OYO Lite: A TWA with the Best of Web and Android Apps

How a hospitality startup built an Android app that relies on web content to dramatically increase user engagement and keep file size low. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Five ways AirSHIFT improved their React app's runtime performance

How the AirSHIFT team used table virtualization, RUM data, lazy loading, web workers, performance budgets, and hackathons to optimize their React app's runtime performance. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Shape Detection API: a picture is worth a thousand words, faces, and barcodes

The Shape Detection API detects faces, barcodes, and text in images. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Virtual Reality Comes to the Web

Virtual reality has come to the web in Chrome 79. Based on the WebXR Device API, this launch is the foundation for immersive features to come later such as augmented reality. Other browsers will be supporting these specs soon, including Firefox Reality, Oculus Browser, Edge and M … | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

SameSite Cookie Recipes

With the introduction of the new SameSite=None attribute value, sites can now explicitly mark their cookies for cross-site usage. Browsers are moving to make cookies without a SameSite attribute act as first-party by default, a safer and more privacy preserving option than the cu … | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Fast Ads Matter

Understand the value of fast ads and how to think about ad speed. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Verifying Phone Numbers on the Web with the SMS Receiver API

Finding, memorizing, and typing OTPs sent via SMS is cumbersome. The SMS Receiver API simplifies the OTP workflow for users. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Preloading Responsive Images

Learn about new and exciting possibilities for preloading responsive images to ensure great user experience. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Optimize Images with Thumbor

Instructions on how to optimize images with Thumbor. Thumbor is an open-source image CDN and can be used for free to resize, compress, and transform images. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Smarter custom properties with Houdini’s new API

Though useful, CSS variables are hard to work with because they can take any value and be overridden and you can’t use transitions with them. CSS Properties and Values API Level 1 overcomes these issues. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Prefetch resources to speed up future navigations

Learn about rel=prefetch resource hint and how to use it. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Going beyond images with basic video for the web

Research shows that web video lead to higher engagement and sales. Even if you haven't added video to your sites yet, it's just a matter of time until you do. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Ready Player Web

The Web platform is very mature for game development nowadays. The key to building a modern web game is embracing the best practices of game design and monetization. This post provides provides guidance towards this goal. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Progressive Web Apps in multi-origin sites

Multi-origin architectures presents many challenges when building PWAs. Explore the good and bad uses of multiple origins, and some workarounds to build PWAs in multi-origin sites. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

How to Install the Thumbor Image CDN

Instructions on how to install Thumbor. Thumbor is an open-source image CDN and can be used for free to resize, compress, and transform images. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Largest Contentful Paint

Use the Largest Contentful Paint API to optimize for faster page loads. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Browser-level native lazy-loading is finally here

This post covers the loading attribute and how it can be used to control the loading of images and iframes. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Create OS-style backgrounds with backdrop-filter

Learn how to add background effects like blurring and transparency to UI elements on the web using the CSS backdrop-filter property. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Keeping things fresh with stale-while-revalidate

stale-while-revalidate helps developers balance between immediacy—loading cached content right away—and freshness—ensuring updates to the cached content are used in the future. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Faster web navigation with predictive prefetching

Code-splitting allows you to speed up your applications, but it may slow down subsequent navigation. Predictive prefetching is an efficient way to use data analytics to smartly prefetch what the user is likely to use next, optimizing network utilization. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Dark Mode–Overhyped or Necessity?

Many devices now support an operating system wide dark mode or dark theme experience. This post explains how dark mode can be supported on web pages, lists best practices, and introduces a custom element named dark-mode-toggle that allows web developers to offer users a way to ov … | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Virtualize large lists with react-window

react-window is a library that allows large lists to be rendered efficiently. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Bringing Service Workers to Google Search

Search for just about any topic on Google, and you're presented with a page of meaningful, relevant results. What you probably didn't realize is that this search results page may be served by a powerful piece of web technology called a service worker. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

We’re Bringing Google Earth to the Web

Improving cross-browser access to Google Earth with WebAssembly | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Bringing Service Workers to Google Search

Search for just about any topic on Google, and you're presented with a page of meaningful, relevant results. What you probably didn't realize is that this search results page may be served by a powerful piece of web technology called a service worker. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

We’re Bringing Google Earth to the Web

Improving cross-browser access to Google Earth with WebAssembly | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

The Layout Instability API

This post introduces the Layout Instability API, its key concepts, and explains how to use the API and provide feedback | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Hands-On with Portals: Seamless Navigations on the Web

Portals help keep your front-end simple while allowing seamless navigations with custom transitions. In this article, get hands-on experience using Portals to improve user experience across your site. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 5 years ago

Google releases Web.dev, a tool to quickly measure website performance

Let's build the future of the web. With actionable guidance and analysis, web.dev helps developers like you learn and apply the web's modern capabilities to your own sites and apps. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 6 years ago

Web.dev by Google

Let's build the future of the web. With actionable guidance and analysis, web.dev helps developers like you learn and apply the web's modern capabilities to your own sites and apps. | Continue reading

@web.dev | 6 years ago