You will end the track with a nice empowering feeling, and a sweet sensation of being put back in the 2000's musical universe. A very, very strong release for this young artist and a big promise of what's to come. | Continue reading
Filled with sparkling synths, the atmosphere is busy as if you're diving into the sea full of colorful creatures that swim past as you're searching for the pearls. Emotionally elevated and keenly eyeing everything that was beautiful, fun, awesome, and loving, the song keeps memor … | Continue reading
"Social Media Masterpiece" is definitely a softer track than "The Festival", the production of "Social Media Masterpiece" does a wonderful job of highlighting the story being told instead of trying to steal your focus. | Continue reading
"My music is a charity project. the idea behind it is that listeners can generate donations just by streaming and downloading without directly opening their wallets, music has the power to change the world and that's my biggest wish, that the energy of my songs is carried into th … | Continue reading
"The track is essentially a story of me moving from the south of the UK to the north as a kid and the experiences I had along the way, I love using vocal harmonies with delay guitar to get my lyrics and music across, trying to get that 'epic sound, which you can hear especially a … | Continue reading
"So I got inspired to make this song while I was on a 30.000 peeps 1 week Psy-Trance festival in Hungary called O.Z.O.R.A. It was amazing and I thought I want to make music like this. I am also fascinated by the topic of mental health and so I was watching this documentary about … | Continue reading
Between verses such as "You've been running for too long" and "You just gotta hang on", the dreamy and ethereal single is about strength. When the world feels like collapsing around you, this song is about finding your own inner strength in the smallest things and knowing that yo … | Continue reading
Though I have been playing music for decades I recently hit a dry spell. After getting married with a baby on the way I decided to get a corporate sales job which triggered some kind of crisis of identity. It was like by assuming this new responsible role of provider I could no l … | Continue reading
Monroe Moon has already shown us that they can do pretty much anything with their experimental vein of indie pop. The duo's special strength is in coming up with an exquisite balance between a straightforward dream pop song and a weird Radiohead-Kid-A-like knack for experimenting … | Continue reading
Is this the last of these articles this year? Maybe or maybe not but this year is coming to its end, and a short break is coming soon, but worry not about this and enjoy this roundup for 9 Albums/EPs you should listen to. | Continue reading
"The world is objectively a worse place. A scarier place. An increasingly threatening and uncomfortable place. Where are all the protest songs? Why are all the handsome and interesting looking rock stars not inciting the masses to resist? No, we don’t know either, but we have dec … | Continue reading
"For many years I've been aware of my recurring dreams of falling. I know I'm not alone in this. Sometimes our dream world can be terrifying, but I believe that the mysterious messages contained in our dreams are ultimately positive. As we sleep and visit other worlds, we experie … | Continue reading
"Crown is a song that when you are at your lowest points and ready to give up, all you need to do is stand back up and fight (put your crown back on) take back what is yours and what you deserve. This song was written for those who struggle and are tired and want to fight for som … | Continue reading
"Apathy" is a rumination on the results of Western culture's insistence on the denigration of emotions. The idea that emotions are not to be tolerated creates a resistance towards feeling, resulting in apathy. The song details the apathetic mindset, where emotions are void and di … | Continue reading
Alfred and I met in 2021 through a music tech incubator based in London and Los Angeles called “The Rattle”. We kept saying we were going to work together and finally made it happen with this song!… | Continue reading
Inspired by the wolf-shaped yet entirely human killers living much closer to us than we would have suggested, the single reveals the disturbing grim world that resides in their souls. | Continue reading
The label describes Some Kind of Nightmare as "touring machines," as they spend at least half the year of every year over the last decade on the road. Their sound is raw, fast, and energetic. A live energy that transcends so well on record. The stage presence is felt on recording … | Continue reading
In grim times, the Qwarks search out moments of joy, riding on a wave of psychedelic joie de vivre with the backdrop of a barren wasteland of fragmented selfies and melting database columns. In the desert by a campfire they met the Reverend Zebadiah Hawkwind III who attempted to … | Continue reading
Subtle dark atmospheres, Industrial backgrounds, and pounding basses are also added to the table, making this album perfect and giving a great listening experience from start to finish, so hit that play button now! | Continue reading
"Kryptomarch" is the first single release of their upcoming album "Isles of You", together with the social-audio web-app islesofyou. It is a futuristic mix between electronica and organic elements, which include a heavily processed bass clarinet and vibraphone. It is very difficu … | Continue reading
"I wrote 'Room with a view' back in 2010 or possibly 2011. I played guitar and the song had lyrics and I used to sing it with three friends of mine in some sort of canon. Never recorded it though, until summer 2020, when I tried it out in an instrumental version in my studio. | Continue reading
My overall assessment upon hearing the album is that it is just as advertised. The first thing that comes to mind is Rock Opera. Operatic in the sense of over-the-top performance and dramatics. Anyone who has an ear for that legendary classic rock sound is sure to enjoy this reco … | Continue reading
"During the first week of sales, all purchasers will be entered into a raffle to win the corresponding VML Live album. For example, this is DCxPC Live Vol. 5, so we will raffle off VML Live Vol. 5 Presents Sloppy Seconds. The album also includes a reversible cover, so fans can ch … | Continue reading
Damp and sorrowful, "One Foot In" is an aching ballad of love that's starting to crumble away, and the vast amount of hope that is doing its best holding it all together. Poetic yet extremely open about all she feels, the lyrics sink right into your soul. | Continue reading
After the success of their previous release "It's Not Love", the group has now composed and recorded lots of songs. "That's How I Feel" is their next single release preceding their upcoming (and seventh) album "Quint", scheduled for release in February 2023. | Continue reading
Kat Delitto (Lead guitar), Krista Marie Setera (ukulele, vocals), Ben Bonadies (Bass) and Matt Wilson (Drums) came together musically to create songs that are both technically challenging and full of emotion. Lyrics are deeply personal, spanning from romantic disasters to emotion … | Continue reading
The emotional story is surrounded by some of the freshest alt rock sounds one could hope for. There's skilled guitar playing, well-paced percussion that's an absolute pleasure with its details and the way it emphasizes what's described in the lyrics, and an airy atmosphere that c … | Continue reading
Ainsley Costello is a smart songwriter, and she knows her alternative rock like the back of her hand. She goes from Paramore to Veruca Salt in a matter of seconds, and it just proves that this girl knows exactly what she is doing and that she definitely is the real deal. Ainsley … | Continue reading
Front woman Taylor-Grace openly discusses being put down, bullied, and having disabilities in childhood that fuel the fire for her inspiration. Transforming affliction into artistic projection, that transcends beautifully in her lyrics as well as vocal delivery. | Continue reading
Mental health is important, and 7000apart know that. The duo is making music that originates in dark places, but always moving forward and hoping it will be better. Hope alone won't cut it, you have to put in the work - and these two are doing exactly that. | Continue reading
Important to mention that this is an exercise that I do for fun, for love to share the music that I enjoy the most during this year, to highlight this artist that deserves much more recognition that they have right now, it’s only a picture, that you and I can take a look now and … | Continue reading
In grim times, the Qwarks search out moments of joy, riding on a wave of psychedelic joie de vivre with the backdrop of a barren wasteland of fragmented selfies and melting database columns. In the desert by a campfire they met the Reverend Zebadiah Hawkwind III who attempted to … | Continue reading
Depicting that special stage in romantic relationship, when two people have fully connected with one another, but before becoming familiar has started chipping away at the vibrancy of the emotion, the song is gentle as if it's holding the most beautiful and fragile gem in the wor … | Continue reading
One of the last articles this year for this weekly roundup 9 Albums/EPs you should listen to. I appreciate you not only to be here, also for all the little actions that you do constantly supporting the blog and these artists that we presented on daily basis without you this would … | Continue reading
Out of this questioning came more questions, some relief, much introspection and the realization that, among other things, the “politricks” we’re subjected to are in the best interests of the already affluent. The only power we have over the oppressors is what we create in our li … | Continue reading
""I’m Sure" was originally written some time ago purely acoustically - I picked it up again recently and decided to start experimenting with some electric guitar licks over the top. The song started to take on a new sound and so I started recording!" Ayrton Jimenez | Continue reading
The track was originally inspired by worries about health issues among Arne’s dear ones, and it slowly evolved into a whole other story as the song started to unfold. | Continue reading
Our true liberation lies on the other side of our emotional pain. It is not possible to avoid it or to walk away from it. The only way is to head straight for it, embrace it fully and walk through with an open heart. I wrote this song called “Back To Myself” to remind you that we … | Continue reading
Yet another amazing work of art is going to be released by these French artists and it's all made in remembrance of, and inspired by, our dear Blackstar, David Bowie. Three tracks with a lot of depth, musicality, retro vibes and a contrasting modern touch. | Continue reading
"We built this album around a space theme to reflect on feelings of distance, isolation, loss, introspection, and ultimately the relief of interpersonal connection. We wrote that which we felt while hunkered down in our own 'space ships' through the harrowing trials, and the few … | Continue reading
Her music falls somewhere between Björk's Medúlla and FKA twigs' LP1 with a dash of Fiona Apple just for the hell of it. Needless to say, her sounds are incredible and captivate the listener like few other artists are capable of doing. | Continue reading
"I Want You" is a song of getting together with your friends to spend a splendid long weekend together, partying. It makes for a perfect soundtrack for meeting new people and being hopeful about finding someone special among them. Just all-around ideal song for unforgettable time … | Continue reading
"After so much darkness, fear and deep uncertainty in recent times, and despite the fact that the world is in a state of awful political megalomania and gunshot rhetoric, we just wanted to say something hopeful, something connective, something of light in the darkness. We hope we … | Continue reading
Laurelight describes the new single as being about “truly believing that all things will get better, not matter what, and how long it takes.” | Continue reading
"The lyrics are spare and direct - but hopefully clear. They are inspired by what is going on today - the upcoming season of goodwill and the journeys home that many people take to family and friends is also an inspiration - but also the many millions around the world who have be … | Continue reading
Subtle dark atmospheres, Industrial backgrounds, and pounding basses are also added to the table, making this album perfect and giving a great listening experience from start to finish, so hit that play button now! | Continue reading
Hey, let’s welcome December, here you have the next bunch for this countdown, 10 more tracks, we reach 70 so far, only 3 more installments to go after this one. So, let’s go with tracks 40-31 and 30 to go. Don’t forget at the end of this article you’ll find playlists: Spotify an … | Continue reading
Remember to follow, stream, support, share, and add them to your playlists. If you enjoy their music and can provide monetary support, you might consider downloading it on Bandcamp (you’re going to find the links here, from those who have). | Continue reading