London’s Street Markets: 1900-1920

Some of the once-bustling street markets familiar to Londoners over 100 years ago are now gone. These archive photos show just what they were like at the time. Hoxton Market, 1910. This East London market still trades most days of the week. East Street Market, 1910. This South Lo … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Some Random Cheerful Photos

It’s nice to smile at a photo occasionally, and I found quite a few old images online that served the purpose. A little girl and her loyal old dog. He is obviously a cat lover! She likes her reflection so much, she is kissing it. Learning from adults how to walk along the street. … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Victorian Child Criminals: Mugshots

These colourised and enhanced photos paint a picture of how society treated children from poor backgrounds during the Victorian Era. For petty crimes such as stealing daily necessities such as food and clothing, they have faced hard labour and jail. And these haunting photographs … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Four Musketeers: Part Thirteen

This is the thirteenth part of a fiction serial, in 750 words. Susan proved to be remarkably fertile. Within four months of coming off the pill, she was expecting. My parents were beyond excited, and even her mum and dad seemed to be genuinely pleased. She was starting on names t … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Ollie’s Latest Photo

Michele Smith is my near-neighbour, a fellow dog-walker, and treasured friend. She is an animal lover par excellence, and has always adored Ollie. Just recently, we were chatting on Beetley Meadows, and she remarked that she had never taken a photo of him. She produced her phone, … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

December the 7th, 1941

We have to remember, or it will happen somewhere again. | Continue reading | 1 year ago

August Sander: German People 1910-1934

August Sander (1876-1964) was the most significant of German photographers in the first half of this century. From 1910 until 1934, he vigorously pursued a visual documentation project: “Citizen of the 20th Century.” His ambitious portrait series was intended to make viewers awar … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Four Musketeers: Part Twelve

This is the twelfth part of a fiction serial, in 776 words. Married life suited me well enough. Susan took to it like a fish to water, and became a real housewife. She cooked nice meals every evening, and at weekends we usually went back to see my parents, and hers. Her mum and d … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Four Musketeers: Part Eleven

This is the eleventh part of a fiction serial, in 772 words. While Johnny was away in jail, I learned to drive. Susan did it at the same time, and we used the same instructor. We both passed our tests one wekk apart, and because Susan passed first, she never let me forget that. M … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Northern/Southern Lights.

Thanks to Gavin from New Zealand for this link. What we call The Northern Lights also appear in the southern hemisphere, and are called Aurora Australis. | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Working Women In Victorian Britain

These photos are from a book by Michael Hiley. They show Victorian women in their working clothes. We owe many of these fascinating photos, sketches, and detailed descriptions of Victorian working women to Arthur Munby, who interviewed many, and collected their photographs as wel … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Four Musketeers: Part Ten

This is the tenth part of a fiction serial, in 758 words. They took Johnny from his home at six in the morning. It had been a long time coming, as the police took their time building a case by watching Johnny and his dad for close to three months, accumulating evidence on them an … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

London: England’s Megacity.

Thanks to my friend Antony who sent me a link, I was able to watch this great film about London, from Roman times to the modern day. It is short, at only 14 minutes, and is incredibly well-made. Using contemporary photos and video, and including some wonderful high-definition aer … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Female Photographers In The Victorian Era.

Unfortunately, most of these pioneering ladies are uncredited. However, here is Jessie Tarbox-Beales, the first professional female press photographer. Jessie again. These other ladies are unknown to me. Some are taking the earliest version of ‘selfies’, using their own cameras. … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Four Musketeers: Part Nine

This is the ninth part of a fiction serial, in 864 words. After that night at The Anchor, life took a mundane turn for a couple of years. Keith met a girl in his first year at Oxford, so we saw nothing of him. Susan told me that he spent all of his holidays staying … Continue rea … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Sunday Musings 21 Days Before Christmas

Well I have the presents I am giving Julie as the last one was delivered yesterday. Now all I have to do is get around to wrapping them, and buying her card. ————————————————————————————— Talking of Christmas Cards, this is the first time I am not posting any to family, friends, … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Children Playing: 1890-1979

I often post photos of children who suffered because of poverty and poor living conditions. By contrast, here are photos of children playing and having fun, taken during 1890-1980, and from all around the world. 1890. This lucky boy wheels his toy train past a shop window. Americ … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Something Happy: The World’s Oldest Animal.

Jonathan the Giant Tortoise is 190 years old. He lives of the island of St Helena, in the South Atlantic. He was taken there from the Seychelles as a gift to the island’s governor, in 1882. He was already 50 years old at the time, and the climate of St Helena suited him very nice … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

London In 1911: Lantern Slides

A collection of four thousand lantern slides was discovered in Bishopsgate. They were once used in lectures by the London & Middlesex Archaeological Society. Here are some examples from that vast archive of 1911. The Tower of London, flooded by the River Thames. Lightermen workin … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Four Musketeers: Part Eight

This is the eighth part of a fiction serial, in 790 words. What followed was something of a quiet period, in my recollection. Helen didn’t mention her mum going on holiday, though she was much friendlier at work, and occasionally touchy-feely when nobody was looking. I presumed s … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Film Review: Fanny Lye Deliver’d (2019)

***No ending spoilers*** This is a British independent film, written and directed by Thomas Clay. It is set in 17th Century England just after the civil war, and stars two of Britain’s finest actors, Maxine Peake, and Charles Dance. With my interest in the period, and having seen … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Staying Late

The strange weather continues. Yesterday was the 1st of December, but you would not have known that in Beetley. It was bright and sunny, with blue skies until almost 3pm. The temperature even got up to 10C, before falling back at sunset. This confused the insects, who have stayed … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Four Musketeers: Part Seven

This is the seventh part of a fiction serial, in 756 words. Things didn’t work out as I had expected with Janice. She was happy to eat a Wimpy cheeseburger and chips, then drink two vodka and limes in the pub after. But when I said I would walk her home, she was prepared with … C … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

BookFunnel Book Blast Just for Today

Originally posted on Stevie Turner: Genres: Mystery & Suspense / Paranormal, Romance / Paranormal, and Sci-Fi & Fantasy There’s a $0.99/£0.99 book fair that will be running on BookFunnel for today only. You can find it on the link below: … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Victorian Fashion: 1860-1901

Fashion was important in Victorian society. For the middle and upper classes, proper dress sense was essential, and clothes had to be changed for numerous occasions during the day. They dressed for leisure activities, for business, and then dressed formally at night to eat dinner … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Four Musketeers: Part Six

This is the sixth part of a fiction serial, in 754 words. As expected, Susan agreed to change the day of our date. I didn’t go with working late, as she knew that never happened. I told her that some old bloke was retiring, and I was expected to go to his leaving drink. There … C … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Random Photos Of London: 1880s-1970s

A horse-drawn bus and its conductor, 1880s. A young girl cuddling her cat. Spitalfields, 1890. The Rotherhithe Tunnel under construction. South London, 1906. The same tunnel in regular use, 1930. Women chatting in a street in Spitalfields, 1935. Small boys teasing a guardsman at … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Four Musketeers: Part Five

This is the fifth part of a fiction serial, in 875 words. When the rest of the family got back, Susan didn’t hesitate to announce that I was now her boyfriend. I was suitably quiet, and not a little embarrassed. Although she had stopped short of doing the deed, she had definitely … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

1960s London: Photos by Dorothy Bohm

She was born Dorothea Israelit in 1924, into an affluent German Jewish family. ‘My grandfather lived very near a main road, and there was a procession of Hitler Youth, but at nine I didn’t know what it was,’ she recalls, ‘and that stayed in my mind, seeing them march with the swa … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Four Musketeers: Part Four

This is the fourth part of a fiction serial, in 872 words. Work at the insurance company was easy enough. I received claim forms for all sorts of things, wrote them up properly on company documents, checked the policy was valid for what they were claiming, then stamped a box at t … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Four Musketeers: Part Three

This is the third part of a fiction serial, in 880 words. One afternoon, I was outside the corner shop chatting to a couple of girls I knew. We were close to turning fifteen, and the girls appreciated being chatted up at that age. But when there were two of them, it was tricky. W … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Bermondsey In Photos: 1930-2017

The part of London I grew up in has changed since 1930, but most of it is still recognisable. Girls playing in a back garden in Marden Road, 1930 Shoppers at the busy street market. Blue Anchor Lane, around 1932. A VE Day street party, 1945. Market traders and a passing Tram. Ber … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Sunday Musings At The End Of November

Another very quiet week. It’s that time of year. Colder weather, dark before 4pm. People are counting down the days until Christmas Day. I went to the restaurant to pay the deposit for our Christmas Dinner on the 25th. Like everything this year it has increased in price, but they … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Four Musketeers: Part Two

This is the second part of a fiction serial, in 783 words. Keith was undoubtedly the brainiest of the group. He found school-work easy, and once we were in Secondary School it was obvious he would outclass the rest of us. He helped us with our home-work, and though he tried to sh … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Gay Love In Victorian England: 1885-1901

In late Victorian England, the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885, outlawing sexual relations between men (but not between women) is given Royal Assent by Queen Victoria. Despite the passing of that law, many gay men continued to flout it of course, and some posed for photos with th … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Four Musketeers: Part One

This is the first part of a fiction serial, in 740 words. We had all read the novel at school. The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas. But there were four of us, so we called ourselves the four musketeers. Childhood friendships don’t necessarily last a lifetime, but in our case … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Bookbird: an Amazing Resource for Writers

Originally posted on Nicholas C. Rossis: I came across Bookbird when I was hired by Yves Lummer to work on the website’s content. Bookbird is rapidly becoming a top resource for authors looking for help with writing and self-publishing, with tons of excellent advice covering ever … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Poor Children In Industrial England: 1881-1901

In the last two decades of the reign of Queen Victoria, large sections of the population of England still lived in abject poverty. This was especially true of the industrialised north of the country, where the increase in the population following people seeking work in factories … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

An Alphabet Of My Life: Z

Z=Zealous Zealous is usually a word associated with religion these days, as in ‘Religious Zealots’. A rather old-fashioned word that has changed its meaning over time in society. In the past, ‘Zeal’ was a good thing. It made me think of brave soldiers, hard-working inventors, and … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

An Alphabet Of My Life: Y

Y=Yearning. I looked up this word to make sure I was using it correctly. I was. yearning /ˈjəːnɪŋ/ noun a feeling of intense longing for something. “he felt a yearning for the mountains” I have definitely yearned for many things in my life. But nothing comes close to how much I d … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Happy Thanksgiving 2022

I would like to wish all my American blogging friends a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving today. In our troubled world, giving thanks for the good things we have is definitely the right thing to do. | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Day Brightener – “Who Is Shaking The Jar”

Originally posted on Loren Berg's Blog: I first recieved the following quote as a video featuring Mark Twain, while Twain may have penned this comment, it appears that it is more likely from Shera Starr. It also appeared in something from Sir David Attenborough. Regardless o … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

An Alphabet Of My Life: X

X=Xenophobia xenophobia /zɛnəˈfəʊbɪə/ noun dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries. “the resurgence of racism and xenophobia” I was introduced to this from a very early age. I didn’t know the word until I was in my teens though. The area I was brought up in wa … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

19th Century Whitby: The Photos of Frank Meadow Sutcliffe

I found an article online about this Victorian portrait photographer. He took hundreds of photos of the English fishing port and tourist town of Whitby, in the 1880s. Whitby is in Yorkshire, and is still incredibly popular with tourists to this day. The town also inspired Bram St … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Pet Meat: The Sellers In Photos 1880-1936

From 1800 until the late 1930s, the ownership of pets in London increased to huge levels. Especially cat ownership, as cats were favoured to contol the mice that invaded every home, and rats too. In the year 1861 alone, it was recorded (by Henry Mayhew) that around 300,000 cats l … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

An Alphabet Of My Life: W

W=Wordpress. WordPress to me means blogging, but I used something else for ‘B’. I came late to blogging. It was not until after a suggestion from my friend Antony that I even considered starting a blog. He thought it would be something for me to do once I retired from work. I loo … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

London Street Jobs: 1920-1927

After WW1, not that much had changed in London in almost 100 years. Photographers were still keen to document life on the streets, and the jobs of ordinary working people. A Concertina Man. This elderly man is trying to make a living as a street entertainer, playing his Concertin … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

An Alphabet Of My Life: V

V=Violence Fortunately, I have been more of a witness to violence than a victim of it during my life, save for a few notable occasions when I was on the receiving end. At school, fights were common. They seemed to start over nothing, and end quickly. If teachers did not step in f … | Continue reading | 1 year ago