Why Don't Siri and AppleScript Work Together?

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

ES-335s Sure Are Pretty Right After Birth

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Smart Insert and Delete

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Hacker Laws (AKA, Developer Laws)

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Collings Guitars

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Jeff McLeman Has Passed Away

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

JetBrains Mono- Forget the Font How About That Site?

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Willamette Week on Panic in the Games Publishing Business

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Ugly Gerry, a Gerymandered Font

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Climbing.com: Climbing Washington's Moderates

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Margaret Hamilton Knows What's Up

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Project Zero Remote iPhone Exploitation

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

The Grouchy Chef Says He's Not Grouchy

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Reverb.com: Kids Try Guitar Pedals for the First Time

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Renaud Forestié on Tweening Curves

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Renaud Forestié on Tweening Curves

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

WebAssembly Becomes a W3C Recommendation

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

I Think I Found a Massive Memory Leak in Core Graphics

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

The New York Times Got My Knickers in a Twist

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

What Order to List Typefaces in a Font?

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

A Couple More Posts Added to the Archives

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

One More Birthday Till the Legal Drinking Begins

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

They Might Never Tell You It’s Broken

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Profile of Myself on the App Store

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Acorn 50% Off Sale and Retrobatch 1.3

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Core Animation Reduces Power Usage in Firefox

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Coffee and Chocolate Make You Smarter, According to the Latest Neuroscience

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Xcoders Is About to Turn 15

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

The New York Times on Blues Guitarist Robert Johnson

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Behind the Dark Room

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@shapeof.com | 4 years ago

Performance and Working Fast

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

Photos From Our New Climbing Gym- Vertical World North

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

Camera and Image Processing Positions at Apple

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

App Movement Monitoring

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

Craig Hockenberry on This Summer's iCloud Clusterfuuuuuuuu

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

A Little Story About Bugs and Myself on the App Store

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

NetNewsWire 5.0 Ships

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

What to Do When You See Something Sketchy at the Climbing Gym

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

238 Seconds of Some Solid Guitar Playing

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

Acorn 6.5b1

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

Ive Departs Apple

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

Apple Is Opening a 2k Person Engineering Office in Seattle

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

Executing WebAssembly Binaries From Python

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

Retrobatch 1.2 Beta

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

MacOS Notarization

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

Acorn 6.3 Postmortem

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

Acorn 6.3 Is Out

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago

Curves and Deep Color in Acorn

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@shapeof.com | 5 years ago