Yesterday night, I deployed my first Amber app to production. It’s a JSON hosting service for your mobile and web apps. I call it JSON… | Continue reading
Debugging in Python has always felt a bit “awkward” compared with other languages I’ve worked in. | Continue reading
A 6 minute guide that will help you advance to the level of that senior developer in your team | Continue reading
I am not a trader but wanted to test out how decentralized trading works. In decentralized trading the exchange doesn’t hold your crypto… | Continue reading
The purpose of this guide is to have a working Docker setup with Angular CLI while using Pug. I had some problems while getting the three… | Continue reading
Implementing a simple KYC claim verification for a crowdsale | Continue reading
Introduction | Continue reading
Nowadays encryption of data at rest is must, specially if it’s stored somewhere in public cloud. It’s necessary to meet various compliance… | Continue reading
Building interesting projects with nodejs standard lib. | Continue reading
Have you ever participated in an annual performance review in which your manager called out a stupid thing you have done and forgotten… | Continue reading
Serverless, the new buzzword in town has been gaining a lot of attention from the pros and the rookies in the tech industry. Partly due to… | Continue reading
With the passage of time running Docker in development, we tend to accumulate a lot of unused images. Sometimes for testing, research or… | Continue reading
In this article, I will be identifying some problems with HostesMetrics’ website that might be turning off potential customers along with… | Continue reading
How cool is that if you’ve all the data & control access in only one object by which you can manipulate the control’s state at any time… | Continue reading
In-game items are the main drivers of revenue in free-to-play game economies, and yet we’re still a long ways away from unlocking their… | Continue reading
Who’s the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him? This famous question, posed by the late Obi-Wan Kenobi, remains as relevant… | Continue reading
The lengths that Western governments, media and their allies will go to, to deliberately deceive their domestic populations for Neocon… | Continue reading
During the past 15 years Creandum have partnered with early stage technology companies and ambitious entrepreneurs, and thereby playing a… | Continue reading
Demystifying hundreds of pages of answers and fluff | Continue reading
Some people think that digital currencies were a bubble and that it has burst for good — that it can not recover, that it doesn’t… | Continue reading
The demand for blockchain developers is at an all-time high. | Continue reading
The demand for blockchain developers is at an all-time high. | Continue reading
After you’ve committed to an idea for your startup, get feedback from potential customers as soon as possible. Insights from your first… | Continue reading
Let’s face it, if you’re a web developer, you deal with APIs. Whether you write your own or use someone else’s, it’s just part of the job… | Continue reading
Exposing Kafka messages via a public HTTP streaming API | Continue reading
Open frameworks played an important role on the internet we see today. If you want to build a web app from scratch you have to do a lot of… | Continue reading
Tips for Avoiding Spyware and Other Threats on The Internet | Continue reading
Most of us use the internet for hours every day. These browser extensions for Google Chrome can help make your web browsing easier and… | Continue reading
It Operates as an “Intelligent Platform” | Continue reading
Your job as a software developer is not to write code. | Continue reading
Imagine if all of your infrastructure configurations from AWS, Azure or Google could be replicated faster and more accurately than you… | Continue reading
Product owner vs. product manager, this is the question! With so much debate over these two terms, it’s time to shed a little light on… | Continue reading
The current development of public blockchains (as private ones) is very similar to what happened to the Internet at its beginning. The… | Continue reading
Plain English not Crazy Jargon | Continue reading
Mono/Multi Repo, Balancing Feature Branches and Continuous Integration | Continue reading
Tests are very important in daily development flow. Whenever you build a new feature or refactor existing one you want to be sure that you… | Continue reading
Generating and Decoding QRCodes using Python modules from Elixir app | Continue reading
Porting an existing iOS app to Flutter, what it was like and my thoughts on Flutter thus far. | Continue reading
Microservices and Serverless have certainly grown a lot in popularity over the past few years. Everyone these days wants to replicate the… | Continue reading
Do you still carry a flip phone or pop a cassette tape into the deck when you slide behind the wheel for your morning commute? If so… | Continue reading
Productive reading Lifehacks? | Continue reading
A comprehensive resource list for building engaging Augmented and Virtual Reality experiences using Web technologies | Continue reading
Internships can be tricky — both for managers and interns alike | Continue reading
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with… | Continue reading
Please welcome Matt Brown, the founder of Bonsai, a platform that streamlines administrative tasks for freelancers. | Continue reading
Decentralized package management is an exciting area of tool development for today’s developers. Decentralized package managers have the… | Continue reading
(or at the very least, testing features as you build) | Continue reading