This is "2020-05-21-An-important-message-from-Louis-Rossmann" by Rossmann Repair Group Inc on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who… | Continue reading
This is "Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World - A Film by Werner Herzog" by Saville Productions on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and… | Continue reading
Blender ist eine kostenlose und leistungsfähige 3D-Software, die für praktisch alle Stufen des 3D-Workflows die passenden Werkzeuge bietet – von… | Continue reading
"There are people in the world that don't like Americans. There are people in the world that want to kill Americans. This film is designed to help those… | Continue reading
Lisa Piccirillo presents her talk, The World of ASTEROIDS: An Introduction to the Nature of Abstract Math, at BCTalks on April 25, 2013. | Continue reading
If you want to learn more about Scala or FastParse, check out my book Hands-on Scala Programming Parsing text is typically difficult.… | Continue reading
In a veritable firework display of digital self portraits, hundreds of quaint, embarrassing and dread-fully disturbing selfies were arranged in a unique short film… | Continue reading
Union Glacier camp is a seasonal, remote field camp in West Antarctica. It is one of my favourite places in the world, due largely to the wonderful people that run… | Continue reading
This is "That Time Scott Mueller Fried an AMD Athlon XP" by dhe88r8dj on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. | Continue reading
'The Psychology of Human Misjudgment', a speech given by Charlie Munger in 1995, animated by Tiny and Thinko. | Continue reading
AribaWeb ( is the Open Source component-based web application development framework for creating rich, AJAX-enabled applications with the minimum… | Continue reading
Unreal Engine 5 empowers artists to achieve unprecedented levels of detail and interactivity, and brings these capabilities within practical reach of teams of all… | Continue reading
Support this channel: OR more at 'Simon Ramo's concept of "polymorphic"… | Continue reading
Dong Xuan Market, a labyrinth of tiny shops and narrow passages housed in a four-story Soviet-style building. A wet market on the ground level, fresh produce, spices,… | Continue reading
The project started as an exploration of different techniques and visual languages inspired by the current projects in the Motion Graphics industry. Hence the name… | Continue reading
A SHORT ANIMATION BY CRISTÓBAL VILA There is a “BEHIND THE SCENES” video here: For more info and licensing go to… | Continue reading
Full original version 1 hour The BAFTA and RTS Award-winning documentary PARALLEL WORLDS, PARALLEL LIVES follows the lead singer of US rock band EELS, MARK OLIVER… | Continue reading
CU Boulder alumnus Alan Kay is a computer scientist and winner of the 2003 Turing Award for seminal work on object-oriented programming. He spoke at the ATLAS Institute… | Continue reading
Build systems are often messy programs: full of weird frameworks and unrestricted side effects. This talk will show how the underlying structure of a build actually… | Continue reading
Between setting forth in the morning and returning home at night, every person lives nomadically for a portion of each day. You can't take everything with you—neither… | Continue reading
This is "Micro droplets suspending in air" by MixonK on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. | Continue reading
remixed by Yours Truly �️�️ | Continue reading
THE CATSKILL WATER SYSTEM PROJECT The building of the Catskill Water System is the tale of heroism and heartbreak, political maneuvering, lost villages, brilliant… | Continue reading
by donato sansone sound by enrico ascoli distributed by autour de minuit | Continue reading
Dr. David Price of Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City shares information in a Mar. 22 Zoom call with family and friends on empowering and protecting families… | Continue reading
This feature-length documentary, viewed and enjoyed by legendary film editor and sound designer Walter Murch himself (“The Conversation”, “Apocalypse… | Continue reading
This is "SLAM - AR property value calculator" by Joe Blau on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. | Continue reading
Dr. David Price of Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City shares information in a Mar. 22 Zoom call with family and friends on empowering and protecting families… | Continue reading
Paris, le 15 août 1976, 5:30. Filmé en plan séquence, la longueur du film découlerait directement des limitations imposées par… | Continue reading
Directed by Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson and Galen Johnson. | Continue reading
Das Projekt SAVE OUR SOULS "ERLEUCHT-TURM" sollte vom Atelier Orbit24 im Rahmen der Frankfurter Luminale 2020 vorgestellt werden. Morgens am ersten geplanten… | Continue reading
The city is made up of much life, light. There is loneliness in the city where self-existence is buried. However, it also feels bright and lively. Each light affects… | Continue reading
Ein Lichtkunstfestival, das zum Ausschalten der Beleuchtung animieren möchte? Sie haben richtig gelesen: Die Luminale will mit der Aktion „Licht aus!“… | Continue reading
Plug: check out, my Macintosh history podcast. Originally found on Google Video in 2011. I do not claim any ownership of this video;… | Continue reading
Founded in 1979, the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (formerly the American Association for Artificial Intelligence) is a nonprofit… | Continue reading
After the Turing event of the previous evening, a fireside chat with Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman to discuss the present and future of AI and human decision making. | Continue reading
REGISTER FOR THE KICKSTARTER - The etee is a first five finger tracking controller. While traditional controllers use binary buttons,… | Continue reading
Sunday, February 9, 5:20 – 7:20 PM This special two-hour event will feature individual talks by each speaker, followed by a panel session. ACM named Yoshua… | Continue reading
Hold Fast: Stories of maniac sailors, anarchist castaways, and the voyage of the S/V Pestilence... | Continue reading
The title of this talk is inspired from a Vannevar Bush 1945 essay entitled "As We May Think". The general theme of the presentation is the future of… | Continue reading
Music video for "Sister" by Belgian Band The Feather. Directed and animated by Elenor Kopka. Buy & Stream… | Continue reading
Classics are classic for a reason. We’ve all taken these photos. What happens when everything in the world has been photographed? From multiple angles, multiple… | Continue reading
Necessity is the mother of all invention. Maybe not this particular one, but probably all other inventions. All things invented, start out as not invented. Let… | Continue reading
Created in direct response to the Australian Bushfire crisis, Darcy Prendergast's new film #TomorrowsOnFire is a rallying cry for hope, in a country increasingly… | Continue reading
RokShok is the first ever fully patented smartphone case that conceals and elegantly presents an engagement ring, while the user captures the entire proposal on… | Continue reading
Integrated tests are a scam. You’re probably writing 2-5% of the integrated tests you need to test thoroughly. You’re probably duplicating unit tests… | Continue reading
Only you can prevent cup abuse. created by Joe Pelling, Brendan O'Hare and Cory Snearowski additional art by Mikey Burey produced by Alex Plapinger created… | Continue reading