A novel data-compression technique for faster computer programs

Researchers free up more bandwidth by compressing “objects” within the memory hierarchy. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Machine learning moves popular data elements into a bucket of their own

Counting search queries isn’t easy, but MIT CSAIL’s new LearnedSketch system for “frequency-estimation” aims to help. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

A method to image black holes

New algorithm could stitch together astronomical measurements made across the globe. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Shrinking the Carbon Footprint of Epoxides

New method for synthesizing the epoxides found in plastics, textiles, and pharmaceuticals could be powered by electricity. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Advance boosts efficiency of flash storage in data centers

New architecture promises to cut in half the energy and physical space required to store and manage user data. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Learning to teach to speed up learning

An algorithm that teaches robot agents how to exchange advice to complete a task helps them learn faster. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

The future of agriculture is computerized

Machine learning can reveal optimal growing conditions to maximize taste and other features. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Huntington's Disease gene is found (1993)

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@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Teaching machines to reason about what they see

Researchers combine statistical and symbolic artificial intelligence techniques to speed learning and improve transparency. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Mini cheetah is the first four-legged robot to do a backflip

Robot’s lightweight, high-power design is the perfect platform to share and play, developers say. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Energy monitor can find electrical failures before they happen

Sensor can monitor wiring in a building or ship, and signal when repairs are needed. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

“Particle robot” works as a cluster of simple units

Loosely connected disc-shaped “particles” can push and pull one another, moving en masse to transport objects. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Brain wave stimulation may improve Alzheimer’s symptoms

Noninvasive treatment improves memory and reduces amyloid plaques in mice. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Bacterial genomes provide “shadow history” of animal evolution

Results show bacterial genomes provide “shadow history” of animal evolution. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

A better way to measure cell survival

New test rapidly evaluates the effect of drugs and potentially toxic compounds on cells. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Biologists answer fundamental question about cell size

The need to produce just the right amount of protein is behind the striking uniformity of sizes. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

New pill can deliver insulin

Capsule that releases insulin in the stomach could replace injections for patients with type 2 diabetes. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Peering under the hood of fake-news detectors

Study uncovers language patterns that AI models link to factual and false articles; underscores need for further testing. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

MIT Robot Combines Vision and Touch to Learn the Game of Jenga

Machine-learning approach could help robots assemble cellphones and other small parts in a manufacturing line. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Putting neural networks under the microscope

Researchers pinpoint the “neurons” in machine-learning systems that capture specific linguistic features during translation tasks. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

MIT robot combines vision and touch to learn the game of Jenga

Machine-learning approach could help robots assemble cellphones and other small parts in a manufacturing line. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Converting Wi-Fi signals to electricity with new 2-D materials

Device made from flexible, inexpensive materials could power large-area electronics, wearables, medical devices, and more. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Team invents method to shrink objects to the nanoscale

It’s not quite the Ant-Man suit, but the system produces 3-D structures one thousandth the size of the originals. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Want to squelch fake news? Let the readers take charge

Study shows audience judgments can identify online misinformation. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

MIT Model for Identifying artificial intelligence “blind spots”

Model identifies instances when autonomous systems have learned from examples that may cause dangerous errors in the real world. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Talent shortage in quantum computing

William Oliver says a lack of available quantum scientists and engineers may be an inhibitor of the technology’s growth. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

A faster, more efficient cryptocurrency

Design reduces by 99 percent the data users need to join the network and verify transactions. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

MIT's Thunkable: Democratizing app development

Thunkable gives noncoders the ability to create professional-grade mobile apps. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

MIT tool for non-statisticians that automatically generates models from data

Tool for nonstatisticians automatically generates models that glean insights from complex datasets. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Mapping the Brain at High Resolution

New 3-D imaging technique can reveal, much more quickly than other methods, how neurons connect throughout the brain. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Identifying electricity-producing bacteria

Microbes screened with a new microfluidic process might be used in power generation or environmental cleanup. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Scope advance gives first look through all cortical layers of the awake brain

Substantial refinements of three-photon microscopy allow for novel discoveries in neuroscience. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

TESS discovers its third new planet, with longest orbit yet

Measurements indicate a dense, gaseous, “sub-Neptune” world, three times the size of Earth. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Revolutionary radio telescope detects bevy of fast radio bursts

Researchers use CHIME telescope to detect fast radio bursts at low frequencies and a second repeating burst. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

MIT inhalable RNA for lung disease

Patients with lung disease could find relief by breathing in messenger RNA molecules. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Physicists record “lifetime” of graphene qubits

First measurement of its kind could provide stepping stone to practical quantum computing. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Real-time readouts of thinking in rats

New open-source system provides fast, accurate neural decoding and real-time readouts of where rats think they are. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Julia Language Co-Creators Win James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software

Awarded every four years, the Wilkinson Prize last came to MIT in 1999. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Ingestible Capsule can be controlled wirelessly

Electronic pill can relay diagnostic information or release drugs in response to smartphone commands. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Ingestible capsule can be controlled wirelessly

Electronic pill can relay diagnostic information or release drugs in response to smartphone commands. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Laser-pointing system could help tiny satellites transmit data to Earth

Platform offers the precision that shoebox-sized CubeSats need to beam down hefty data packets. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Team invents method to shrink objects to the nanoscale

It’s not quite the Ant-Man suit, but the system produces 3-D structures one thousandth the size of the originals. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Sun-soaking device turns water into superheated steam

High-temperature steam might be used in remote regions to cook, clean, or sterilize medical equipment. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

New climate model to be built from the ground up

Scientists and engineers will collaborate in a new Climate Modeling Alliance to advance climate modeling and prediction. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

Voyager 2 spacecraft goes interstellar

MIT Kavli's John Richardson describes MIT's role in the historic passing of the Voyager 2 craft past the heliopause and into the interstellar medium. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

MIT engineers repurpose wasp venom as an antibiotic drug

Altered peptides from a South American wasp’s venom can kill bacteria but are nontoxic to human cells. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

MIT engineers repurpose wasp venom as an antibiotic drug

Altered peptides from a South American wasp’s venom can kill bacteria but are nontoxic to human cells. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago

“Sun in a box” would store renewable energy for the grid

Design for system that provides solar- or wind-generated power on demand should be cheaper than other leading options. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 5 years ago