Immersive Media and David Bowie Is

The extensive and ambiguously titled exhibition “David Bowie Is,” which originated at The Victoria and Albert Museum in London but is now running through 15 July at The Brooklyn Museum in New York,… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

What Happens When We Recycle?

Even those of us who try to be conscientious about our waste would be hard pressed to answer the question “What happens when we recycle?” This exceptionally informative episode of the podcast 1A fr… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

107 Years Doesn’t Feel Like Such a Long Time

Amazing footage from the archives of The Museum of Modern Art of the City of New York in the year 1911. It starts on what appears to be the Staten Island Ferry, docks at Battery City, then goes on … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Send a Link from Your iPhone Directly to Chrome on Your Desktop

Apple’s AirDrop is a huge timesaver for me, especially when I’m reading a web page on my iPhone and want to switch over to another device. I find it’s faster to tap on the share icon and then AirDr… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Films Watched, March 2018

Each time I get to see a movie at the theaters I try to make it count. In March, I made a calculated bet by going to see a little-noticed but highly praised indie flick called “Thoroughbreds&… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Making the iPad a Better Device for Kids

Last week technologist Dave DeLong wrote a smart piece on his blog called “If iPads Were Meant for Kids” in which he argues that Apple’s signature tablets are less than ideally suited f… | Continue reading | 6 years ago