It occurs to me that there’s perhaps a bit of guilt on show here. You see those pregnant 11 year olds in Telford got in that state because the local authorities, in fear of being branded racist and… | Continue reading
Nongqawuse was a fifteen year old Xhosa girl who in 1856 had a vision in which three ancestral spirits told her that if the Xhosa people showed their trust by destroying their crops and killing the… | Continue reading
The strangest things remind the BBC of the evils of the west – and fail to remind them of the evils of socialism. If you watch through the BBC’s ‘Why mums-to-be are fleeing Venezu… | Continue reading
What I found particularly annoying is the degree to which certain commentators elevated the importance of Meghan Markle’s race. If the media hadn’t told me, and then not shut up about it for months… | Continue reading
We have heard the Rights of Man called a levelling system; but the only system to which the word levelling is truly applicable, is the hereditary monarchical system. It is a system of mental levell… | Continue reading
I give you Kaitlin Bennett from Ohio, as reported by BBC News: As a woman, I refuse to be a victim & the second amendment ensures that I don’t have to be. .@KentState puts up fliers in do… | Continue reading
I am a radical on Town & Country planning as on other economic issues. I would abolish it. To me it is offensive that the value of a man’s land is stripped from him by laws that deny him … | Continue reading
Is The Electric Vehicle Revolution Real? That is the question that Nico Metten asks, over at Libertarian Home. Metten’s answer, surprise surprise: no. His English could do with a little clean… | Continue reading
As any big city mobster will tell you, shaking down small businesses for protection money is a profitable line of work. The government gets into the same lines as the mob and every branch of govern… | Continue reading
Aunt Agatha seeks to give advice to another troubled public figure in Britain… I wonder who it could be? | Continue reading
Is a fair summary of the antics of a bunch of Cornish bureaucrats in Padstow, (a harbour and tourist attraction on Cornwall’s north coast) supported by the local MP Scott Mann, in a battle ag… | Continue reading
I’m not making up my mind on Gaza until I’ve heard what Gary Lineker and Lily Allen think – Jeremy Briar offers sage words of advice 😜 | Continue reading
Being easily offended used to be a character flaw. Now it’s a job description. – Hugh MacLeod | Continue reading
…if I could find the right bloody sketch on YouTube. First I thought it was “Negotiations” from Not The Nine O’Clock News, but it wasn’t. My goodness, they wouldn̵… | Continue reading
There’s a conference called A Conservative Renaissance in London today. But I can’t see any renaissance coming to pass whilst the Conservative party is being run by a Blairite. Before a… | Continue reading
Labour is now described as having an antisemitism problem. But those who talk like this are neglecting the fact that for many Corbynites antisemitism accomplishes something very important. It helps… | Continue reading
For [Adam] Smith, the dangers that natural liberty faces are not a result of the system of free markets itself, but of mankind’s flawed human nature, particularly the desire of those he called “mer… | Continue reading
Earlier today the Press Gazette reported, Guardian distances itself from ‘anti-press’ Data Protection Bill amendments which would exclude title from paying punitive legal costs Peers’ S… | Continue reading
I saw a fascinating letter in the Continental Telegraph to Agatha Antigone asking for advice. There is something about it that makes me strongly suspect I know who the man of wealth and taste seeki… | Continue reading
No, no, not eating Irish children, this is 2018 (not that I have anything against grass-fed Irish children), but rather a modest proposal to ensure national unity: As the Guardian says, we really s… | Continue reading
I found this interesting, just a mere twitter exchange relating to the Day of Freedom rally that you will never see the BBC say much (or indeed anything I suspect) about. I am increasingly willing … | Continue reading
I wanted to support the Daniel Hannan classical liberal faction within the Party as it (I hoped) took control. I have been disappointed so far. The nature of the beast is still just as I remembered… | Continue reading
Political and economic theories are never implemented in pure form, and their adherents are rarely impressed by politicians who claim to be inspired by them. That’s just par for the course. Marxist… | Continue reading
If we’ve got to apply the full nelson to get the governmental apparatus to do something obviously both morally and pragmatically correct then why in buggery would we give them more power over our l… | Continue reading
This universe has finite resources, finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correcting. Avengers: Infinity War spoilers below. | Continue reading
Writing in CapX, Chris Deerin argues that opposition to ID cards is out of date. He seems to agree that they may solve problems including terrorism and mis-treatment of immigrants. He suggests that… | Continue reading
Whatever your views on free market principles, it is clearly dishonest to imply that those who support tax cuts, lower government spending and greater economic freedom do so in the belief that some… | Continue reading
I like this, about Jordan Peterson, in Esquire, by Wesley (good name, considering his subject) Yang: Many of Peterson’s seemingly grandiose pronouncements are, in fact, quite modest. He is often de… | Continue reading
Obviously he did on his last day, as the wolves killed him. But earlier, when he enjoyed making the villagers run at his command, did the boy who cried wolf believe in wolves? Did he tell himself t… | Continue reading
Have a great or at least an interesting Beltane, or if you prefer, have a suitably reflective Gulag Remembrance Day | Continue reading
There has been, as we know, much fuss over how Russian Twitter ‘bots backed both Brexit and Donald Trump. This is an interference with our democracy which just cannot be lived with, something must … | Continue reading
“GP accused of paedophilia by ‘fantasist’ loses fight for costs” reports the Times. A retired GP accused by a “serial fantastist” of being part of a paedophile ring was told yesterday h… | Continue reading
However, you can be sure the global elites, the media, and Trump’s ideological enemies at home and abroad will do everything in their power to downplay, ignore, or misrepresent Trump’s role in what… | Continue reading
You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The governm… | Continue reading
This video appeared in the Illuminatus’ Facebook feed recently: In it, participants line up for a running race but before they start a man lists a number of life advantages (such as having a … | Continue reading
“Armed gang pick on the wrong gran as she fires CROSSBOW at masked men who kicked down her door”, reports the Daily Mirror. A woman has told how she shot at a machete-wielding intruder … | Continue reading
And if you like the idea that a comedian convicted a making a joke in bad taste and fined £800 by a Scottish court could end up making a tidy profit, you might want to drop your mouse on this link … | Continue reading
Bernie Sanders announces a plan to guarantee every American a job, but he fails, yet again, to come even close to the promises made by the And A Pony Party (“AAPP”). We remind you, once… | Continue reading
When I hear someone say we should ‘democratise’ something, that’s code for ‘make civil things political’ because that much misused word ‘democracy’ doesn&#… | Continue reading
England’s favourite Roman-Greek dragon slayer grants us licence this day to drink beer and make appropriate Shakespeare quotes. | Continue reading
The story that I and most people here are familiar with is that in the 1840s Britain abolished the Corn Laws, became the pioneer in free trade and that this was a good thing. John Nye begs to diffe… | Continue reading
I have discovered a source of wisdom on the internet (no, really ;-) ) and I am reliably informed that the blessed Theresa herself has been known to solicit advice from the famed Agatha Antigone. | Continue reading
Earth Day is a classic religious holiday: The interpretation of destructive weather as the gods’ punishment of men for the sins of Man is ancient. – Benjamin Zycher | Continue reading
Conventional theory has it that capitalism arose in England in the 16th century but I long ago found it thriving in the 13th century. Rowland Parker’s ‘Men of Dunwich’, a treasure… | Continue reading
…and say, “This is where we are”. The BBC reports: Woman guilty of ‘racist’ Snap Dogg rap lyric Instagram post A teenager who posted rap lyrics which included racist l… | Continue reading
“How does it feel,” asks Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, while arguing that the first human on Mars should be a woman, “to watch a person of your gender set foot on a faraway celestial body for the first time? Could you write to me, men, and let me know?” I was only a child on the one an … | Continue reading
Well, yesterday’s actually. Or the last century’s, or maybe the century before that. Meh, who cares; with these guys everything old is new again but not in a good way. Here is your helping of reheated Grauniad porridge from someone called Rhik Samadder: Landlords are social paras … | Continue reading
First, as much as the authors insist that previous examples of socialism were not “really” socialist, none of them can tell us what exactly they would do differently. Rather than providing at least a rough outline of how “their” version of socialism would work in practice, the au … | Continue reading