Barr's crypto backdoor claim is a fallacy, which I'll show with math

Thread by @ErrataRob: "So in today's tweet storm, let's discuss Barr's call for crypto backdoors, where he claims citizens don't need as strothe military: "After all, we are not talking about protecting the Nation’s nuclear launch codes". This is a f […]" | Continue reading | 5 years ago

It all started about 4 months ago with this news story

Thread by @therealfitz: "OK. Buckle up folks, it's story time: It all started about 4 months ago with this news story: off. I posted about it later that day. And the next day too: And yes, I'm still mad abou […]" #scifoo #ORDCamp | Continue reading | 5 years ago

It seems like everyone in the US is getting postmodernism wrong

Thread by @xolotl: "OK, I've reached my limit — I can't take it anymore. Here comes a rant about how it seems like everyone in the USA is getntext: I'm listening to Philosophy Talk's episode "Is Postmodernism Really to Blame for […]" #PoMo #CriticalTheory | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Extreme weather and extreme politics (2018)

Thread by @RogerPielkeJr: "Last night I gave my first public lecture on extreme weather since being "investigated" by Rep. Raul Grijalva in 2ure I tell a story and present updated, consensus science on extreme weather. Let's get started ... I started […]" | Continue reading | 5 years ago

How to switch from RDBMS to DynamoDB in *20* easy steps

Thread by @jeremy_daly: "I've been spending a lot of time lately with @dynamodb in my applications, so I thought I'd share my surefire guide. So here is… How to switch from RDBMS to in *20* easy steps… (a thread) […]" #serverless #RDBMS #DynamoDB #NoSQL | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Spent some time on LexisNexis over the weekend

Thread by @ZachG932: "1/n Spent some time on LexisNexis over the weekend. Depending on your political orientation, what follows will either dncourage you. But regardless of political orientation, I'm sure we can all say 'holy fucking shit' 2/n Here's […]" | Continue reading | 5 years ago

How Amazon started measuring request latencies in percentiles [thread]

Thread by @tacertain: "If you're wondering what "P-four-nines" means, it's the latency at the 99.99th percentile, meaning only one in 10,000 a worse latency. Why do we measure latency in percentiles? A thread about how how it came to be at Amazon... […]" | Continue reading | 5 years ago

On the Danger of Puzzles

Thread by @patrissimo: "1/ On the danger of "Puzzles". A puzzle is an activity which takes brains but not effort, like Sudoku, crosswords, He bridge, chess, or brain teasers. They are dangerous because they feel like whole brain exercise, but aren't. […]" | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The time I accidentally transported a brick of heroin from LA to Seattle

Thread by @IamShaneMorris: "Y'all wanna hear a story about the time I accidentally transported a brick of heroin from Los Angeles to Seattle?et's do this... (a thread) I was living in Newport Beach, California, kinda just -- trying to figure life out […]" | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Googlebot Evergreen

Thread by @igrigorik: "First day of is a wrap. So many awesome highlights, but if I had to choose just one amongst many.. Googlebot runnd now also on the evergreen track (blog post @ takes the cake. Not only is it a hug […]" #io19 | Continue reading | 5 years ago

One of the most humbling things in life is sales

Thread by @TheSwamy: "One of the most humbling things in life is sales - I feel everyone should spend a year in sales early in their careers e 's of them all, ! If you don't, you will never develop empathy for the customers. S […]" #VIP #SoftwareEngineers | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Hertz sued Accenture for failing a $32M “digital transformation” project

Thread by @allafarce: "Hertz has sued Accenture for failing to deliver on a $32 million "digital transformation" project. Follow along as we read te lawsuit's details...… The full lawsuit text is here: […]" | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The climate crisis poses significant financial risks to Amazon

Thread by @emahlee: "The climate crisis poses *significant* financial risks to Amazon. And not just in the usual ways one expects, like disru. What and how big are these risks? Investors need transparency on Amazon's risk assessment […]" #FridaysForFuture | Continue reading | 5 years ago

NLP on Mueller Report

Thread by @spdustin: "I know a lot of media personalities, Twitter "influencers", or whatever have shared their treatment of the Mueller Repom a big ol' nerd, so here's what I'm doing with all this delicious, delicious data. Yes, it's a thread. Becau […]" | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The top app on Product Hunt this morning was created in 23 minutes

Thread by @seanthielen: "1/ The top app on @ProductHunt this morning was created in 23 minutes. 2/ @fajarsiddiqFS signed up for the @madewith yesterday, customized a Match Three game to feature some of his favorite makers and products, created a hype […]" | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Disney+ and the broader streaming-video-on-demand market

Thread by @aagave: "Unsolicited tweetstorm provoked by the many problematic takes on Disney+ & broader SVOD market out there. There only ight now, are: 1. NFLX is going to be the benchmark for spend @ $15B+ this year, growing YoY unti […]" #Filmstruck | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Jumia Is Not an African Startup.( A Digital Colonization Thread)

Thread by @tmsruge: "Jumia is not African startup. It is a company duly incorporated in Germany by 2 French founders who are Co-CEOs. A non-eference to its Germanness can be found here in their Form F-1 filings with the SEC.… […]" | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Ron Jeffries: so what's special about programming?

Thread by @RonJeffries: "You're probably wondering -- at least I am wondering -- why I have such a hard focus on the programming part of woulware Development. There are of course a near infinity of skills required in order to create a successful soft […]" | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Thread of my fav papers, talks on IMSI-catchers/cell site simulators/Stingrays

Thread by @yomnapple: "Thread of some of my fav papers + talks on IMSI-catchers/cell site simulators/Stingrays* organized by category ヾ(・ exploit cell network protocol weaknesses to do privacy invasive stuff to our phones (。•́︿•̀。) [Good techn […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Michael DeHaan on the state of contemporary devops and open source

Thread by @laserllama: "So @opsmop is having the same adoption and traffic curve problems of @vespene_io and I don't think it makes sense to ther. I believe in the idea a lot, but I think the whole IT open source world is burnt out and I'm tired of t […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How to save money on your AWS bill

Thread by @QuinnyPig: "I realized I've never done a tweetstorm on how to save money on your @awscloud bill. This will not be comprehensive int's nuanced and site specific. Here we go. For some reason people go through their bills alphabetically. Radi […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

After World War II, the fossil fuel industry was studying CO2 pollution

Thread by @GeoffreySupran: "Less than a decade after World War II, the fossil fuel industry was studying CO2 pollution. Within a few years, id global warming. Its response? To turn around & orchestrate an anti-science, anti-policy deni […]" #ExxonKnew | Continue reading | 6 years ago

When I was 14 I lived in a country called Yugoslavia

Thread by @ivanka: "When I was 14 I lived in a country called Yugoslavia. This is a civilised country, people said, there will be no war. We nflation. That means that they had to knock zeros of the currency so you didn’t have to carry buckets of cash […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Microsoft Earnings Release Q2

Thread by @Microsoft: "THREAD: $MSFT Q2 EARNINGS Revenue: $32.5 billion 12% Operating income $10.3 billion 18 % Net Income: $8.4 billion EPS:cial cloud continues to grow and lift results: Q2 Revenue $9.0 billion 48% Q2 FY19 revenue by segment Product […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Immutability in Python

Thread by @1st1: "Let's talk about immutability. Python, unlike languages like Clojure, Erlang, and Rust is built entirely around mutable stagoing to try to convince you that immutability is awesome and can be effectively used in Python today. Thread […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

“This is it. You finally made it to the corner office.” #EastRiverAsteroid

Thread by @vornietom: "This is it. You finally made it to the corner office. You're the second youngest VP in your whole company (but technichrough nepotism, so...). You've worked super hard, made sacrifices, been ruthless, and her […]" #EastRiverAsteroid | Continue reading | 6 years ago

For those who aren’t quite sure why these media layoffs keep happening

Thread by @JeremyLittau: "For those who aren’t quite sure why these media layoffs keep happening, or think “it’s the internet!” or “people doribe,” there’s a lot more going on. Though that is part of that. Here’s a cliffs notes version - not exhausti […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

China just re-shaped the future of the global car market

Thread by @GregorMacdonald: "1/ China just re-shaped the future of the global car market. Let's take a look at the numbers rolling in now, asar picture on China's EV sales and road fuel demand. First and foremost: the sales growth of ICE vehicles has […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Cloud thing is a fad. I'm building my next thing in a datacenter instead

Thread by @QuinnyPig: "This cloud thing is a fad. I'm building my next thing in a datacenter instead. I fly to a city to tour DCs, because I'le grown-up. The first one is staffed by super friendly folks. They wave me in. I'm a prospective customer, " […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Audible Magic Hard Sells EC to Require Their Tech for Article 13

Thread by @AnnemarieBridy: "Audible Magic did a pretty hard sell to the EC to push them to require "content recognition technologies" in . they made for EC staff: Looks like they were also lobbying MEPs: You have t […]" #Article13 | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Tesla laid off my disabled veteran husband then cancelled his sign on bonus

Thread by @_KariedAway_: "I’m not under any fucking NDA and I’d be glad to tell you how @Tesla laid off my disabled veteran husband then cancn bonus and every fucking penny of his 2018 performance bonus. We moved our family from NY t […]" #tesla #ElonMusk | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Treadreaderapp homepage is a conspiracy theory tire fire

Thread Reader helps you discover and read the best of Twitter Threads | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Study showing that women are penalized in job searches for having good grades

Thread by @johannarickne: "The most depressing research paper of 2018? "The Mark of a Woman’s Record: Gender and Academic Performance in Hiri, ASR). This is a correspondence study showing that women are penalized in job searches for having good unive […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

German Resident loses 2 months salary due to apartment search scam

Thread by @TweetsOfSumit: "WOW... get this: A friend went to his HR department today asking why he did not receive salary since two months. Hd apparently, they got hit by fraudsters in the most insane way. You should read this as a warning It all sta […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Analysing leaked data on Bird scooter usage in Tel Aviv

Thread by @ido_co: "1/ OK let's talk some @BirdRide TLV statistics. 2/ I’m a huge fan of @BirdRide and dockless scooter-sharing in general. Igaps are the best place for disruption, and I think that Bird is a prime example […]" #TelAviv #TLV #micromobility | Continue reading | 6 years ago

The importance of context, modernism vs. postmodernism, and how to be a genius

Thread by @TaylorPearsonMe: "1/ A Thread on the importance of context, modernism vs. postmodernism, and how to be a genius. 2/ Two of my favoe last few years are 3/ 1. “All thinkers are regional thinkers” via @TylerCowen 4/ 2. “All heuristics are [co […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

I am calling from Microsoft and we detected an issue with your win installation

Thread by @grauhut: "Gerade klingelte im CCC das Telefon. "Sir, I am calling from Microsoft and we have detected an issue with your windows i." JACKPOT. Ich wurde zu jemandem verbunden der Deutsch sprach. Wie praktisch. Die nette Dame half mir auch d […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Talent Is Everywhere. Opportunity Is Not

Thread by @mekkaokereke: "Everyone loves SpaceX, and thinks of Elon as the genius founder that invents new types of rockets that are cheaper,fficient. It's fun to think of it as SpaceX versus NASA, or Silicon Valley vs Aerospace. But let's talk about […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Re: the Apple news

Thread by @film_girl: "Alright, I’m dusting off the tech stock pundtrity cap for a proper thread re: the Apple news. I would blog this but Twer. Whatever. These incoming. Apple is still one of the most valuable and most profitable companies in the wo […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Before the cryptocurrency protocol wars, there was the WWW vs. Gopher war

Thread by @TuurDemeester: "Before the cryptocurrency protocol wars, there was the World Wide Web vs. Gopher war. (ht @arbedout) ils.unc.eduew quick highlights. First off, Gopher grew incredibly fast. ... but the World Wide Web caught up faster. (T […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Replacing the floppy drive has broken the hard drive?

Thread by @Foone: "fun discovery: I have a system hooked up through a VGA->HDMI adapter, because my KVM is HDMI-only. And it works fine ine, EXCEPT the BIOS screen uses a different refresh rate/resolution or something. so it works fine right up un […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

I took my first device-free, solitude experience

Thread by @eriktorenberg: "1/A decade ago, I took my first device-free, solitude experience. Ten years and 100s of “solos” later, I can say wat if I could give any bit of advice to my younger me it would be to spend at least one day a week in device- […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Why I’m so “against” Ethereum

Thread by @TuurDemeester: "1/ People often ask me why I’m so “against” Ethereum. Why do I go out of my way to point out flaws or make analogi a bad light? 2/ First, ETH’s architecture & culture is _opposite_ that of Bitcoin, and yet claims to off […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Nassim Taleb on IQ

Thread by @nntaleb: ""IQ" THREAD "IQ" measures an inferior form of intelligence, stripped of 2nd order effects, meant to select paper shufflee asks you a question in REAL LIFE, you focus first on "WHY is he asking me that?", whi […]" #SkininTheGame #Lindy | Continue reading | 6 years ago

I was phone-less for 48 Hours

Thread by @FelaOlagunju: "I was phone-less for 48 Hours. These are my Observations and Lessons [Thread] 1. I knew I was an addict, a phone aduching my pocket repeatedly only to realize I had no phone. I did this many times within each hour. 2. I read […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Dense urban areas are easier and cheaper to serve with sewer lines than exurbs

Thread by @Scott_dLB: ""Building homes is fine, but what about sewer capacity?" Glad you asked. There are 3 types of sewers: storm (which is s like), sanitary (a polite euphemism for poop pipe), and combined (which serves both uses). These days we ex […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

What I expect from Russia in 2019

Thread by @mikercarpenter: "I've been asked what I expect from Russia in 2019. Here's my top 10 list of events to watch out for (not in any p of probability) A military incursion into Ukraine. The most likely target is the canal that feeds fresh wate […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago

There is this sense when you are young that your accomplishments need to []

Thread by @julien: "1/ there is this sense when you are young that your accomplishments need to be a list of things that seem impressive to oist of several items you did. This isn't actually right, so here is another suggestion. 2/ I remember being 2 […]" | Continue reading | 6 years ago