Here’s how I’m facing up to Imposter syndrome, so I don’t one day run screaming from the building. | Continue reading
Exploring the rise of VS Code's popularity. | Continue reading
a danker, more neon theme for everywhere you write code | Continue reading
The important thing is: how do you respond to the bugs you and other people have created? What do you do to prevent them from happening in the future? How do you even know that this buggy situation even exist? | Continue reading
Awesome Lists: Systematic & Structured Guide to GalaxyCopyright... | Continue reading
Build a Python Data Science Container to run your cool data science applications. | Continue reading
There are a lot of different and efficient ways how to improve web app development speed while implementing and testing new features. One of them is to be able to reuse UI components. To develop UI elements in isolation and then apply them to the project, I have tried and learned … | Continue reading
Every sprint our team dedicates some time to learning together, today we watche... | Continue reading
Firefox Multi-Account Containers are awesome and what you need | Continue reading
I've come to a conclusion that I have nothing to show for my 25 years of coding. I am ready to begin and I have a plan. | Continue reading
I have heard a lot of rants about inflation of terms like "junior", "middle", and "senior" developers. So, I have decided to conduct a small and simple case study on these titles for the last 20 years. I would also like to invite you to express your opinion in the comments. | Continue reading
Do you want to try Kotlin on the real backend project but couldn’t yet? Learn how you can try it out right now on existing Java code base, quickly, and without any risks! | Continue reading
View history of React from the lens of composition. Deep dive into understanding how everything in React revolves around composition. | Continue reading
System rewrites are hard. Mitigate risks by planning carefully and doing it incrementally. | Continue reading
Small nifty scripts packaged as Perl6 modules | Continue reading
A collection of tips and tricks that'll improve your GitHub productivity. | Continue reading
How to use git-bisect to search your software history for a bug | Continue reading
How to keep data model concerns out of your GraphQL stitching service | Continue reading
Watch as I make a password manager for macOS this month | Continue reading
In this article, we’re going to explore why young programming languages with modern features can’t be adopted quickly. Additionally, we’re going to take a look at one exceptional example that got specific parameters right to be both young, modern and mature, just ready for adopti … | Continue reading
Nowadays there are a lot of UI frameworks for React like Bootstrap, UIKit, Semantic UI and so on. Depending on the project complexity and requirements, you decide which front-end framework would be used because the main reason is to ease your development process. | Continue reading
Have you started to code your own Lambda functions in Ruby? If you have, you may have faced some issues tackled in this post. | Continue reading
3 simple steps to use the full potential of your brain without any pills 😉 | Continue reading
How does I write good CSS? | Continue reading
Firecamp is a GUI client/debugger for SocketIO, Websocket & Pusher. | Continue reading
I explore the difference between strace and dtrace, learn about ptrace, and dive into the world of tracers. | Continue reading
Multithreading is easier than you think | Continue reading
How to think about a role-based activity check permissions system | Continue reading
I founded OSS Capital, a venture capital firm which invests exclusively in comm... | Continue reading
Taking a page of the Rails cookbook, Vue.js manages to provide a great developer experience for those looking to hit the ground running and other wishing to customize their setup. | Continue reading
Exploring the difference between "binary" and "text" files. | Continue reading
As we all know being a competent software developer or engineer means continuously learning throughout your career. It’s great! That makes this profession exciting and allows to escape everyday routine at work. In fact, it’s not a job anymore - it’s a lifestyle 👩💻 … | Continue reading
The simple way to code splitting for Redux | Continue reading
A showcase of some of the best command line tools I've discovered in recent years. If you ever use the command line, you'll probably find that at least one item on this page will make your life easier. | Continue reading
This post describes a bunch of reasons why developers might enjoy choosing Vue.js as the next JavaScript framework to learn in the coming year. | Continue reading
I explore the what, how, why, and why not of WebAssembly. | Continue reading
I'm Going Totally To-The-PointI'm a Google Code-in Finalist of this year and ... | Continue reading
Take a deep dive into the practical entry file to the Styled-Components library. The src/../styled.js file works hard to provide you an API that's tons of fun to work with. | Continue reading
More and more teams are moving their development environments to Docker contain... | Continue reading
A quick dive into AssemblyScript and how to use it. | Continue reading
hope this post teaches you love for linked lists | Continue reading
Switching between dark mode and normal mode on a web app based on the illuminant light around you. | Continue reading
Getting an actual Raspberry Pi based server up and running. | Continue reading
Querying JSON document using gojsonq package | Continue reading
There was a point some years ago when I realized I didn't quite know what state my repositories were in. Exactly which ones had failing build-badges? Was there a pull-request I’d left unmerged somewhere? Didn’t I forget to set a description in one of the repos? Thus was born repo … | Continue reading
A quick summary of Web APIs, both prior to and subsequent to the REST revolution | Continue reading
A look at the P″ esoteric programming language and it's relation to Brainf*ck | Continue reading