SCHOOLED ON CHARLOTTE: In this era of "resegregation"...

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Someone lied to Lawrence when he was young!

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SCHOOLED ON CHARLOTTE: Charlotte's black kids fight "resegregation!"

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First, we came for all The Others!

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SCHOOLED ON CHARLOTTE: Fifty-three (or 85) outlying districts!

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Our lack of intellectual hygiene is striking!

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SCHOOLED ON CHARLOTTE: How much can you trust what you read in the Times?

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THE WOKE AND THE BUSED: The long and the short of the woke and the bused!

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THE LONG AND THE SHORT: American kids have made large gains!

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THE LONG AND THE SHORT: Challenges in the Lake Worth schools!

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BREAKING: Jury duty today!

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THE WOKE AND THE BUSED: Still no explanation from Harris!

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Full services resume tomorrow!

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Train, bus and automobile!

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"Consider the species," top experts have said!

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Concerning that bill to help fund future busing!

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THE WOKE AND THE BUSED: Biden circa 1974...

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Vance adopts the company line!

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THE WOKE AND THE BUSED: Willie Brown is a very bad person!

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Concerning the possible Dem nominees!

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THE WOKE AND THE BUSED: Little girl found!

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Key takeaways from a battle for power!

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DESEGREGATING THE GOTHAM ONE: Big liberal audience cheers bold stand!

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Wallace knows it isn't true!

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DESEGREGATING THE GOTHAM ONE: The Times just keeps denying those giant gaps!

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We're getting conned on The One True Channel!

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DESEGREGATING THE GOTHAM ONE: The problem begins with de Blasio's plan!

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Elora Mukherjee, back from the border!

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DESEGREGATING THE GOTHAM ONE: The Times extends its brave, lonely stand...

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We humans say the darnedest things!

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DESEGREGATING THE GOTHAM ONE: Award-winning series of top-notch reports...

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Lewis and Clyburn don't have the first clue!

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Biden makes incommodious statement!

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DESEGREGATING THE GOTHAM ONE: "Where's the outrage?" one commenter asks!

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BREAKING! Mueller kidnapped, no ransom note found!

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DESEGREGATING THE GOTHAM ONE: Leave It to Beaver won't be coming back!

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CNN gets the scoop about foreign dirt!

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"DESEGREGATING" THE GOTHAM ONE: Dumbest paper adores brightest kids!

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The depressing state of our own human race!

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Pundits continue brave fight against dirt!

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Our comical flight from information!

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Our remarkable fear of information!

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"SEGREGATION" AND SCOLD: Stupid old Biden opposed it back then!

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First few reactions to Trump's remarks!

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"SEGREGATION" AND SCOLD: There's no way to "integrate" New York's schools!

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Donny Deutsch predicts total war!

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"SEGREGATION" AND SCOLD: What makes New York (State) the worst state of all?

Continue reading | 5 years ago