Google may be buying heavens only knows how many GPUs to run HPC and AI workloads on its eponymous public cloud, and it may have talked recently about how | Continue reading
Outside of the HPC market where there are a number of companies that have delivered or are working on Arm-based server processors, Ampere Computing is the | Continue reading
There are few companies with a better handle on the pros and cons of serverless than learning hub, Khan Academy. The non-profit, which features a wide | Continue reading
Without any of its own hardware and most of its software heavy-lifting dedicated to front-end development, security, and broader AWS systems integration, | Continue reading
If you want to break into datacenter compute in a sustainable way, it takes the patience of a glacier. And not just any glacier, but one that predates the | Continue reading
The European Union has made it clear that it wants to be able to stand on its own two feet in the design of server processors, for both general purpose | Continue reading
Arm is hosting its annual Tech Day shindig, virtually (again) thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, and is providing a lot more insight into the future | Continue reading
All good parties come to an end, and the one that Intel has enjoyed for an unbelievable dozen years, starting with the rollout of the “Nehalem” Xeon E5500 | Continue reading
While the interface has changed little over time, Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) is anything but basic on the backend. With over fifteen years of | Continue reading
We are starting to see more exascale and large supercomputing sites benchmark and project on deep learning capabilities of systems designed for HPC | Continue reading
There has been talk and cajoling and rumor for years that GPU juggernaut Nvidia would jump into the Arm server CPU chip arena once again and actually | Continue reading
Quantum simulators are a strange breed of systems for purposes that might seem a bit nebulous from the outset. These are often HPC clusters with fast | Continue reading
At long last, Intel is finally shipping a Xeon SP processor that is based on a 10 nanometer chip manufacturing process and it is finally able to do a | Continue reading
Everyone in the networking industry seems to fall into one of two camps: those that have used server-based routing software and those that have no idea | Continue reading
Many of us have been wracking our brains why Nvidia would spend a fortune – a whopping $40 billion – to acquire Arm Holdings, a chip architecture | Continue reading
While securing the high-end particle physics market segment is not likely to push any of the AI/ML ASICS into competition with GPUs anytime soon, the | Continue reading
The “Milan” Epyc 7003 processors, the third generation of AMD’s revitalized server CPUs, is now in the field, and we await the entry of the “Ice Lake” | Continue reading
It seems like a question a child would ask: “Why are things the way they are?” It is tempting to answer, “because that’s the way things have always been.” | Continue reading
With every passing year, as AMD first talked about its plans to re-enter the server processor arena and give Intel some real, much needed, and very direct | Continue reading
The concepts underpinning vector databases are decades old, but it is only relatively recently that these are the underlying “secret weapon” of the | Continue reading
When it comes to exascale storage capacity, the national labs have nothing on Dropbox. The company’s custom-built system for storing and managing the | Continue reading
The promises of the cloud – from agility and scalability to reduced costs and easier access to emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and | Continue reading
In the accelerated era of exascale supercomputing, MPI is being pushed to its logical limits. No matter how entrenched it has become over the last two | Continue reading
Big Blue shelled out an incredible $34 billion to buy open source infrastructure software juggernaut Red Hat, and it is determined not to just tend and | Continue reading
Earlier this year, we projected that 2021 would be the year of quantum computing for drug discovery, positing the idea that this is one of only a few | Continue reading
We have a saying around here at The Next Platform, and it is this: Money is not the point of the game. It is just the way that you keep score. As | Continue reading
Remember how, just a decade ago, Hadoop was the cure to all the world’s large-scale enterprise IT problems? And how companies like Cloudera dominated the | Continue reading
There is a new challenge workload on the horizon, one where few can afford to compete. But for those who can, it will spark a rethink in what is possible | Continue reading
The Dutch national supercomputer, called “Cartesius,” which is used for HPC education and research, is getting rather long in the tooth with some of its | Continue reading
We live in a world of stratification, social, economic, and technical. It stands to reason similar hierarchies will play out during the indeterminately | Continue reading
The future has a nasty habit of being very hard to predict. That uncertainty keeps things interesting and in that sense, we suppose, we should be grateful | Continue reading
We talk about big money being spent on GPU-accelerated HPC and AI systems all the time here at The Next Platform, and we have been clear that we think | Continue reading
There are a few unignorable trends in high performance computing, especially in the exascale age. First, heterogenous and differing architectures at the | Continue reading
The battle for HPC centers and national labs is underway among the leading AI chip startups in the high-end datacenter space (Graphcore, Cerebras, and | Continue reading
Watching Amazon Web Services explode on the scene and grow to ginormous size has been a thing to behold. While we believe that a return to utility | Continue reading
In the current quantum computing landscape, there are hardware and software providers with the most prominent players doing both. While the shakeout on | Continue reading
As one of the four key engines of compute and networking, we like to keep an eye on what is happening with field programmable gate arrays and the SoCs | Continue reading
Server buyers have longer memories and perhaps deeper disappointment of AMD’s exit from the X86 server processor business than consumers who buy PCs, and | Continue reading
Getting peak utilization out of GPU farms in the age of AI will be the unending quest. From being able to partition a GPU into small fractions to scaling | Continue reading
A little more than a week ago, Intel announced that Pat Gelsinger, its former chief technology officer and former manager of the predecessor of its Data | Continue reading
With performance comparable to the Nvidia V100 GPU, a common accelerator in HPC but better energy consumption numbers and memory bandwidth potential, | Continue reading
For those who are at the intersection of AI hardware and software, the open source Apache TVM effort is already well known and used among a number of | Continue reading
As we pointed out recently, there has been a certain amount of tumult and change in recent months in the Arm server processor space. Whatever is going on, | Continue reading
Hot on the heels of our overview of the state of the Arm server CPU landscape yesterday, chip maker Qualcomm, which dabbled in Arm server chips a few | Continue reading
Hot on the heels of our overview of the state of the Arm server CPU landscape yesterday, chip maker Qualcomm, which dabbled in Arm server chips a few | Continue reading
The recent announcement by the CentOS project to discontinue mirroring Red Hat releases, which The Next Platform has already reported on, has hit some | Continue reading
IBM knows how to adapt to an ever-changing enterprise tech landscape. The venerable company more almost 20 years ago shed its PC business – selling it to | Continue reading
That is not a typo in the title. We did not mean to say GPU in title above, or even make a joke that in hybrid CPU_GPU systems, the CPU is more of a | Continue reading