Step up authentication and 2FA makes users feel secure. | Continue reading
A new feature in the AWS console lets you automate backups for all your important volumes in 5 minutes. Here’s how you do it. | Continue reading
Some questions to ponder regarding your organization’s use of estimates…. | Continue reading
Well into the 20th century, coal miners brought canaries into coal mines as an early-warning signal for toxic gases, primarily carbon… | Continue reading
In this post I am going to use a common scenario to highlight some key product development prioritization concepts. Specifically, we are… | Continue reading
For the longest time, I used to organize my todo list by projects. But over the past few years, as my responsibilities have grown and… | Continue reading
Selecting which assets should be in your crypto portfolio is complicated. With Shrimpy, we have already created the easiest platform to… | Continue reading
In this article, I will be showing the problems Laravel Factory’s website has that are not enabling it so justify the price properly since… | Continue reading
Browsers now have native support for doing asyncronous calls via async/await. This is nice. It is essentially syntax support for promises. | Continue reading
Team messengers have taken the world by storm. I still remember using Lync in my first company 8 years ago and it was pretty basic. While… | Continue reading
The ultimate 3500-word guide in plain English to understand Blockchain. | Continue reading
Surprise! You have competition. | Continue reading
When Cloud Horizon grew to 12 people, it became clear that we need a tool for managing vacations and days off. Using Google Spreadsheets… | Continue reading
This is part 2 of the Data Deep Dive series. Part 1 describes how data is transforming virtually all aspects of our economy and society… | Continue reading
It is clear that blockchain is the technology of the future. And now it’s not only about cryptocurrencies. Everyone can create any… | Continue reading
The Intangible Economy Produces Elites | Continue reading
One of our biggest objectives, when we started Codacy, was to help as many developers as possible manage software quality better. We had… | Continue reading
Towards AI for everyone: we open source latest neural networks you can train on you own PC with a few clicks inside Supervisely. | Continue reading
The first half of 2018 has been difficult for crypto investors. The fervor that dominated the market in late 2017 has waned, leaving… | Continue reading
In March, Google announced more than 20 security enhancements, deciding that apparently, that number wasn’t enough today they are… | Continue reading
The (Somewhat) definitive guide to build better APIs | Continue reading
Introduction | Continue reading
The following is a true story. Or maybe it’s just based on a true story. Perhaps it’s not true at all. | Continue reading
Frameworks like React, Vue and Angular seem to have been all the rage this past year and with good reason: they make it easier to create… | Continue reading
Over 35%¹ out of about 1,860 billion websites² available on the internet is using either Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal what gives the number… | Continue reading
Software development has been mired in ancient technologies for decades. | Continue reading
Understanding how different words are related based on the context they are used is an easy task for us humans. If we take an example of… | Continue reading
The growing trend we need to stop | Continue reading
Observability is about the ability to troubleshoot unknown issues that might happen in your application. | Continue reading
The journey of How a Solo Non-Technical Founder built a Million Dollar Tech Startup staying bootstrapped. | Continue reading
A lot of people ask me about the Cicada project. | Continue reading
Everyone likes to say they trust their employees but often their processes, management style and policies say otherwise. | Continue reading
It was the summer of 2011 when I returned to a then quiet and quaint San Francisco. | Continue reading
S3 can be used more than just storing data. View novel ways to extend its functionality. | Continue reading
A Complete List of all Solidity Hacks/Vulnerabilities, their Fixes and Real World Hack Examples | Continue reading
A quick overview on Serverless testing paradigms | Continue reading
“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one… | Continue reading
Tips for Kicking Ass at Whiteboard Interviews for Non-CS Peeps | Continue reading
The summer holidays are here. The high schoolers that make up a large portion of my friend group are rejoicing. For the first couple of… | Continue reading
Blockchain’s disruptive sweep of almost every industry is now making its way into retail. Huge names like Walmart, Alibaba, and American… | Continue reading
With recent revelations about Facebook’s failure to secure users’ private data, there has been an understandable surge in ideas to replace… | Continue reading
The psychological habit most people lack and why you can’t hope to use data to guide your actions effectively without it | Continue reading
When entering the world of coding, you will quickly realize how essential team work really is. Though this begs a new question, if team… | Continue reading
BlackRock (BLK) has set up a working group to investigate ways the world’s largest asset manager can take advantage of the fast-growing… | Continue reading
Why Is Privacy Important? | Continue reading
React.js¹ is a flexible and efficient front end javascript library for building UI, and is considered the most in demand in the job… | Continue reading
The Problem | Continue reading
There is a trend in software development that I am starting to despise from the deepest corners of my liver — portraying complicated stuff… | Continue reading