Thread by @AlexanderAbdo: This is a disturbing development. Last Friday, Facebook sent a cease-and-desist letter to two NYU researchers (@LauraEdelson2 and Damon McCoy), demanding that they shut down their research...… | Continue reading
Thread by @PrestonPysh: Based on the extreme debasement that's been occurring and that's expected to continue, I would suggest adopting a new unit of measure. Although the world will continue to settle in dollars o...… | Continue reading
Thread by @Foone: Where's my bnc cables, it's time to build a LAN It's the 3com EtherLink II! I'd probably have to dig up an old networking book to figure out 10base2/thinnet. it seems like thing kind of...… | Continue reading
Thread by @thegrugq: OPSEC plan: Secure location ✅ Seize and secure all mobile phones to prevent surveillance ✅ Honour system that no one is wearing a wire ✅ All that security to protect against “them” but nothing...… | Continue reading
Thread by @RaveofRavendale: It's time for: 🧪The eShop experiments!🧪 Over the last 9 months, we've put multiple games out on the Nintendo eShop. I'd heard beforehand that the eShop can be tricky, so I was excited...… | Continue reading
Thread by @RoadsideMum: You may have heard Home Secretary Priti Patel needs to make Tresspass a criminal offence to stop hoardes of awful Travellers pitching up on defenceless school fields. Only it is not that! Th...… | Continue reading
Thread by @RitzmannMarkus: Today I was on a domain that should only be available via BasicAuth. Then I was really scared when I did not have to login. Even in incognito mode the page was visible... | Continue reading
Thread by @JeffLadish: I often get the question, "why does it matter where COVID-19 came from?" I can see two main reasons. One is we need to know to prevent future pandemics. If SARS-CoV-2 jumped from a...… | Continue reading
Thread by @irace: This recent @instagram change–replacing photos that you’ve already seen from those that you follow with misc. algorithmic trash–is so user-hostile that numerous family members who never think twice...… | Continue reading
Thread by @Foone: I saw a tweet recently that I wanted to confirm. Sadly I can't find it right now, but it was about digital pregnancy tests. So, I went out and grabbed a 2-pack for 7 dollars:... | Continue reading
Thread by @s_hall_teach: From 1967-1977 the US government carried out the largest educational research project in history. The results of which were - effectively - buried. It’s a story of intrigue, ideology and ed...… | Continue reading
Thread by @cwilso: Hey, um, so I was in the middle of IE. (Engineer on IE2-4; standards and PM IE5-6; GPM IE7-early 8). And I'm about to hit ten years at Google, 9 of them on Chrome.... | Continue reading
Thread by @realchrisrufo: There is a civil war erupting at @SandiaLabs. Following my investigation, a dissident electrical engineer named Casemailed all 16,000 employees denouncing critical race theory in the lab and hoping to spark a rebellion against S… | Continue reading
Thread by @Austen: How easy it is to shape a narrative: Reporter reaches out: “We know Lambda School plagiarized curriculum from [link].” We show reporter with time stamps: No, that site clearly plagiarized *from La...… | Continue reading
Thread by @doctorow: In the early days of the pandemic, the term "contact tracing" vaulted into the public consciousness: that's the shoe-leather- and labor-intensive process whereby skilled heath experts establish...… | Continue reading
Thread by @gummibear737: My Hydroxychloroquine Deep Dive - long thread Gotta start with this chart many of you have seen by now In early Junehs of following articles, treatment protocols, declarations, etc. I was curious about how the countries lined up.… | Continue reading
Thread by @BretDevereaux: So everyone is talking about UNC's COVID-19 mess - and all that criticism is perfectly valid. But we also need to ty the uni-administration probably had no choice. Buckle up and let's talk about university finances and the 4 hor… | Continue reading
Thread by @j_g_allen: 1/ A TOOL TO END THE PANDEMIC Everyone wants to get out of this pandemic So what if we told you there was a way to do ing lives and livelihoods, but the FDA isn’t allowing it to happen Cheap Fast Easy We’re talking about daily quick… | Continue reading
Thread by @alkreidler: Thread: Google and other tech giants are happy to have control over the Web's metadata schemas, but they let ituish. is a repository for Semantic Web/Linked Data types that many publishers (NYTimes, etc) and… | Continue reading
Thread by @CostaSamaras: A micro-thread about where we are on hydrogen: in the 1990s, the Clinton admin wanted to raise car mpg standards, buakers were against it, and congress prevented action. Their counter proposal: don’t raise mpg standards, we’ll ma… | Continue reading
Thread by @jc_stubbs: An interesting thing happened on the internet with week. U.S. travel management firm was hit with Ragnar Locker ranpany agreed to pay and handed over $4.5 mln in bitcoin But the online chat room where the ran… | Continue reading
Thread by @adamwathan: So about a month or so ago, Tailwind cracked 10 million total installs, which given its humble beginnings, completelymind Here’s the story from the beginning, while it’s still fresh enough to remember… Way back in 2015, I told @st… | Continue reading
Thread by @Soumyadipta: Years ago, my friend and I collaborated to write an investigative article on Wikipedia. The plan was to expose the enang of Wikipedia editors who earn money by creating and editing Wikipedia pages. A Bollywood producer helped me w… | Continue reading
Thread by @danbarker: Here's a nice little case study in what used to be called 'fake news'. It may be worth reading if you've seen that '200kdown deaths' number. This is a short thread on how the tweet below is wrong, and how the Telegraph headline it m… | Continue reading
Thread by @thebeauanthony: #TheLastOfUsPartII’s Breathing System Thread Part 1 One gift of working at Naughty Dog is that the sky is limit. Wand programmers collaborating closely, magic can happen. The Breathing System is an example of that magic. 1.1/25… | Continue reading
Thread by @mekkaokereke: "I take souls on this one. Story time: In a conversation about how difficult it would be to build a combined subscritween physical newspapers, Android Apps, and publisher websites, I suggested that the planned design could be […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @chris_herd: The 2020s are the Remote Work decade A few predictions of what is likely to emerge [ a thread ] Third Space: Office an from Home will be joined by somewhere close by that a number of people will use Supermarkets or local bank branc… | Continue reading
Thread by @stevesi: Amidst all the details, installing pre-release, and commentary (including my own) I want to take a moment to reflect on #utting it in context of the past two decades. Quite simply, what we're seeing is some of the most remarkable prod… | Continue reading
Thread by @yet_so_far: I want to post maths. Would you like to hear about symmetries, permutation groups, and why six is a magic number? Okayt sure how far into this I can get, but let me try. I want to try and convey what motivates me to think about the… | Continue reading
Thread by @byrnesong: That beekeeper heart honeycomb image. A thread. Firstly, I'm a folklorist to trade. Interested in traditions, customs, songs. How things are passed on. In June 2020, an artist published a Tweet saying her parents are beekeepers, who… | Continue reading
Thread by @qiaocollective: The complexities of Tiananmen and its contradictory elements—anti-corruption protesters, bourgeois neoliberals, strs, disillusioned workers—all get erased by the simplistic, chauvinistic Western fairy tale of the Chinese masses… | Continue reading
Thread by @MplsWard3: Bob Kroll’s letter yesterday to the Minneapolis Police Federation membership showed us what rank-and-file officers voten their leadership, and it is yet another sign that the department is irredeemably beyond reform. I don’t want to… | Continue reading
Thread by @iraphas13: Have you ever asked yourself "how did research get done before LateX?!" Oh boy do I have the thread for you… (1/?) Theans of Felix Klein’s “Riemann Surfaces” (1891/92), more than 450 years after the Gutenberg printing press was inv… | Continue reading
Thread by @drose007: In 2009, an unknown investor from Russia came out of nowhere to make one of the greatest late stage venture bets in the of Silicon Valley. Why did FB choose an outsider to lead our Series D round? Here’s the inside story: 2 years ea… | Continue reading
Thread by @TylerChilds: A tiny rant Google is ruining the internet, because they incentivize manipulation so pages can rank higher. For examp I wanted to know if Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed again. Whole state of the world could reasonably push back a dead… | Continue reading
Thread by @matvelloso: Microservices: "We solved DLL hell by wrapping every binary with HTTP" Don't at me Narrator: Wait, but that doesn't so Dev: Shut up You still get dependency hell, you still have a gazillion fragmented things, you still have version… | Continue reading
Thread by @cyberomin: "It's always fun when I speak to founders and potential founders and they are quick to tell me how they want to use AI/ customer retention and improve LTV. Truth is, they don't even need ML. A properly written SQL is what you ne […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @elamje: A thread for college grads questioning a career in software/hardware. /1 In college, I studied Electrical and Computer Enging. To be honest, I thought many courses were interesting, but didn’t see myself doing it for a long time due to… | Continue reading
Thread by @GeePawHill: I shipped a word processor that formatted the hard drive every 1024 saves. Must have '84 or '85. I was a bright 25-yeah about five years in the game. I was one of two programmers who wrote & maintained a suite of apps kinda lik… | Continue reading
Thread by @naval: Root. (a short story) Morpheus: Wake up Neo, the Matrix has you. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Neo: I have to see it for myself. <reaches for the red pill.> Morpheus: The… | Continue reading
Thread by @PsychRabble: ANOTHER case of "its worse than another one bites the dust." Is the Dunning-Kruger Effect* a Statistical Artifact? *1amous psych 'discoveries' of the last 25 years questioned. Thread ending in END dripping w/real life ironies. You… | Continue reading
Thread by @jsrailton: Wow, @WhatsApp just dropped a bunch of hacking group NSO's IPs in their latest filing. Notably, these were servers locathe USA. THREAD Its going to be hard for NSO to credibly claim that there is no US nexus to their operations when… | Continue reading
Thread by @FoldableHuman: "I don't want to be doom and gloom, but Patreon is about to eat itself. Or, more specifically, the investors who drowth are about to demand Patreon eat itself.… These paragraphs are separated by only […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @cmyeaton: If experts tell you something is unknowable, don’t keep asking new people until you get a straight answer. Because in doyou haven’t found the truth, you have found someone who wants your ear. 1/ The most common question I am asked is… | Continue reading
Thread by @troyhunt: Ok folks, let's talk about the Coronavirus tracking app as news of Australia adopting Singapore's "TraceTogether" gains m. I'd willingly run it and I want to explain why because there's also some very valid concerns. Let's begin: Fir… | Continue reading
Thread by @jwangARK: 1/ Apple's upcoming ARM MacBooks isn't just going to save them some money and run a bit faster. It marks the beginning ond of the x86 era and Intel's four decade empire. Thread 2/ In the computer industry, victories are won through s… | Continue reading
Thread by @PeterKolchinsky: While not technically alive, there's an evil genius to viruses that never ceases to amaze me. It's one reason I bgist. A recent Nature paper reveal a remarkable trick SARS-Cov-2 learned that makes it nastier than the first SAR… | Continue reading
Thread by @Canocola: It often seems that the golden age of naval idiocy has disappeared forever. I'm therefore pleased to note that the Venezatrol vessel Naiguatá has managed to recapture some of this spirit by fighting the dumbest action of the 21st cen… | Continue reading