The 5th section of this series details various examples of secure coding. | Continue reading
Models are simplifications and abstractions of some patterns in the world or some parts of the system... | Continue reading
A beginning coder's guide to the other half of behavioral design patterns with an alternate telling of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. | Continue reading
A list of best practices for designing and developing applications. Focused on CodeSandbox, but can be applied to any kind of application | Continue reading
A curated list with Admin Dashboards, released under the MIT license and actively supported by the publishers | Continue reading
Design Decisions for the First Embedded Analytics Open-Source Framework | Continue reading
This is the list of the most interesting and useful Ruby on Rails open source projects on GitHub collected on July 22. The key criterion I was following while completing my list, was the buzz around the project, its purpose, and prospects, and the date of the update to make sure … | Continue reading
Interactive tool to convert flat HTML (themes or stand-alone files) to Pug, Jinja2 and Blade templates | Continue reading
As a part-time computer science teacher, I often give workshops to learn about computers and their tools. | Continue reading
Learn what settings, theme, font, extensions and other things I use in vscode | Continue reading
This article was originally posted on Angular Academy by @pietrucha.Building sc... | Continue reading
A lot can be gained by trying to implement a library. In this article, we choose to try to implement a unit testing library | Continue reading
Using Screen Capture API to recognize QR codes from anywhere on your screen including other browser tabs | Continue reading
The famous JPL's Power of 10 rules apply mostly to C and compiled languages, however with a little thinking we can also understand how to use them in interpreted languages. | Continue reading
Best books on data structure and algorithms for beginners in Java, Python, C, and C++. | Continue reading
Why pull requests are not a great choice for an agile workflow. | Continue reading
let's discuss how human race is prepared for an attacking Alien invasion -Palash | Continue reading
Open-Source Flask dashboards released under the MIT license. | Continue reading
If all tests are mocked, you don’t know if your code really works, you only know that, theoretically, it is supposed to work if the integrations adhere to the contract you expect. | Continue reading
My Confession : How I got my software to be multi-tenant | Continue reading
Last night, I vented out my frustration on <link> requiring href to point t... | Continue reading
Very often, the essence of laziness, procrastination and lack of determination are our fears and limiting beliefs. | Continue reading
Believe it or not you can get the source code for the Apollo 11 spacecraft and even take a course explaining how it works | Continue reading
In 2013 I started to useVim as my primary editor, the journey hasn’tbeen without ... | Continue reading
Window Functions are incredibly powerful and allow us to see the rows in a table with a new column showing a running total, rank or moving average | Continue reading
A curated list of free websites to learn to code, Programming, Java, Python, SQL, Git, and Ruby on Rails. | Continue reading