A vision about how to don’t get lost in your own application | Continue reading
When you think of a good user story, you might imagine clear, succinct definitions of features that address real user needs and provide… | Continue reading
Let’s face it — forgetting things sucks. It’s frustrating not to remember where you left your keys or to stumble over your words because… | Continue reading
and how you can hone this skill in five easy ways | Continue reading
Mobile web is the new web as most of the users stay connected 24/7 using smartphones for most of their daily tasks. The 2017 US Mobile App… | Continue reading
A 10-steps checklist on how to dockerize any application. | Continue reading
Money can’t appear out of no where… But cryptocurrency can. | Continue reading
A comprehensive list of resources available for undergraduate entrepreneurs at Cal | Continue reading
Jupyter Notebook is a fantastic tool for data exploration. It combines markdown text, executable code, and output all inside a single… | Continue reading
Move your infrastructure to the cloud, reduce cost, focus on your core business. These are the common pros of the cloud and are often… | Continue reading
In the past few years, from self-driving cars to a virtual personal assistant, intelligent machines that can consider, reason and react… | Continue reading
Last summer I wrote Traditional Asset Tokenization, in which I hypothesized that a broad array of assets will move to blockchain records… | Continue reading
Vue.js is a framework for building web applications. It has a reactivity system that allows you to model and manage your application state… | Continue reading
About ten years ago there was an article claiming that “Every Developer should have a MacBook Pro”, which listed a bunch of reasons, for… | Continue reading
JavaScript’s for loop has served us well, but it is now obsolete and should be retired in favor of newer functional programming techniques. | Continue reading
The Cambridge Analytica scandal that unfolded earlier this year is just the latest in a long sequence of incidents of firms’ wrongfully… | Continue reading
AI terrifies a lot of people. | Continue reading
(TL;DR: It has nothing to do with storage space limits) | Continue reading
That’s one small step for your portfolio, one giant leap for your returns. | Continue reading
There’s a lot of hype around blockchain today, but if you ask around what is blockchain actually useful for — it’s not easy to get a clear… | Continue reading
Esports media consumption is increasing. Much of that content is free today, but that will change, and consumers will be willing to pay. | Continue reading
Now that MySQL 8 and PostgreSQL 10 are out, it’s a good time to revisit how the two major open source relational databases compete against… | Continue reading
Following my previous article on HT I was contacted Huobi Research, and have had the privilege of gaining early access to their extremely… | Continue reading
A step by step guide to getting a microservices platform running on Kubernetes. | Continue reading
Now that MySQL 8 and PostgreSQL 10 are out, it’s a good time to revisit how the two major open source relational databases compete against… | Continue reading
Spoiler: As it turns out, it’s kinda where the world’s going. | Continue reading
My background is in Quantum Physics and Information, but recently I decided to dive into Blockchain. | Continue reading
A while ago, a friend of mine, who is just beginning to explore the wonderful world of frontend development, asked me how to start testing… | Continue reading
How, working in the shadows of the internet, researchers developed a passive monitoring system that might soon make Big Tech companies… | Continue reading
As famed wifi hacker Samy Kamkar recently said we should move towards low-cost hacking/exploitation tools. NodeMCU is one of such tools, a… | Continue reading
The tale of a long-time software developer braving a whole new world of computing. | Continue reading
Today, I am going to share with you the most important lessons I have learned by building Release Butler — a Twitter bot that tweets… | Continue reading
Alpaca platform is now accepting signups for our waitlist for algo trading and we do believe trading automation is the future. | Continue reading
Being a developer these days is both good and bad. There are a lot of jobs available out there but there is a lot of competition too. If a… | Continue reading
How the delete button is key to designing a great Interface for your product. | Continue reading
Proof of Concept to ensure consistency between NPM packages and their source code | Continue reading
I made the switch to self-employment two years ago, and have since enjoyed my professional life so much more. | Continue reading
Nowadays there are literally dozens of kinds of messaging apps out there. Some of them claim to be completely secure and protected, using… | Continue reading
There is a fallacy that Bitcoin has no CashFlow. That’s what Warren Buffet thinks. | Continue reading
Working remotely is a gratifying challenge. It requires strict self management but also offers you greater levels of control over the work… | Continue reading
Working from home is romanticized and we're told it's the next best thing to retirement. After ten years, I'm telling you otherwise. | Continue reading
I recently had a project, where I needed to create references to one collection in another collection. | Continue reading
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” — Mike Tyson, Retired Boxer | Continue reading
We dreamt to create best hackathon experience but ended up adding happy chapters to our college lives also. This the story of Hack In the… | Continue reading
The moment you perceive as NOW has already passed. Good new is – we can hack the simulation. | Continue reading
According to Tokendata, there were 902 token sales in 2017 which raised a total of more than $2 billion. Unfortunately, 142 projects did… | Continue reading
“I should do something about that,” I thought. A client’s Google Analytics account was missing data for the past 15 days, and I just… | Continue reading