Or, "How I made my own serverless Python 1.x runtime with Cloud Run" | Continue reading
Why meditation might help you code | Continue reading
Every day developers waste millions of hours switching contexts between project... | Continue reading
Why meditation might help you code | Continue reading
I have always loved to read, but my experience with technical books is more com... | Continue reading
JDK 10 has added var keyword in Java which allows you to declare a local variable without type like instead of String str you can just say var str. | Continue reading
Why meditation might help you code | Continue reading
I finally got fed up with running out of disk space on my laptop. | Continue reading
Using a checklist to detect and fix bugs early | Continue reading
Learn Ruby regular expressions from basics to advanced levels with plenty of examples and exercises | Continue reading
Implement the 20-20-20 rule for lessening eyestrain | Continue reading
Have you ever wanted to let loose and just overengineer a project? Try this challenge out. | Continue reading
Want a tech job at Google? This article is for you. | Continue reading
Declarative syntax for scenarios based on Vue.js templates | Continue reading
If you consider relocation in 2019, see this list of job offers from 30 companies across 10 countries. Whether you're a software developer, product manager or QA, here you will find some attractive tech jobs in Germany, Netherlands, Canada, and several other countries in Europe a … | Continue reading
Use the combination of OffscreenCanvas and Web Workers with my offscreen-canvas library to make your Three.js WebGL apps more performant even on low-end devices while keeping support for all browsers. | Continue reading
Creating a blockchain with less than 100 code linesPhoto by Thought... | Continue reading
Source code is not just for reading | Continue reading
TL;DR: Dear Spotify or whoever wants to get rid of the platform’s aggressive c... | Continue reading
I'm often asked how I am able to juggle so many tasks at once, and get a lot of... | Continue reading
A simple approach to test the behaviour of custom React hooks | Continue reading
What I’ve learned from my previous article is that the best way to gain new kno... | Continue reading
Learn one good way to structure your serverless functions on Azure. | Continue reading
Sure, divs are great and all, but they give no information about their purpose within the document structure. HTML5 has been around for a while now, and there are better options. | Continue reading
Some 5 years ago, I got my first intern job in a small startup. We were build... | Continue reading
Email design has not changed much, but has in fact gotten worse. As more mobile devices and email clients are introduced, there are more limitations to deal with when having to build HTML emails. | Continue reading
Did you know that Javascript allows us to customize the result of coercion when it is performed on an object defined by us? | Continue reading
When writing about the preservation of data on configuration change, there ar... | Continue reading
During my university days, when I was studying Mathematics and CS, software d... | Continue reading
Common Git aliases I use every day | Continue reading
Vue.js is a frontend framework that is optimized for progressive integration. T... | Continue reading
A long time ago somewhere in India empty spaces were creating a lot of proble... | Continue reading
Mobile app monetization models, using data collecting SDKs instead of annoying ad services and pop-ups. | Continue reading
Ever wondered how Redux works? Here's how you can implement your own! | Continue reading
Benchmarking Action Cable memory usage. | Continue reading
NodeJS is a fantastic tool. Blog posts are full with 5 minute tutorials, and companies using it up and down the Fortune 500 latter. However, developers using NodeJS have a different story to tell. | Continue reading
People choose GraphQL because of all the details it lets them forget about. It'... | Continue reading
A reader of my email newsletter had questions about issues around a poor performance review which lead to him being moved to another department. Here's my response. | Continue reading
IntroductionIf you work on cloud infrastructure and tools then afte... | Continue reading
Prisma offers a unique and frankly amazing way to create and access databases. But how far can you go with it right now? | Continue reading
What are those things you fear so much that you cannot embrace and still yet to overcome? | Continue reading
Javascript has been evolving amazingly but I feel PHP is lagging behind itself | Continue reading
Last summer we open sourced our platform. ... | Continue reading
If my friends and I built a successful company with no funding and just 3 people, you can ship your project too. | Continue reading
A bunch of ideas for developers working on large production apps. | Continue reading