How to land a remote freelance web development job in 21 days without portfolio

Most clients don't ever go through your portfolio. Here's how you can land a remote freelance web development client with small projects. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Please ask me for money

I have ~$300K I need to invest in the next year or two, in 5 deals or more. I was an Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) at Foundation Capital… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Is Agile the Enemy (of Good Design)?

Integration | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Lessons learned moving from web to voice development

NLU (natural language understanding) isn’t necessarily the main challenge in moving from web to voice development — think constrained… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

The magic of asyncio explained

This is a no-buzzword first principles introduction to the asyncio library in Python. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Good Programmer vs. Average Programmer

When it comes to interviewing programmers and developers, our goal is to find the most suitable developer for the job to get done but its… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

We Need a Summit on Ethical Tech

I get inspired all the time when reading yet-another thought-provoking and well-researched think piece on Medium regarding ethics in the… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How to Lead a Disaster Recovery Exercise for Your On-Call Team

On-call teams at startups have three big problems: they’re small, they cover a wide breadth of infrastructure, and the last two points… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Test code, not sanity

Simple testing simply made simple | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Meta Skills of a Software Engineer

Learning Through Books on Correctness and Pattern Recognition | Continue reading | 6 years ago

A Computer will probably Eradicate Us, but it won't be AI's fault

But it won’t be artificially intelligent | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Getting Deep into Ethereum: How Data Is Stored in Ethereum?

In this post we will see how states and transactions are stored in Ethereum and how it is different from Bitcoin. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Are social-media platforms necessary for business success?

If we don’t understand the underlying factor of their intent use, the Internet and other technologies such as VR can bring us to a state… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Cryptocurrency Regulation Update (August 2018)

This piece is part of a monthly series covering regulatory updates related to cryptocurrencies (here are the updates from May, June, and… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Not a Cultural Fit

One should not only have the skills and qualifications required for a position but also fit into the company culture. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Dynamic Programming for Brute-Forcers

There were huge number of sources on the internet on this topic but still we (me and my friend) couldn't understand any of it for a very… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Why All Engineers Must Understand Management: The View from Both Ladders

Something interesting has been happening as I’ve been trying to write more about engineering management. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Cryptocurrency Regulation Update (August 2018)

This piece is part of a monthly series covering regulatory updates related to cryptocurrencies (here are the updates from May, June, and… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Getting Ramped-Up on Airflow with MySQL → S3 → Redshift

I recently joined Plaid as a data engineer and was getting ramped up on Airflow, a workflow tool that we used to manage ETL pipelines… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

What Happens When a Shitty Coder Builds Your Back End

NOTE: For security reasons, the actual web services involved in this will not be named, so for the sake of this article I will invent a… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Git-aware code styling

There are patterns within your code style you can use to simplify the way you’re interacting with GIT. Or any other Version Control System for that matter… To give you a rough idea of what you should… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Crypto Sectors Analysis: Gaming and Gambling Rising, Privacy Coins Underperform

Abstract | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Python tricks 101

Python tips and tricks which are relatively uncommon and are very useful. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How I designed and launched the Official Scrabble Keyboard

This past month, I released a project that I’ve been working on for a while that brought together a major consumer brand and a growing… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Creating a New Programming Language That Will Allow Anyone to Make Software

I’ve spent the last 7 months working on a new programming language called MSON (pronounced Mason). Here is a nerdy post about why I did it… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Bluetooth Hacking: Cheating in Elliptic Curve Billiards

Recently, Israeli researchers from the Technion published a paper about a smart attack on vulnerable Bluetooth devices’ pairing process… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

5 Must Read React Newsletters

React is one of the most popular frameworks in modern day javascript. Every week there’s new updates, libraries and tools released to… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Getting Deep into Geth: Why Syncing Ethereum Node Is Slow

Downloading the blocks is just a small part. There is a lot of stuff going on… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How to Learn

6 Lessons on Learning to Learn from Naval Ravikant, Richard Feyman, and Robert Greene | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Chatbots 101 – What's why's and How's of building a chatbot

What is a Chatbot? | Continue reading | 6 years ago

The Internet is changing its mind about Elon Musk

Elon Musk is perhaps this century’s most enigmatic figure. For two decades, he’s been unstoppable, uprooting more industries — energy… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How-To Add RTSP to a Cheap Xiaomi WiFi IP Camera

For Xiaomi, avoiding copycat accusations is hard and it is not called “Apple of China” for nothing. One example is its IoT camera for home… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

A guide to sideDBs and private data on Hyperledger Fabric Node chaincode

The latest v1.2 release of Hyperledger Fabric introduces private data stored in SideDBs. This solution offers you the possibility to build… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How we spent 30k USD in Firebase in less than 72 hours

#UnaVacaPorDeLaCalle became the largest crowdfunding campaign in Colombia, collecting 3 times more than the previous record so far in only… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Can Twitter beat Facebook?

A perspective of how social media value can be converted to revenue | Continue reading | 6 years ago

First do no harm: Fly-by Architecture Reviews and How to avoid them?

Imagine a fly-by architecture review. An architect walks in, looks over, glosses over, though his binoculars. He provide comments that are… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Hey DevOps Leave My UI Alone

It's great that you can deliver continuously, but over-releasing on your user interface is going to drive your customers crazy. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Fiction generator post-mortem: mythology generator

For JuNoGenMo[1] this year, I wrote a small script to generate work in the style of sumerian mythology. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Coinbase and the Widespread Adoption of Cryptocurrency

It’s time to live in the now | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Please, reinvent the wheel

Reinvent the wheel is an idiom which is invalidated by the very metaphor it uses. That’s because the wheel is one of those things that has… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Clickhouse, an analytics database for the 21st century

Clickhouse is a fairly new column store database. It’s developed by the guys over at Yandex (the Google of Russia), made to scale… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Ruby on Rails to Lucky on Crystal: Blazing fast, fewer bugs, and even more fun

I love Ruby and I love Rails, but I’ve found myself searching for something more. Something fast so I don’t need to add caching. Something… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Is Agile the Enemy (of Good Design)?

Integration | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How Donald Trump Is Helping Bitcoin Grow in Iran

When one travels to Iran, the first problem to solve is money. US sanctions mean Iran is financially isolated. No banks accept… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Top System Design Interview Questions for Software Engineers

Designing Large Scale Distributed Systems has become the standard part of the software engineering interviews. Engineers struggle with… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Article: Graph theory and its traversal algorithms

The vast majority of algorithms of interest operate on data. Therefore, there are particular ways of organizing data that play a critical… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Facebook Isn’t Going Anywhere

Kicking the habit won’t be easy. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

What I Learned from Interviewing with the CIA

What I Learned from Interviewing with the CIA | Continue reading | 6 years ago