Tutorial on Porting Adobe Flash Content to WebGL

For everyone interested in WebGL. A Tips and Tricks tutorial on porting 2D vector-based content to Verge3D. I use Blender but it might also be useful for 3ds Max… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Reveal: Google Plan to Prevent Next “Trump Situation” (Hidden Cam)

BACKUP VIDEO AVAILABLE: https://www.projectveritas.com/2019/0... • Insider: Google "is bent on never letting somebody like Donald Trump come to power… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

“Simula: a personal journey”, talk by James Gosling (2017)

This is a recording of a talk I gave at the conference celebrating the 50th anniversary of Simula, the first object-oriented programming language. It was held at… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Corona Fit Packs

To create Fit Pack, we modified the production line of Corona Extra cans so that they could be stacked one on top of the other. By doing this we will be removing… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Ruby 3.0 Redux

For several years now Rubyists around the world have been fascinated by the plans for the next big Ruby release - namely Ruby 3.0. While a lot has been said about… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

What I Saw Before the Darkness [video]

A neural network imagines a person. Then, one by one, neurons in the network are being switched off... Project page: https://aitold.me/portfolio/i-will-not-forget/ The… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Spacemaker: Designing Better Cities with AI

Oslo-based Spacemaker is helping developers, architects, and urban planners build better and more sustainable cities using AI. The company’s proprietary software… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Life of Machine

Hank is a simple, henpecked robot whose curiosity is piqued when he finds an old surfing manual in a dumpster on the way to his 9-5 factory job. It is hard to… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Dan Ingalls PARC Talk on Sanskrit and OCR

A talk given by Dan Ingalls and his father at Xerox PARC in 1980. It describes a project to determine authorship of various sections of the great Indian epic, the… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

AV1 Update: Mythbusters Edition [video]

Recording of the June Video Tech NYC meetup, hosted by Vimeo. https://www.meetup.com/Video-Tech-NYC/events/260710353/ @04:01 Maximize Video Engagement with Bandits… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Radiohead remixed on computer parts (2008)

Video by James Houston jim@1030.co.uk www.1030.co.uk www.twitter.com/1030 -------- Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Guitars (rhythm & lead) Epson LX-81 Dot Matrix Printer… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Google street view hyperlapse. [video]

All Google Street View imagery captured using http://hyperlapse.tllabs.io. Source code available at https://github.com/TeehanLax/Hyperlapse.js. Read the full… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

JSON Explained

Java and Kotlin coders: note this talk. Its tran- script describes some tools to encode any object. I’ll review the libraries including an an- notation that… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Coding on Your Smartphone with Vim [video]

Hi there, I've spent some time working on this PoC that allows one to (kind of) code on smartphone using Vim. I am sharing a video demo here to see what others… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

What I saw before the darkness: A NN,then neurons are being switched off

A neural network imagines a person. Then, one by one, neurons in the network are being switched off... Project page: https://aitold.me/portfolio/i-will-not-forget/ | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Mirage Men (2013)

Mirage Men is about how the US government used mythology to cover up their advanced technology. It prominently features Richard Doty, a retired Special Agent who… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Out of Body Experiences [video]

Out of Body Experiences | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Continuous Learning as a Lead Developer with Sandi Metz and David A. Black

Stride Consulting is a leading agile software consultancy comprised of non-dogmatic developers, product managers, coaches, and designers in New York City, empowering… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago


CelebApp is Social Media Platform of Next Generation. | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Take Back Your Web [video]

We used to control our online identities, content, and experience. We now share Twitter names instead of domains; even web developers tweet and post on Medium instead… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago


The year 2100. In an effort to combat overpopulation, the postmortem social network "Anvil" is released. A fusion of both Japanese and Belgian comics… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Katie Sylor-Miller: Visual Git: Filling in the Gaps (SmashingConf 2019)

Git is the de facto industry standard tool for storing and editing code for a reason — it's powerful, scalable, flexible… but it can be confusing… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

A Material Point Method for Viscoelastic Fluids, Foams and Sponges

Daniel Ram, Theodore Gast, Chenfanfu Jiang, Craig Schroeder, Alexey Stomakhin, Joseph Teran, and Pirouz Kavehpour. 2015. A material point method for viscoelastic… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

OutOfMemoryError and Finalizer Thread – Fastthread.io

Finalizer Thread stuck | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Escape – A sci-fi short film by Opera

In a future controlled by technology, one person searches for an escape. This short film from Opera Software explores issues of personal choice, control, and the… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Mastering the Ghidra Reverse Engineering Tool [video]

INFILTRATE 2020 will be held April 23/24, Miami Beach, Florida, infiltratecon.com | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

No Way Out but Through: Tales from the Tech Resistance (Maciej Ceglowski)

Like children playing with a bulldozer, the giant American tech monopolies have amassed more power than they can safely handle. Galvanized by the disastrous election,… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Inventing on Principle

Bio: Bret Victor invents tools that enable people to understand and create. He has designed experimental UI concepts at Apple, interactive data graphics for Al Gore,… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Chalk of Champions [video]

Once upon a time, not long ago, the math world fell in love ... with a chalk. But not just any chalk! This was Hagoromo: a Japanese brand so smooth, so perfect that… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

A Video for Mark Zuckerberg

This video is intended for Mark Zuckerberg, Stan Chudnovsky, Chris Cox and anyone else who has influence over the Facebook Messenger product roadmap. I explain how… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

One day of taxi trips in Beijing

One day of taxi trips in Beijing in 2008 Data from Microsoft Research: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/t-drive-trajectory-data-sample/ | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Scanimate: The Origins of Computer Motion Graphics

Digital artists have been trying to replicate the ephemeral quality of graphics from the 70s and 80s for years. But nothing comes close to the real (analog) thing.… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

How Wolves Change Rivers

Visit http://sustainableman.org/ to explore the world of sustainability. For more from George Monbiot, visit http://www.monbiot.com/ "When we try to pick… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Theory of Algorithmic Self-Assembly

This video accompanies a review article, "Theory of Algorithmic Self-Assembly", by David Doty, in the December 2012 issue of Communications of the ACM.… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

CHT Presents Humane: A New Agenda for Tech

This is "CHT Presents Humane: A New Agenda for Tech" by Center for Humane Technology on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

People’s Park

Filmed in a total of 36 hours over the course of six days in July 2018; People’s Park is a foreigner's observation of one of Shanghai’s public parks… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

How Venice Works [video]

Venice is not just a stage set. It is also a city with a resident population, which has productive activities, transportation and services. But how does the “Venice… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

The city under the ice, Camp Century [video]

77.10° N 61.08° W | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

What's it like to try to trim a 737 MAX during high speed (Video)

MP runaway trim manual trim recovery condensed NG simulator | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Starwatcher – Moebiu's 3D Animated Movie (1991)

Pilote d'un projet de long métrage en images de synthèse 3D réalisé par Moebius en 1991 chez Videosystem. Cf http://histoire3d.siggraph.org/index.php?title=Starwatcher | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Economics of Nanotech and AI (2010)

All January 2010 Foresight Conference videos: http://www.vimeo.com/album/176287 Join email list: http://www.foresight.org/d/list_signup Bio for this speaker: Robin… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Introduction to Clojure (2013)

Clojure is a powerful dynamic language that compiles to many target environments, including the JVM, JavaScript, and the CLR. In this talk, you will learn how to… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Trip of Compassion

Description and note from Tim Ferriss: “I felt like I went through 15 years of psychological therapy in one night.” — Actual patient featured… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

Input and Interaction on HoloLens 2

How did input on HoloLens get to where it is now, what have we learned about it, and where are we going next? I will be sharing stories about input on HoloLens –… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 5 years ago

FOSDEM Video: TiDB's Horizontal Scalability and MySQL Compatibility

Morgan Tocker, Senior Product and Community Manager at PingCAP, delivers a presentation on TiDB at FOSDEM 2019 in the MySQL Devroom. | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 6 years ago

Ian Goodfellow Plenary Talk at AAAI19: Adversarial Machine Learning [video]

Until about 2013, most researchers studying machine learning for artificial intelligence all worked on a common goal: get machine learning to work for AI-scale tasks.… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 6 years ago

Why Equity is better than a SAFE

When you are raising your first round of capital you basically have two options, SAFE/Convertible Debt or Equity. One option may seem to offer more flexibility and… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 6 years ago

Pistachio Wars, Trailer

Pistachio Wars is the result of years of filming in California - but we need your help to complete post production! Support the project, our Kickstarter campaign… | Continue reading

@vimeo.com | 6 years ago