As we work on Kotlin, we implement many features that help build idiomatic and high-performing APIs. We’ve been dreaming of seeing a Web framework that utilizes these features to the max. Tod… | Continue reading
We’re thrilled to introduce you to Datalore, an intelligent web application for data analysis and visualization in Python, as it officially reaches version 1.0! Ever since the public beta release l… | Continue reading
Today we are releasing Kotlin 1.3 together with a set of accompanying libraries, build tools, and learning materials! We dev… | Continue reading
We’re thrilled to introduce you to Datalore, an intelligent web application for data analysis and visualization in Python, as it officially reaches version 1.0! Ever since the public beta release l… | Continue reading
In today’s keynote at KotlinConf 2018 we made a series of announcements around releases, resources, and other things we’ve made available. For your convenience below is a brief summary … | Continue reading
Hi everyone, Today we are excited to announce that the Swift plugin for the latest CLion 2018.3 EAP build supports Swift Package Manager projects directly! Simply open the SPM project and work with… | Continue reading
Please welcome Ring UI 1.0! Last year we introduced Ring UI library, an open-source library for web-based products. At JetBrains, we use Ring UI components for our web-based products like YouTrack,… | Continue reading
We’re proud to introduce Kotlin 1.3-RC, the latest preview and release candidate for 1.3.0. This release mostly contains critical bug-fixes related to the new language features. Other notable… | Continue reading
We’re happy to announce the release of Kotlin 1.2.70, a new bugfix and tooling update for Kotlin 1.2. This release: Significantly improves incremental compilation for Kotlin/JS Marks a number of ko… | Continue reading
Summer may be almost over, but our Kotlin/Native team has been breaking a sweat to give you the Kotlin/Native v0.9 release… and here it is! Don’t be fooled by the numbering – this is a … | Continue reading
Moving full steam towards Kotlin 1.3, we’re happy to announce the second milestone release, Kotlin 1.3-M2, which unveils new features and improves the stability of those already announced. Some hig… | Continue reading
When you’ve written some great code, you might want to make this available for others to use as well. The pythonic way of sharing a package is making it available on PyPI. Let’s create … | Continue reading
ReSharper C++ joined the ReSharper fold back in 2015 to bring the power of ReSharper to the world of C++ – and has been getting better ever since! For most people this has rounded out the ReSharper story within Visual … Continue reading → | Continue reading
We’re happy to announce the release of Kotlin 1.2.60, a new bugfix and tooling update for Kotlin 1.2. This release: Adds optional expected annotations to multiplatform projects Allows building mult… | Continue reading
In this interview we speak with Jonathan Worthington (@jnthnwrthngtn), Edument team member and creator of Comma IDE. Comma is an Integrated Development Environment for the Perl 6 language, built on… | Continue reading
Did you know there was such a thing as International Friendship Day? To be honest, until recently, we did not. And today is it. It helped us realize we have so many friends around the world – over … | Continue reading
Today, after a long chain of incremental 1.2.X updates, it’s time to see what’s coming in Kotlin 1.3. We are happy to announce the first preview version of the new major release: Kotlin… | Continue reading
The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. – Captain Jack Sparrow Problem-solving strategies << Read the previous post from the series Read the … | Continue reading
We’re happy to announce the release of Kotlin/Native v0.8! The focus of this release is on: safer concurrent programming extending the stdlib functionality better iOS development support. Also, num… | Continue reading
One of the main goals of all the products we create at JetBrains is to increase our productivity as developers. And we’re ready to go the extra mile to achieve this. This year IntelliJ IDEA became … | Continue reading
We’re happy to announce the release of Kotlin 1.2.50, a new bugfix and tooling update for Kotlin 1.2. This release: Updates Kotlin support in the Eclipse IDE plugin Adds new functions in common and… | Continue reading
With every ReSharper update, we get questions around performance. Some users notice a slightly slower solution load, others see a minor indexing lag, and others get bugged by a yellow notification bar stating “Extension ‘JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate’ likely caused 9 … Continue re … | Continue reading
We’re happy to announce the release of Kotlin/Native v0.7, May Day edition! This release provides even smoother interoperability with Objective-C and Swift, memory management improvements, global p… | Continue reading