Weekend Reading List #150 – Week of 11/14

Hello and welcome to the weekend reading list, edition #150. NYJavaSIG Stay tuned. The NYJavaSIG will host Ken Kousen in December. Join us, meet new people, and you will have a chance to win one of our prize raffles. Follow the NYJavaSIG on Twitter to be notified about registrati … | Continue reading

@graciano.dev | 1 year ago

Weekend Reading List #149 – Week of 11/7

Hello and welcome to the weekend reading list, edition #149. NYJavaSIG Allard Buijze and Cameron Purdy delivered great talks yesterday to the NYJavaSIG members at the VMWare office in NYC. Thank you Cora Iberkleid for the space. Follow the NYJavaSIG on Twitter to be notified abou … | Continue reading

@graciano.dev | 1 year ago

Weekend Reading List #148 – Week of 10/31

Hello and welcome to the weekend reading list, edition #148. NYJavaSIG Cameron Purdy will be the next NYJavaSIG speaker on November 10th. Follow the NYJavaSIG on Twitter to be notified about registration and future events.  You can watch the recording of past events on the NYJava … | Continue reading

@graciano.dev | 1 year ago

Weekend Reading List #147 – Week of 10/24

Hello and welcome to the weekend reading list, edition #147. NYJavaSIG Cameron Purdy will be the next NYJavaSIG speaker on November 10th. Follow the NYJavaSIG on Twitter to be notified about registration and future events.  You can watch the recording of past events on the NYJava … | Continue reading

@graciano.dev | 1 year ago


The futurebelongs to thosewho believein the beauty oftheir dreams.-ELEANOR ROOSEVELT First Times Last week, I attended my first JavaOne conference. Last week I gave my first talk at JavaOne. This year, JavaOne was held in Las Vegas. It was very hot (I’m not complaining), much dif … | Continue reading

@graciano.dev | 1 year ago

Weekend Reading List #146 – Week of 10/17

Hello and welcome to the weekend reading list, edition #146. NYJavaSIG Cameron Purdy will be the next NYJavaSIG speaker on November 17th. Follow the NYJavaSIG on Twitter to be notified about registration and future events.  You can watch the recording of past events on the NYJava … | Continue reading

@graciano.dev | 1 year ago

Weekend Reading List #145 – Week of 10/10

Hello and welcome to the weekend reading list, edition #145. I’ll be at JavaOne next week. If you are attending let’s connect. NYJavaSIG It was great to see familiar faces at the NYJavaSIG. I enjoyed the presentation from Gerrit Grunwald and learned about CRaC (Coordinated Restor … | Continue reading

@graciano.dev | 1 year ago