Football, it has been said, unites millions of people from all around the world. You can feel the passion, hear the shouts, and you can’t… | Continue reading
Digital advertising fraud is a massive issue in the business world. | Continue reading
Freelancers would not exist without their clients. While, as a beginning freelancer, you may struggle to get your name circulating through… | Continue reading
What is DX? Why does it matter? How can I do it well? | Continue reading
I remember distinctly the moment where I thought, “Wow, that’s slow, I bet if could parallelize these calls it would just fly!” and then… | Continue reading
Real old age begins when one looks backward rather than forward. | Continue reading
Pusher, our weekly sponsor, makes communication and collaboration APIs that power apps all over the world, supported by easy to integrate… | Continue reading
Would You Pay for Privacy? | Continue reading
I remember distinctly the moment where I thought, “Wow, that’s slow, I bet if could parallelize these calls it would just fly!” and then… | Continue reading
Between 2005–2014, Shai Agassi promised that Better Place electric vehicles and the battery swapping stations he would build around the… | Continue reading
Quite often in the Python web world when asked to build a web application you choose between the two most popular Python web ecosystems… | Continue reading
A complete list of all consensus algorithms. | Continue reading
also read June’s edition. | Continue reading
Let's start saving time. Avoid this big & time-consuming ceremony. It's too old and we've evolved past it. | Continue reading
Corresponding GitHub Project: | Continue reading
If you’ve been following this series from the beginning then I’m confident to say that by finishing this chapter we will have a solid… | Continue reading
This article is for all those times when the data you’re getting isn’t the data you’re wanting. | Continue reading
A few months ago, I wrote a post that went viral titled Don’t be a Junior Developer that was read by 100,000+ developers (😱). In this… | Continue reading
How writing was good for my growth and career | Continue reading
I’d like to let you in on a secret: when people say ‘machine learning’ it sounds like there’s only one discipline here. There are two, and… | Continue reading
One of the oldest coding practice is to keep line width 80, and many of us follow it blindly but have you ever thought why we have this… | Continue reading
Timsort: A very fast , O(n log n), stable sorting algorithm built for the real world — not constructed in academia. | Continue reading
An insight into how much money has been raised through ICOs this year despite the bear market | Continue reading
Time, like money, is one of the most valuable resources for business owners; the phrase “time is money” is a perfect illustration of the… | Continue reading
I recently completed “Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility” by Patty McCord. | Continue reading
“What does DevOps mean to you?” I’m currently looking for my next DevOps job, so I’ve been asked this in a few interviews. Why would… | Continue reading
How to deploy investment dollars into esports opportunities - by Stephen Hays of Deep Space Ventures | Continue reading
Recently I have been learning some Functional Programming using JavaScript. I started to really like Functional Programming due to the… | Continue reading
Technology advances have undoubtedly made our lives easier and the smartphone has become a very important part of our daily lives. Today… | Continue reading
HIPAA & Medical Data Security for Web Developers | Continue reading
There is more than one way to manage data in Docker container. Say hello to the Data Containers. | Continue reading
As I’ve seen more and more companies exploring ICOs, I sigh. I think tokens are great technological innovation, but executives are using… | Continue reading
🎼 Compo·sing Web Compo·nents | Continue reading
In this article I’ll show how fast to develop React / Redux app using Redux Lazy. | Continue reading
In December 2016, I wrote about my experience teaching my 10-year-old son to code. A year-and-half later, his journey continues with many… | Continue reading
Serverless is an especially hot topic that drives a lot of hype last year. The big “four” cloud hosting companies each provide its own… | Continue reading
The author of Sapiens and Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari, writes that humans have become the most powerful species on Earth because they can… | Continue reading
Created by Roman Kuntsevich | Continue reading
This summer I’ve started building an AR & machine learning prototype with a friend. | Continue reading
Hey, my name’s Daniel, I’m 18. I have no degree in IT. I’ve just written my mature exams. I have two dream, very well paid jobs. I’m… | Continue reading
NB. In this series I will be covering programming concepts I'd been struggling with until, one day, it just clicked. Reader, I hope it… | Continue reading
“Inspiration struck in the form of noise cancelling headphones.” | Continue reading
A 6 minute guide that will help you advance to the level of that senior developer in your team | Continue reading
The long awaited “PLAYGROUND” FOR FORTNITE WAS RELEASED Wedensday, BUT WAS NOT WORKING AFTER A FEW HOURS; announced on twitter read“The… | Continue reading
Current trends, technologies, and companies you need to know about in the smart city space | Continue reading
I’ve spent a good amount of time learning why Agile-inspired patterns “work” — mostly the “hard way” (doing), but also through individual… | Continue reading
For as long as humans have tried to lock up stuff and keep their belongings safe, burglars (hackers in this context) have always tried to… | Continue reading