Nvidia’s Rarely Seen Co-Founder Speaks

On today's program we talk with Nvidia co-founder, Chris Malachowsky alongside University of Florida Provost and VP, Joe Glover, about a sizable AI | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

First Look at Graphcore New DL Processor/System

Let’s leave aside all the questions about the long-term viability of AI ASICs and appliances and focus instead on the beauty of a good architecture. | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

The Elegance (and Limitations of) Precisely Engineered Accelerators

Let’s leave aside all the questions about the long-term viability of AI ASICs and appliances and focus instead on the beauty of a good architecture. | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

The New General and New Purpose in Computing

The term “general purpose” in regards to compute is an evolving one. What looked like general purpose in the past looks like a limited ASIC by today’s | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

The Battle for Enterprise Compute Begins in the Cloud

If the hyperscalers are a crystal ball in which we see the far-off future of compute, storage, and networking writ large and ahead of the mainstream, then | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Ampere Reveals “Quicksilver” Altra Lineup, 128-Core “Mystique” Kicker

There are two Amperes in datacenter compute right now, and they are both gunning for Xeons. One is the “Ampere” A100 GPU accelerator from Nvidia, and the | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Making Java Play Nice with Kubernetes

Java turned 25 years old in May, marking a quarter of a century in which it has consistently been one of the most widely used programming languages. The | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Taking a Deep Dive into “Cooper Lake” Xeon SP Processors

Even before the coronavirus pandemic hit, Intel, the dominant maker of processors for servers on the planet, was rejiggering its product roadmaps behind | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Server Spending Measures Aspiration as Much as Oomph

Sometimes, to get the proper perspective, you have to take the long view. And other times, you need the extremely long view. It is with this in mind that | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

OpenPower Puts Open Source Software Guru in Charge

If you want to build a successful hardware ecosystem around a chip architecture that has recently been open sourced, as the Power chip instruction set was | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Diving Deep into the Nvidia Ampere GPU Architecture

When you have 54.2 billion transistors to play with, you can pack a lot of different functionality into a computing device, and this is precisely what | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

The GPU Database Evolves into an Analytics Platform

As the name of this publication suggests, we are system thinkers and we like to watch the evolution of a collection of tools into a platform. That’s the | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Deep Learning Might Mesh with Supercomputers of 2030

One reason we’re watching Lawrence Livermore National Lab closely is because they are at the forefront when it comes to blending emerging HPC, deep | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Facebook’s Future Rack and Microserver Iron

The hyperscalers and cloud builders have been setting the pace for innovation in the server arena for the past decade or so, particularly and publicly | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Ampere DGX Servers Pack a Wallop, Including AMD Epyc CPUs

A new CPU or GPU compute engine is always an exciting time for the datacenter because we get to see the results of years of work and clever thinking by | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Nvidia Unifies AI Compute with “Ampere” GPU

The GPU Technical Conference may have been canceled in March thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, but behind the scenes Nvidia kept on pace with the | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Is Microsoft’s SONiC Winning the War of the NOSes?

There are many things that are ironic in the IT business. Too many to count, some days. And maybe it is  just because many of us are attending the virtual | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Pandemic Shows the Value of the Public Cloud

It seems much longer than just a couple of months ago when the spreading coronavirus outbreak began make its presence felt in the tech industry. Like in | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Innovium Stays on Broadcom’s Heels with Teralynx 8 Switch Chips

There is a relentless hunger for bandwidth in the largest datacenters of the world as well as a desire to flatten networks and thereby reduce latencies | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

HPE’s Ungaro on Delivering Exascale for the Masses

When Hewlett Packard Enterprise finally closed on its $1.3 billion acquisition of supercomputer maker Cray in September, it was just over a month after | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

The Steady Patience of AMD in the Datacenter

We have said more than once in recent weeks that recessions accelerate technology transitions but they do not cause them. We now have a textbook | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

In-Depth on Future Datacenter Architecture with Nvidia CEO, Jensen Huang

The deal for Nvidia to acquire Mellanox, which was announced last March for $6.9 billion, has finally passed muster with all of the regulatory bodies of | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Pandemic Compute Needs Drive Intel’s Data Center Group

The first half of last year was relatively weak for Intel’s Data Center Group last year, but despite the coronavirus pandemic – and in some cases, we | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

The Big Will Get Bigger Because We Need Them To

In the coming weeks and months, particularly as we are entering the financial reporting season for the first quarter of 2020, we are naturally going to be | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

The Outlook for Infrastructure Is Cloudy – In a Good Way

If we are ever going to know what affect the coronavirus pandemic has had on the IT sector, we have to keep track of what was going on before the outbreak | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Python Delivers Big on Complex Unlabeled Data

A collaboration of researchers from the University of California Davis, the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, and Intel are working | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Graphing the Coronavirus Pandemic

Since late February and early March, when the coronavirus outbreak began to spill out of China in earnest and spread its sickness and death across Europe, | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Changing Conditions for Neural Network Processing

Over the last few years the idea of “conditional computation” has been key to making neural network processing more efficient, even though much of the | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

CXL and Gen-Z Iron Out a Coherent Interconnect Strategy

To one way of looking at it, a reprise of the Bus Wars from days gone by in the late 1980s and early 1990s would have been a lot of fun. The fighting | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Tachyum Starts from Scratch to Etch a Universal Processor

For the past five years or so, there has been a lot of talk about accelerated computing being the new normal and about the era of the general purpose | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Betting on Extreme Co-Design for Compute Chips

Whether or not the coronavirus pandemic causes the Great Recession II or the Great Depression II, we are without a doubt entering an era when IT industry | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Minimalist Hyperscale Servers for the Rest of Us

Server component and system maker Supermicro is known for being out in front when any X86 processor comes to market and often shoots the gap between ODMs, | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 4 years ago

Marvell Cranks Up Cores and Clocks with “Triton” ThunderX3

Arm server chip upstart Ampere Computing made a big splash with its 80-core “Quicksilver” Altra processor two weeks ago, and Marvell, which is the volume | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

That Last Hurrah Before the Server Recession?

Excepting some potholes here and there and a few times when the hyperscalers and cloud builders tapped the brakes, it has been one hell of a run in the | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

VMware Rejuvenates with Kubernetes

The American landscape is littered with dead malls – once-thriving shopping centers now abandoned, filled with rubble, with empty department stores and | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

The Metronomic Cadence of Chippery from AMD

Companies invest in platforms over a decade or more, and that is why architectures persist longer than we might think given technological differences and | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

AMD Is Determined to Gets Its Rightful Datacenter Share

There is an equally virtuous and vicious cycle that propels all computing: Innovation requires competition to propel it, and competition requires | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

Intel Reacts to the Competitive Heat on Its Xeons

Whatever is going on with its competitive positioning against revitalized X86 server chip rival AMD, Intel clearly felt that it could not wait for the | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

Full Agenda for the Next AI Platform: 2020 Edition

We are just 18 days away from The Next AI Platform event on March 10, 2020 at The Glasshouse in San Jose. Remember, this sold out last year. If you | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

Google teaches AI to play the game of chip design

If it wasn’t bad enough that Moore’s Law improvements in the density and cost of transistors is slowing. At the same time, the cost of designing chips and | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

AMD Tweaks Rome Epyc Server Chip Lineup

With the ramping of volumes, the maturing of the manufacturing process, and the widening number of use cases in the field, there is always an opportunity | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

The Jellyfish-Inspired Database Under AWS Block Storage

If you want inspiration for a hyperscale, resilient distributed block storage service, apparently a jellyfish is a good place to start looking for | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

The Hyperconvergence of Virtual Machines and Containers

No platform can be everything to everybody. And while there are plenty of organizations that operate at scale who create their own platforms, often using | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

The Datacenter Has an Appetite for GPU Compute

It is not inconceivable, but probably also not very likely, that the datacenter business at GPU juggernaut Nvidia could at some point in the next one, | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

Where Will Quantum Systems Succeed in AI Training?

Quantum computers will continue to fit in the “emerging technologies” category for some time, at least in terms of their ability to handle a large enough | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

Why Found a Server Chip Company When There's No Room in CPU Market? One Answer

The server processor market has gotten a lot more crowded in the past several years, which is great for customers and which has made it both better and | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

How to Drive Infrastructure Like Uber Does

There are many things that the hyperscalers and cloud builders have taught enterprise IT to respect more than perhaps it had in years gone by. And this is | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago

Vertical Integration Is Eating the Datacenter, Part Two

It is funny to think of the modern datacenter as an appliance, like an iPhone, but in the cases of the hyperscalers and the very largest public cloud | Continue reading

@nextplatform.com | 5 years ago