los deseos del consumidor. ¿En qué se basa el servicio que ofrece Tekstum? Tekstum es una startup de base tecnológica, fundada en abril … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Entrevista con Sven Fund

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Las ediciones de la UNAM en Acceso Abierto

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¿Qué es el Open Access?

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UANL en Open Access

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Entrevista con Helena Gustafsson

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish. Der Beitrag Entrevista con Helena Gustafsson erschien zuerst auf CONTEC Mexico. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Estadísticas sobre audiolibros en español

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish. Der Beitrag Estadísticas sobre audiolibros en español erschien zuerst auf CONTEC Mexico. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

El auge de los audiolibros

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish. Der Beitrag El auge de los audiolibros erschien zuerst auf CONTEC Mexico. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

¿Ya conoces los audiolibros de la UNAM?

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10:30 Who will be the future reader? Key Note The Generation Y or millennials represent a social structural change defined by the fact that they are the first digital natives. Their way of interacting socially and their consumption habits of information are conditioned by the use … | Continue reading | 6 years ago


10:00 Registration 10:30 Welcome and introduction to the summit Marifé Boix García, Germany Frankfurt Book Fair The Frankfurt Book Fair is the world’s biggest book fair. It is the main reference for the publishing industry. The Frankfurt Book Fair organizes activities all around … | Continue reading | 6 years ago