A a quick round up on ways to monitor changes and updates on your web apps using various Web APIs | Continue reading
Having worked in web development agencies over the years, I've picked up some tips and tricks along the way. There are some things that I use day to day, that I barely even think about. | Continue reading
Fatal mistakes new users to docker may make (especially when migrating from VM land), and how to avoid them. | Continue reading
Creating a R.A.D.I.C.A.L. (Reactive, Automated, Distributed, Intelligent, Complex, Agile, and Lean) System | Continue reading
I made a tweet the other day which definitely struck a chordBen Halpern 🤗... | Continue reading
Thoughts and tips on managing an open source project, based on my experience building Bocadillo, an asynchronous Python web framework. | Continue reading
Server-side Node.Js framework for building scalable, supportable, enterprise-grade applications using TypeScript | Continue reading
The easiest to follow Clojure intro ever (Windows). | Continue reading
GDPR took the world by storm but it seems that it is still very badly understood. This post aims at fixing a few misconceptions. | Continue reading
With advice, there always seems to be someone who has either been offended or swears that you're wrong. Let's change it. | Continue reading
Announcing new package manager alpha release | Continue reading
Second episode about Behavioral Pattern Memento | Continue reading
Santa Tracker and the art of code migrations | Continue reading
Understanding Pure Function In Javascript | Continue reading
Understanding closures in JavaScript | Continue reading
After a long time learning and working with object-oriented programming, I to... | Continue reading
How to implement Auto Logout client side in react | Continue reading
Even though we strive for a minimal JavaScript load on dev.to, we had gotten la... | Continue reading
Firefox Addon to Turn On Dev.to's Night Mode 🔥🔥 | Continue reading
A Facebook Feature Which Kills Another Feature | Continue reading
Write everything twice, just not a third time. | Continue reading
Informal introduction into Tomtit task runner | Continue reading
“SQL, Lisp, and Haskell are the only programming languages that I’ve seen where... | Continue reading
How to write conditions in the on clause of your sql join | Continue reading
Know your App before migrating from Rails to Elixir | Continue reading
In this tutorial, we are going to learn Breadth-first search and Depth-first search in trees. | Continue reading
Story of a reflected XSS in Ghost, the publishing platform. This post covers the technical walkthrough of the vulnerability. | Continue reading
In this post, we will take a look at forms of for loop, array methods using which you can make your code simpler, more readable. These loops / methods are useful when you want to manipulate data in an array or object. | Continue reading
let's talk about a simple url shortener which can be even hosted on GitHub/GitLab Pages or any static site hosting | Continue reading
From diet to exercises to habit changes, here's all you need to know. | Continue reading
Blaming people does not work. Let's stop to do that. And find alternative ways to work | Continue reading
It ain't what you think it is. And it's "very embarrassing" | Continue reading
First episode about Behavioral Patterns and Command | Continue reading
This is post is super long but there are pictures (of words).I made a summary... | Continue reading
A Unix programmer heads over to the local diner to get something to eat for lun... | Continue reading
Two big picture explanations of functional programming for students and newcomers. | Continue reading
Many developers think immediately of databases to store their data, but a variety of cloud storage options exist that are incredibly cost effective and straightforward to use. This articles takes a look at options like "blob storage" and cloud-based file systems and explores how … | Continue reading
Allocate time for fighting to get people the promotions, raises, and jobs they deserve. | Continue reading
I'm forking another conversation: ... | Continue reading
Did classes deliver, what they promised? In this post, I share my thoughts about common classes pitfalls and possible solutions for creating better web development. | Continue reading
After nearly 4 years as a Software Developer, I have learned some non-technical stuff that I would have loved to learn them before. | Continue reading
Four years ago I was a grad student with a Ph.D. fellowship in the Study of Rel... | Continue reading
It seems to be a rather common thing, especially among fresh developers, to fee... | Continue reading
On price-performance and how a tiny nonprofit spends as little donor money as necessary on infrastructure | Continue reading
My simple way to make understandable folds | Continue reading
...(thyroid and thymic cancer) and Myasthenia Gravis. My mother is undergoing d... | Continue reading
JavaScript timers With Examples | Continue reading
Working with react dangerouslySetInnerHTML attribute | Continue reading