TRUMP AND TRIBE: I know you are, but what am I?

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Journalistic coverage of public schools!

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TRUMP AND TRIBE: Everybody knows what to say!

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Lawrence O'Donnell gets it right!

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TRUMP AND TRIBE: Michael Cohen knew what to say!

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We're offering a rather short entry today!

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Gene Lyons' column from last week!

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Kristof skips one basic key point!

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SOUTHERN FRONTIERS OF THE RATIONAL IMPULSE: Narrative certainties of a failed tribe!

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SOUTHERN FRONTIERS OF THE RATIONAL IMPULSE: The top one percent pay forty percent!

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SOUTHERN FRONTIERS OF THE RATIONAL IMPULSE: Racist attacks on the joy of mink coats!

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Returning to sprawling campus!

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National import!

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ADVANTAGE HARARI: Nineteen to 24 years in the clink!

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ADVANTAGE HARARI: Who gives a fig about climate change?

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The emerging anthropological concept of "narrative transmission!

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ADVANTAGE HARARI: Rhodes Scholar ignores the Green New Deal!

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