Thread by @michaelzlin: I am realizing more and more how unusual, unscientific, unmedical, and counterproductive it is for WHO to select the D19 and reject SARS2. In fact it would be most consistent with medical practice to just call it SARS. Here's why.… | Continue reading
Thread by @VafeR: Alright kids, gather round. A few of you may remember that my 3yo discovered a door in our ceiling, and has been asking abowhat’s inside. Her eyes were wide: “Papaí... there’s a DOOR... on our ROOF!!” I’ve been stalling for a few weeks,… | Continue reading
Thread by @lukerehmann: Latest #SocialDistancing Trademarks filed with the USPTO in relation to #COVID19 #CoronavirusOubreak uspto.reportI Miss Social Distancing" "Social Distancing Photography" " on one online teaching while the photograph… | Continue reading
Thread by @sageboggs: OK, buckle up. I wanna talk to you about Triscuit. Several years ago I was at a party (BRAG!), and I spotted a box of Ts. I asked everyone, "What does the word 'Triscuit' mean? It's clearly based on the word "BISCUIT," but what does… | Continue reading
Thread by @aka_pugs: Who's ready for more Networking History? - all about APPLETALK! When the Apple Macintosh came out in 1984, it came with serial port implementation. Initially, it looked like nothing special - a port for a modem, a port for a printer.… | Continue reading
Thread by @heylauragao: 1/ Got on a phone call with my grandparents in Wuhan tonight. Asked them how things were holding up now that the thinproved alot for the city. Here's some cool findings 2/ While Wuhan city proper is still in lockdown, people are a… | Continue reading
Thread by @jeremycyoung: We can now read the Imperial College report on COVID-19 that led to the extreme measures we've seen in the US s terrifying. I'll offer a summary in this thread; please correct me if I've gotten it wrong.… | Continue reading
Thread by @eugenegu: The first research lab to use CRISPR-Cas9 to produce genetically engineered yeast that makes angiotensin converting enzyACE2) and share that yeast with labs around the world should win the Nobel Prize in Medicine. This is the easiest… | Continue reading
Thread by @BallouxFrancois: I should be qualified to comment on the covid-19 pandemic. I'm a computational/system biologist working on infectand have spent five years in a world class 'pandemic response modelling' unit. In this thread, I will summarise w… | Continue reading
Thread by @PalliThordarson: 1/25 Part 1 - Why does soap work so well on the SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus and indeed most viruses? Because it ibled nanoparticle in which the weakest link is the lipid (fatty) bilayer. A two part thread about soap, viruses a… | Continue reading
Thread by @bradgessler: Here we go... the VC world talking about “surving hard times” with advice given in lots of words that can be summed uprudent with your money” I went through YC in S08, known unofficially as “the worst YC class”. It’s when the “RIP… | Continue reading
Thread by @LizSpecht: I think most people aren’t aware of the risk of systemic healthcare failure due to #COVID19 because they simply haven’t numbers yet. Let’s talk math. 1/n Let’s conservatively assume that there are 2,000 current cases in the US today… | Continue reading
Thread by @deanlines: When I was like 14, me and a few mates would “wag” French class and hide out in the soundproof drum room until lunch ti went on for a few weeks when one day we discovered a “trap door” beneath the carpet tiled floor under the drum k… | Continue reading
Thread by @LizSpecht: I think most people aren’t aware of the risk of systemic healthcare failure due to #COVID19 because they simply haven’t numbers yet. Let’s talk math. 1/n Let’s conservatively assume that there are 2,000 current cases in the US today… | Continue reading
Thread by @into_the_brush: I live in Seattle, I have all symptoms of COVID-19 and have a history of chronic bronchitis. Since I work in a phy clinic with many 65+ patients and those with chronic illnesses, I decided to be responsible and go to get tested… | Continue reading
Thread by @j_timmer: My obit for Freeman Dyson has gotten more push back than perhaps anything else i've written, entirely because i includedte-career dabbling in climate misinformation. I have some thoughts on this push back so, in the interest of getti… | Continue reading
Thread by @lpolovets: 1/ The amount of great content coming out these days for founders, managers, and employees is incredible. Tons of 10+ a100+ page detailed tactical manuals, interactive guides, curated content databases, you name it. A few notable ex… | Continue reading
Thread by @shreyas: Why do smart companies & orgs make stupid mistakes? A thread: Last month, I gave a talk about product management &ership @SVPMA. This Tweetstorm covers one of the seven topics I presented at the talk. It’s the topic that appear… | Continue reading
Thread by @BrynnTannehill: There are some...unique... aspects to the US that make the risks of coronavirus getting out of hand higher than ple. They're tough to quantify, but hear me out. 1/n First, people in the US tend to avoid seeking medical care due… | Continue reading
Thread by @onceuponA: I hadn't read last week's Lancet paper on M4A, but thought I would today since Bernie cites it in his newish-mostly-old sf pay-fors.… Now that I've read it, I wonder—quite sincerely—how this article got past… | Continue reading
Thread by @Al_Grigor: Preparing for a #MachineLearning #DataScience interview? One retweet - one theoretical interview question in the threadee to give your answers Let's start! #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfMLCode Interview questions are typically based on w… | Continue reading
Thread by @tconrad: When I was 24 and working at Apple I found myself in a heated debate with an engineer that I'd not met before. Since I wag and knew everything, I was lecturing this man on some nuances of how drag and drop should behave when activated… | Continue reading
Thread by @mobbsdev: Have y'all ever tried to perform a "Goal Seek" in @googledocs? It's fairly standard spreadsheet functionality, but the Gexperience is...not the best. First of all, it's not built-in functionality. And nothing comes up when you search… | Continue reading
Thread by @G_S_Bhogal: MEGATHREAD TIME: In 40 tweets I will describe 40 powerful concepts for understanding the world. Some are complex so fofor oversimplifying, but the main purpose is to incite curiosity. Okay, here we go: Causal Reductionism: Things r… | Continue reading
Thread by @Guimartin: "THE 50 BEST CAR COMMERCIALS OF ALL TIME [THREAD] An opinionated list of Sharp strategies x Brilliant ideas x Flawless are, for all ad nerds to savour, and wannabe admen to study […]" #caradvertising #advertising #CannesLions #DandAD | Continue reading
Thread by @theprincessxena: In the beginning there was the Idea, and the Idea was with the Founders, and the Idea was the Founders. The Idea ormless. It was an Idea to revolutionize the Industry. All things came into existence through the Founders. The f… | Continue reading
Thread by @stevesi: 1/The announcement 10 years ago today of the "magical" iPad was clearly a milestone in computing. It was billed to be thet” computer. For me, managing Windows, just weeks after the launch of Microsoft’s "latest creation" Windows 7, it… | Continue reading
Thread by @thorsheim: Open Wifi Security (Friday evening rant) 1) Yes, at our @nordic_choice hotels we have open wifi as standard. No Client&AP encryption (WPA/23), and no captive portal to logon to. Let me first explain some obvious reasons for doing so… | Continue reading
Thread by @ramez: Okay. Here's a THREAD about divestment (and why it's driven mostly by economics, not good citizenship), theories of change climate / energy, and the power of tapping into self-interested economic motivations among corporates, banks, and… | Continue reading
Thread by @gravislizard: "almost everything on computers is perceptually slower than it was in 1983 amber-screen library computer in 1998: tyand hit F3. search results appear instantly. now: type in two words, wait for an AJAX popup. get a throbber f […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @gravislizard: "almost everything on computers is perceptually slower than it was in 1983 amber-screen library computer in 1998: tyand hit F3. search results appear instantly. now: type in two words, wait for an AJAX popup. get a throbber f […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @garius: "It is election season. The world is busy and rubbish. But it is also Christmas. So take a breather and let me tell you a t London, trains, love and loss, and how small acts of kindness matter. I'm going to tell you about the voice […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @Yascha_Mounk: "Last week, I argued that Americans should—like people in nearly all other countries—be able to buy a pair of glassethout a costly doctor’s prescription. It caused quite a stir. Especially among optometrists. Here’s my reply. […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @jonathanstray: "A THREAD on the the divide between the "critical" and the "technological" communities, as a response to the paper nd @npseaver which explores this topic. I'm posting the bits I highlighted and explaining why each of them st […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @Foone: "So when you format a floppy disk you can pick between full and quick format, and I think I only really understood the diffd what "full format" does relatively recently. SO A THREAD At a high level: Quick format doesn't format the d […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @jstrechay: "As associate producer for the show @SeeOfficial, I can tell you the entire cast and crew worked together to challenge ns about and bring all viewers into our world. Here are some of the ways we did that: The / […]" #Blindness #blind | Continue reading
Thread by @sacca: "If you have friends who work at Facebook, give them a call today. Share with them your thoughts about how the company has o profit off of political ads that are lies. Express how that makes you feel and then hear them out. I’ve bee […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @mipsytipsy: "OH GOD DO NOT DO THIS THING The sign that someone does not have observability is this: they lean on alarms for EVERYTcannot debug or introspect their systems any other way, so they abuse the FUCK out of monitoring checks and a […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @robinhouston: "I think it’s time for a thread on the cultural history of this tweet. (1/?) Martin Gardner wrote the Mathematical Gcientific American every month for 24 complete years, from 1957 to 1980. Douglas Hofstadter took over the col […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @BillHolohanSolr: "A history lesson for people who think that history doesn't matter: What's the big deal about railroad tracks? Throad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. That's an exceedingly odd number. Why was that […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @jonathansampson: "Curious what happens when you fire up a web browser for the first time? Me too. I often do this for @brave to ma staying neat and tidy. Today I would like to do it for a few other web browsers. First, let's take a look at […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @gavkar: "I’d like to give some details on what is new on the new A13 Bionic GPU and besides the performance and power improvementsot of exciting new features and performance improvements that come with A13 Bionic GPU a […]" #MetalAPI #A13Bionic | Continue reading
Thread by @KeziyahL: "Priyanka "Girl, Don't Yell" Chopra is an investor in Holberton School, a tech bootcamp that promises grads a career wite salary. On the surface, it seems like a great program. However... If Lambda School is trash, then Holberton […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @jessiedotjs: "Why did I leave Google? A thread. This thread is going to include quotes from Wired's "Three Years of Misery Inside ppiest Company in Tech" because I'm not a professional writer… When I joined Google, […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @sdnorton: "Disney’s Mulan actress, Liu Yifei, supports police brutality and oppression in Hong Kong. Liu is a naturalized American meanwhile she pisses on people fighting for democracy. retweet please. HK doesn’t get enough s […]" #BoycottMulan | Continue reading
Thread by @dvassallo: "This is how I use the good parts of @awscloud, while filtering out all the distracting hype. 1/25 My background: I’ve S for 11 years — since before there was a console. I also worked inside AWS for 8 years (Nov 2010 - Feb 2019) […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @wellerstein: "Today is the 74th anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki. Often overlooked, compared to Hiroshima, as merely the "semb, the Nagasaki attack is far more tricky, and important, in several ways. THREAD First: Nagasaki wasn't, as […]" | Continue reading
Thread by @SeamusBlackley: "Two weeks ago, with the help of Egyptologist @drserenalove and Microbiologist @rbowman1234, I went to Boston’s MFpeabodymuseum to attempt collecting 4,500 year old yeast from Ancient Egyptian pottery. Today, I baked with s […]" | Continue reading