Alanis Morissette interview: 'Female rage gets such a bad rap, but it's part of being human'

So in one respect the old Alanis Morissette is back: the Alanis in the red woollen hat and check scarf who in the video for Ironic ducked into her snow-capped car to belt out one of the seminal pop | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Time is running out for the West to stop China’s global takeover

Anyone witnessing Xi Jinping’s state visit to London in 2015 would have thought that the Chinese leader came as a conqueror. Officials in distinctive blue tracksuits marshalled obedient crowds of | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Just under 1/3 of Spanish nurses (70k/255k) may be infected with coronavirus

SPAINA third of nurses in Spain may be infected with the coronavirus, a study has found, as the government struggles to find sufficient tests to map the extent of the epidemic.About 70,000 nurses | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Himalayas come into view as empty roads let smog clear

Residents of northern India are marvelling at their first sight of the Himalayas in a generation, as a nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus triggers a drop in the country’s notorious | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Britain has millions of coronavirus antibody tests, but they don’t work

None of the antibody tests ordered by the government is good enough to use, the new testing chief has admitted.John Newton said that tests ordered from China were able to identify immunity accurately | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Comet of a generation set to light up the night sky

A comet speeding towards the inner solar system could become one of the brightest objects in the night sky, promising the most dramatic display of its kind in decades.Astronomers believe that Comet | Continue reading | 4 years ago

‘Immunity passports’ for Germans free of virus

When a 33-year-old Bavarian came down with a sore throat, cough and 39C fever at the end of January, he thought little of it: his symptoms soon passed and he returned to work at Webasto, a | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Difference between law and official instructions

The drive behind the growing power of the state is not power-grabbing politicians, but popular demand. As the technical and administrative capacities of the state expand, so people demand more of it | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Professor Neil Ferguson, at Imperial College London,Is Working with John Carmack

The computer modellers whose predictions about the pandemic prompted the national lockdown are working with gamers to release a simulation website.Professor Neil Ferguson, who leads the team at | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Pandemic can be controlled, says Noble Laureate

The world will beat coronavirus faster than most experts expect, provided that social distancing is observed, a Nobel laureate scientist who correctly forecast the pandemic’s trajectory in China has | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Easyjet seeks state loans – but pays Stelios £60m

Easyjet will go ahead with a £174 million dividend payout to shareholders despite appealing for taxpayer support.The airline said that it might need lines of credit or loans from the government to | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Chinese scientists destroyed proof of virus in December

Chinese laboratories identified a mystery virus as a highly infectious new pathogen by late December last year, but they were ordered to stop tests, destroy samples and suppress the news, a Chinese | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Coronavirus vaccine race: volunteers to be infected in the UK

It sounds tempting: a payment of £3,500 to spend two weeks relaxing in front of the television, playing video games or catching up on some reading. There is a catch, however — you will be infected | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Airlines are flying empty planes to keep slots during the coronavirus crisis

British airlines are being forced to operate empty “ghost” flights during the coronavirus outbreak or risk losing airport landing slots, The Times has learnt.Carriers are flying some jets without any | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Young people unaware of nuclear power’s green value, study finds

Young people fail to understand that nuclear power helps the UK to meet its climate change targets because they have been misled by green campaigns promoting wind and solar, research has found.Only 26 | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Coronavirus: China tech firms develop software to recognise masked faces

China’s tech companies have developed software to recognise faces covered by masks in response to the coronavirus outbreak as the epidemic accelerates state efforts to collect personal data.Minivision | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The “Core” Stability Myth

If there is a Holy Grail of fitness to have emerged over the past decade, then it has to be the pursuit of core stability, the strengthening, toning and honing of the muscles that wrap around our | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Russian agents plunge to ocean depths in Ireland to crack transatlantic cables

Russia has sent intelligence agents to Ireland to map the precise location of the fibre-optic, ocean-bed cables that connect Europe to America, gardai suspect. This has raised concerns that Russian | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica review – would you eat roast human?

Since the rise of veganism, normally reasonable people can be found muttering mutinously about “propaganda” and being “dictated to” whenever the words “plant-based” appear. The Argentine author | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Kate Broderick interview: The scientist racing to find a vaccine to coronavirus

Kate Broderick has a love-hate relationship with viruses. “I’ve always pictured a virus as a kind of alien,” she says. “They look quite out of this world but they are also incredibly clever. These | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Coronavirus: First cases of human to human transmission confirmed

A Japanese and a German man who have not been to China are infected with the coronavirus, raising concerns about human-to-human transmission of the contagion beginning to occur internationally.Until | Continue reading | 5 years ago

E-scooters on UK roads set for the green light

Electric scooters will be legalised on roads and cycle lanes for the first time under government plans to encourage green transport.Ministers are expected to launch a consultation next month on how to | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Revealed: Betting firms use schools data on 28m children

Betting companies have been given access to an educational database containing names, ages and addresses of 28 million children and students in one of the biggest breaches of government data. They... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The grave new world of heir hunters

Probate solicitors have a maxim: where there’s a will there’s a war. But this can also apply when someone dies without making arrangements — particularly now that they are more likely to have moved... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Muslims to lose property for opposing Narendra Modi’s new Indian citizenship law

Several hundred mostly Muslim men face having their property confiscated after being given “unpayable” fines for allegedly vandalising police batons, motorbikes and loudspeakers during protests... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Tesco charity cards ‘packed by China’s prison slaves’

When Florence Widdicombe opened a box of Tesco charity Christmas cards to send them to her friends, the six-year-old schoolgirl from Tooting, south London, was startled to find that one of them had... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Hong Kong Police abusing power, says detainee

A British human rights observer who was detained by Hong Kong police for more than 15 hours, denied access to food and deprived of sleep has raised concerns that the force is abusing its powers as... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

‘Worried well’ stampede to GPS after private health tests

Health tests in clinics, hotels and supermarkets may be causing “more harm than good”, senior doctors have said. They warned this weekend of patients being “misled” or “unduly worried” by the... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Security services fear the march on universities of Beijing’s spies

MI5 and GCHQ have warned universities to put national security before commercial interest as fears grow over state theft of research and intellectual property from campuses. The agencies are... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Interactive NLP analysis over Boris Johnson's past newspaper columns

We know what politicians say in soundbites and speeches, but it can be harder to know what they really think, and more importantly what they used to think before they reached high office. In Boris... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Strokes and cardiac arrest incidence rises when air is dirtier

Spikes in air pollution trigger hundreds of cardiac arrests, strokes and acute asthma attacks in cities compared with days when the air is cleaner, according to research by King’s College London. A... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Donald Trump impeachment: President called Boris Johnson for help to discredit Mueller inquiry

President Trump personally contacted Boris Johnson to ask for help as he tried to discredit the Mueller investigation into possible connections between Russia and his 2016 election campaign, The... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Customers ditch single-use coffee cups if sold separately

Café customers are far more likely to stop using disposable coffee cups if they are sold separately from hot drinks, research has shown. Hundreds of millions of throwaway cups are bought and binned... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

All the lonely people are men: a fifth have no friends

No man is an island entire of itself, as John Donne observed. Men are, however, much more likely than women to lead solitary lives without people they consider to be friends. Almost one in five men... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

America’s power is on a financial knife edge

‘How would you like to pay for that, sir?” For most of my lifetime, there have been three possible answers to that question: cash, a cheque or a plastic card. Go to Beijing, however, and you will... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

David Cameron's fury at the 'liars' of the Leave campaign

Boris Johnson “didn’t believe in” Brexit and backed the leave campaign only to “help his political career”, David Cameron has declared, attacking the prime minister’s motives as he does battle with... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Bletchley's wartime codebreakers meet again

A group of codebreakers who helped to defeat Hitler were reunited at Bletchley Park yesterday with one saying that it was not right to call them heroes. More than 100 gathered at the... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Turing papers that cracked Nazi code were used as draught excluders (2015)

Top-secret documents that were used to break the Enigma Code have been discovered during renovations at Bletchley Park, the celebrated wartime codebreaking centre. The cache of papers include the... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Transgender row stoked by new findings

Testosterone suppression for transgender women has little effect on reducing muscle strength even after a year of treatment, according to new findings. Researchers say the findings could have... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Turkish military pension fund nets British Steel

The chronically lossmaking Scunthorpe steelworks, which three years ago renamed itself British Steel, is set to have a new owner. The government, which marshalled British Steel into insolvency this... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The king of Instagram, Dan Bilzerian, on guns, girls, gambling and misogyny

Dan Bilzerian has 27.6 million Instagram followers, which is a number that simply doesn’t work for me. What does it mean? Who are they? What do they all want from him? I meet him in the penthouse... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Nick goes to jail, but his promotors remain free

Time, I think, to name the guilty men in the great ‘VIP child sexual abuse’ scandal. Those names, of course, do not include a former Conservative prime minister, a former Tory home secretary or the... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

It’s Amazon vs. Amazonians in Web Domain Row – News – The Times

Awarding the .amazon internet domain to Jeff Bezos’s retail empire would trample on the rights of indigenous Amazonians, it has been claimed. The company has waited seven years for rights to the... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

A teenager climbed London’s tallest skyscraper without ropes or pads

A teenager climbed London’s tallest skyscraper without ropes or pads, though he nearly came to a sticky end after losing his footing near the top. George King, 19, was spotted ascending the 310m... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Bitcoin miners tap in to Iran’s state subsidised energy supply

Along with its increasingly fraught relationship with the US and growing discontent within the country, Iran has to deal with a new problem: a fast-growing industry in mining crypto-currencies that... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Person in Latex Mask Impersonated French Minister

Dozens of rich and powerful people were swindled out of €80 million by men impersonating Jean-Yves Le Drian, the French foreign minister, according to prosecutors. The gang’s alleged victims... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

London bans cars for a day in the fight against air pollution

Cars will be banned from more than 12 miles of central London roads under plans to encourage the adoption of green transport in the capital. Some of the country’s busiest roads will be turned over... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Russians created 'hot' redhead on LinkedIn to steal military secrets

Suspected Russian spies used a computer-generated face of an attractive redhead to target US officials and a British Kremlin expert. “Katie Jones” claimed on her LinkedIn profile that she had a... | Continue reading | 5 years ago