NO EXCUSE LEFT BEHIND: It's money and test prep, Mara Gay says!

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Biden supported the 1994 crime bill!

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NO EXCUSE LEFT BEHIND: Mara Gay insults Asian-Americans!

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We hope Paskin didn't watch Maddow last night!

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NO EXCUSE LEFT BEHIND: The New York Times doesn't seem to care!

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Willa Paskin watched Maddow last week!

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Who runs the nation's "most segregated school system?"

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How many people watch cable news?

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DO BLACK KIDS (ACTUALLY) MATTER: What do those Naep data actually mean?

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Michael Avenatti, frog-marched away!

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DO BLACK KIDS (ACTUALLY) MATTER: The brilliant students of tribal lore!

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Isikoff, Hayes savage Steele dossier!

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DO BLACK KIDS (ACTUALLY) MATTER: The basic data you'll never be shown!

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Led astray by the Steele dossier!

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DO BLACK KIDS (ACTUALLY) MATTER: Black kids don't get into Stuyvesant!

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Have we liberals been propagandized?

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We must hope for indictments by somebody else!

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Who gets to cruise on the trustees' yachts?

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MATHEMATICIANS GONE WILD: Livio's magical mystery tour!

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BREAKING: News from the Platonic realm!

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A chance to review such actual facts!

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MATHEMATICIANS GONE WILD: Fields Medal winners get tons of respect!

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Berkeley and Harvard and Stanford oh my!

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MATHEMATICIANS GONE WILD: "When language goes on holiday!"

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Undergraduate enrollment at Cornell!

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MATHEMATICIANS GONE WILD: Professor Livio's well-received book!

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The New York Times keeps pouring it on!

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Outsized reaction to Yale scam continues!

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The Washington Post nails Howard Schultz!

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IN SEARCH OF WHAT TRUMP ACTUALLY SAID: Did Donald J. Trump really say those things?

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The New York Times [HEART] Ivy admissions!

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IN SEARCH OF WHAT TRUMP ACTUALLY SAID: One brave leader boldly spoke!

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If the Southern District is so ferocious...

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IN SEARCH OF WHAT TRUMP ACTUALLY SAID: Mark Shields reports what Donald Trump said!

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More of the same all over again!

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IN SEARCH OF WHAT TRUMP ACTUALLY SAID: A storm of critical paraphrase!

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Rep. Omar on Obama's drone strikes!

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THE TRUMP AND TRIBE FILE: Digest of reports!

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TRUMP AND TRIBE: Mister Trump gains as Dems denounce hate!

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Texas public schools versus the nation!

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TRUMP AND TRIBE: I know you are, but what am I?

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Journalistic coverage of public schools!

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TRUMP AND TRIBE: Everybody knows what to say!

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Lawrence O'Donnell gets it right!

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TRUMP AND TRIBE: Michael Cohen knew what to say!

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