The 15 Foundations of Interactive Meetings

Interaction has many faces: interview, panel, debate, brainstorm, workshop, Q&A. They all have different characteristics and give a different added value to meeting design. Here are 15 ways to make your event really interactive. A real conversation consists of speaking and listen … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Painting Success with Event Data

This is a sponsored post written by Bob Vaez – President and CEO at EventMobi. More information about Event Manager Blog’s sponsored posts. Tracking, measuring and proving success for events has been a consistent and formidable challenge by event and marketing professionals. With … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

7 Trends Affecting Venue Selection

Last week we launched The Venue of The Future, a free report about how event professionals select venues. Here are 7 trends affecting venue selection. When carrying out the research for The Venue of the Future we looked at the answers of over 1,000 event professionals from around … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

10 Tactics to Make Your Exhibitors Happy

A satisfied exhibitor returns next year and often increases their investment. Here are a few tips on how you can delight them and make an impression. Seasoned conference professionals and newbies know that exhibitors want one thing – return on investment. Without that, it doesn’t … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

8 Ways Event Professionals Can Make Mondays Not Suck

Why do Monday’s Suck? Could Mondays actually be the solution to having an amazing week? By approaching your week from a different angle, you can begin to train yourself to actually enjoy Mondays and make them your most productive day of the week. Here’s how… Do you hate Mondays? … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

5 Steps to Navigate a Social Media Crisis at your Event

Welcome to every event professional’s worst nightmare. When crisis hits how can you best navigate the tone and direction of your social media communications for your audience? Here are five key steps that will get you through the digital hard times. You focus on all the right stu … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How to Take your Meeting from Mind-LESS to Mind-FUL 

There is a lot of talk about mindfulness and intention setting right now in the events industry, and this concept is usually translated into early morning yoga, meditation rooms, or wellness breaks. This is a very literal interpretation, and while it does promote a healthier life … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

ticketscript: the New ticketshop has Landed [Review]

ticketscript have recently launched their new ticketshop, which is optimized for mobile ticket purchasing and works with your event brand. Here is our review. ticketshop: What Is It? The new ticketshop is the front end ticketing platform that can be integrated with an event websi … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Creating Event Magic by Aligning Sales and Marketing

Face-to-face events are still the most common, popular and biggest producers of ROI for companies today. The most critical factor that keeps events bringing in leads and revenue is the alignment of sales and marketing within a company. Not everyone understands the importance of b … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Venue of the Future [New Report]

We are very glad to announce the release of our latest report, The Venue of the Future. Grab your free copy now. At EventMB we take innovation seriously. Our commitment to you, dear reader, is to bring you prime analysis of the trends affecting event planning, with special attent … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How To Build an Army of Conference Ambassadors

Creating word-of-mouth excitement about your event is critical to its success. One of the easiest, most efficient, ways to accomplish this is by building an army of conference ambassadors. Here are a few tips on getting your recruits in order. Stop doing it all yourself. Build an … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

7 Interesting Ways to Use Video For Your Next Event

Video has quickly become one of the best ways to market events and engage attendees. As event managers we have to step up to the plate and become comfortable using and creating video content. Here are 7 interesting ways you can integrate and expand upon your video content. 1. Pro … | Continue reading | 9 years ago