Demystified with a jargon-free exploration. | Continue reading
This piece is part of a monthly series covering regulatory updates related to cryptocurrencies (here are the updates from March, April… | Continue reading
The myth of superhuman working memory | Continue reading
If there is anything I’ve learned about working with freemium sign-ups, it’s that the process is a game of give and take. The decision to… | Continue reading
If you ever sat through an equations-dense class and felt stupid, I’d like to share a secret with you: the other students are probably… | Continue reading
Cryptocurrency has been hailed as the fuel for the dark web and, so far, the ship has sailed a million miles. However, pundits envisage… | Continue reading
When it comes to private search engines, DuckDuckGo is by far the most popular. If someone has heard of one private search engine, it is… | Continue reading
During Spec, Slack’s first developer conference last week, a new way to create a follow-up directly from messages in Slack, was introduced… | Continue reading
All the current talk about AI and automation conjures up images from the Jetsons or the more sinister HAL 9000. The reality of AI is far… | Continue reading
Here’s a list of top Chrome Extensions in the Chrome Web Store in the Search Tool category. These extensions will help to improve your… | Continue reading
Machine Learning is everywhere. Like Mathematics and Computer Science, it is quickly becoming a tool which is widely used to make… | Continue reading
There's a kind of developer that can intoxicate a whole workplace because of their… | Continue reading
What’s the perfect crypto killer app? | Continue reading
Why you might want to rethink the way you are marketing | Continue reading
It all started when my father let me play with a soldering iron for the first time. Together we made a simple buzzer out of an old relay… | Continue reading
A small group of disgruntled people who feel left out of Bitcoin’s meteoric rise complain that Bitcoin’s developers add new features to… | Continue reading
A look at the current state of dApp tooling, from a bootstrapped founder’s perspective. | Continue reading
The async/await introduced by ES7 is a fantastic improvement in asynchronous programming with JavaScript. It provided an option of using… | Continue reading
Last year, I decided to leave Apple & Google: I want to free myself from the smartphone duopole, I want to regain control over my data… | Continue reading
Being a data scientist, many times in your life you would love to expose a local service to the world. That could be a Jupyter or RStudio… | Continue reading
This post is about how to use modern science and personalized medicine to make yourself healthier, more productive and happier. Every day. | Continue reading
There has been a lot written on the AR glasses rumoured to arrive over the next few years, but not much on the operating systems and core… | Continue reading
Last week NASA announced a code optimization competition. There is a Navier-Stokes equations solver used to model aerodynamics, and… | Continue reading
How crypto could bring one of the most important concentrations of power the world has ever seen. | Continue reading
and what hides behind it | Continue reading
I routinely run into folks working in finance romanticizing the virtues of startup culture. It’s easy to romanticize when you constantly… | Continue reading
It has been ten years since Amazon launched EC2. Cloud is very much real. Thousands of systems run in the Cloud. | Continue reading
A/B testing is, without doubt, a must-have thing in the tool belt of any product manager. Tech giants like Netflix or Pinterest invest a… | Continue reading
Learn how they differ, and when you should use one over the other. | Continue reading
At Squad, we have been following the concept of having small inter-disciplinary teams, which we call Solver Teams (the concept is… | Continue reading
In the world of programming, you can’t get very far without coming across nested data structures. For example, a JavaScript Object might… | Continue reading
I routinely run into folks working in finance romanticizing the virtues of startup culture. It’s easy to romanticize when you constantly… | Continue reading
Short excursion into the history of programming, on a way to understanding its fundamental concepts | Continue reading
Image credit: Marco Verch, CC BY 2.0 | Continue reading
If you are a software developer or you are linked to software development you might know what is Git and GitHub. | Continue reading
“A vulnerability in an organization’s IoT microcosm is a ‘taunt’ to exploit by malicious hackers.” — James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute… | Continue reading
As a developer, you don’t like reinventing the wheel. You need to add authentication and authorization to your API and you’ve decided to… | Continue reading
Act 1: Google doesn’t like Databases | Continue reading
I have had many different jobs in the past 20 years, and the one thing that has always interested me is interview hacking. | Continue reading
How the delete button is key to designing a great Interface for your product. | Continue reading
If you started as a self-taught developer 5+ years ago, you might think that just reading articles, watching youtube videos and building… | Continue reading
Using Sudoku to explore backtracking | Continue reading
And you thought it wasn’t easy | Continue reading
Follow @Naval on Twitter | Continue reading
Using our Consensus '18 Hackathon-winning dApp as a case study | Continue reading
The Raspberry Pi platform is ready for consumers, but is it ready for companies? | Continue reading
This post originally appeared on the Segment blog. | Continue reading
During the past 10 years technological development has become quite scary. Even Ilon Mask is tired of reminding that we gotta set some… | Continue reading