Proud homeowner shares incredible before-and-after photos of lawn transformation: 'It's worth it'

"This process has been so much fun and also backbreaking." Proud homeowner shares incredible before-and-after photos of lawn transformation: 'It's worth it' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Experts make worrisome discovery on Mt. Everest climbing paths: 'The probability of that getting worse … increases'

Dangerous conditions aren't the only things plaguing Mount Everest these days. Experts make worrisome discovery on Mt. Everest climbing paths: 'The probability of that getting worse … increases' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Creators of 'artificial sun' announce another nuclear fusion breakthrough: 'World-first achievement'

"The innovative magnetic configuration ... represents a major advancement." Creators of 'artificial sun' announce another nuclear fusion breakthrough: 'World-first achievement' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Boater turns unexpected discovery during trash cleanup into adorable rescue: 'The cutest little hitchhiker'

"Do you think this is the SpongeBob origin story?" Boater turns unexpected discovery during trash cleanup into adorable rescue: 'The cutest little hitchhiker' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Scientists make game-changing discovery about impact of grazing herbivores on air pollution: 'Requires immediate attention'

The prevalent belief has been that the loss of trees in grazing areas could lead to increased air pollution. Scientists make game-changing discovery about impact of grazing herbivores on air pollution: 'Requires immediate attention' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Driver raises concerns after vandals repeatedly strike charging station: 'Just so frustrating'

"They need to make this a more serious crime." Driver raises concerns after vandals repeatedly strike charging station: 'Just so frustrating' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Hiker shares disappointment after stumbling upon scene left by tourists on popular trail: 'I've seen it far too many times'

"This is why I always carry trash bags." Hiker shares disappointment after stumbling upon scene left by tourists on popular trail: 'I've seen it far too many times' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

World's largest McDonald's franchise makes 'revolutionary' change to food packaging: 'A pivotal step'

"We are pleased to take a leadership role in introducing JANUS technology into the global food and beverage industry." World's largest McDonald's franchise makes 'revolutionary' change to food packaging: 'A pivotal step' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Study finds recent catastrophic floods to be consequences of concerning global phenomenon: 'They are becoming increasingly strong and widespread'

The region has now endured four environmental disasters in a year. Study finds recent catastrophic floods to be consequences of concerning global phenomenon: 'They are becoming increasingly strong and widespread' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

EV owner highlights frustrating trend happening at charging stations across the country: 'They need to make this a federal offense'

"This is nothing short of an attack on America's critical transportation infrastructure." EV owner highlights frustrating trend happening at charging stations across the country: 'They need to make this a federal offense' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Gardener reveals importance of leaving plant stems after pruning: 'I had no idea'

"I will definitely reconsider the next time I go to clear out all the dead stuff." Gardener reveals importance of leaving plant stems after pruning: 'I had no idea' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

State Republicans withhold $125 million in vital government funds — here's what they want in return

"At this point in time it looks like the JFC is not going to release those dollars." State Republicans withhold $125 million in vital government funds — here's what they want in return first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Startup fact-checks the proliferation of false opinions about nutrition: 'Food is an emotional decision for people'

"You don't want to make folks feel like something they know and love is being attacked." Startup fact-checks the proliferation of false opinions about nutrition: 'Food is an emotional decision for people' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Home chef shares 'genius' mason jar trick using an unexpected item: 'That's so smart'

"OK, I'm so doing this." Home chef shares 'genius' mason jar trick using an unexpected item: 'That's so smart' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

State lawmakers pass controversial bill to block lawsuits against farms for spreading poultry excrement onto land: 'The bill threatens to undo decades of progress improving water quality'

Critics are raising concerns about this litter polluting waterways. State lawmakers pass controversial bill to block lawsuits against farms for spreading poultry excrement onto land: 'The bill threatens to undo decades of progress improving water quality' first appeared on The Co … | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Japanese company offers unheard-of deal to EV owners — and it costs less than $20 per month

It gives urban EV drivers a convenient, cost-effective place to plug in while they're out and about living their lives. Japanese company offers unheard-of deal to EV owners — and it costs less than $20 per month first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Resourceful homeowner shares brilliant hack for using leftover plastic lids: 'Great idea overall'

Repurposing and reusing items of waste can save consumers time and money. Resourceful homeowner shares brilliant hack for using leftover plastic lids: 'Great idea overall' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

New analysis uncovers major problem with companies' climate contributions: 'We can't offset our way to a safe climate future'

"Racking up carbon credits doesn't make you a climate leader. Cutting fossil fuels does." New analysis uncovers major problem with companies' climate contributions: 'We can't offset our way to a safe climate future' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Beauty guru shares simple cleaning method to remove grimy buildup on hairbrushes: 'My brushes looked brand-new'

"Running to wash mine." Beauty guru shares simple cleaning method to remove grimy buildup on hairbrushes: 'My brushes looked brand-new' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Shopper shocked after finding high-end kitchen appliance at thrift store: 'It worked perfectly, barely even used'

"You really hit the jackpot." Shopper shocked after finding high-end kitchen appliance at thrift store: 'It worked perfectly, barely even used' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Tesla hires insurance executive to help further reduce costs for drivers: 'We'll lower the total cost of Tesla ownership and accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy'

"There's a very delicate balance." Tesla hires insurance executive to help further reduce costs for drivers: 'We'll lower the total cost of Tesla ownership and accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Homeowner seeks advice as HOA's poor drainage system floods property: 'You likely have a different situation that's harder to solve'

"No HOA board is willingly going to adopt a liability because of a newsletter from the 80s." Homeowner seeks advice as HOA's poor drainage system floods property: 'You likely have a different situation that's harder to solve' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Community solar programs can save you thousands on energy yearly — but some companies are trying to block access to it

"It seems that their view on how to value solar-plus-storage is only based on whether it creates poor economics for the projects they oppose." Community solar programs can save you thousands on energy yearly — but some companies are trying to block access to it first appeared on … | Continue reading | 3 months ago

New study suggests forests use different strategies to remain resilient in nutrient-poor soils: 'We may not have to worry about it so much'

The research looked at tropical forests in places like the Amazon and Congo. New study suggests forests use different strategies to remain resilient in nutrient-poor soils: 'We may not have to worry about it so much' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Company develops wildly simple solution for enormous fuel and pollution savings in shipping industry: 'On track for commercial deployment this year'

The beauty of the solution is how simple and inexpensive it would be to implement. Company develops wildly simple solution for enormous fuel and pollution savings in shipping industry: 'On track for commercial deployment this year' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

New homeowner seeks advice about gardening in contaminated soil: 'The presence of vegetation doesn't mean it's safe for consumption'

"Is it not something we should worry about?" New homeowner seeks advice about gardening in contaminated soil: 'The presence of vegetation doesn't mean it's safe for consumption' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Employee shares frustration with failed cafeteria program: 'Pretending to save the planet'

"No wonder no one buys there." Employee shares frustration with failed cafeteria program: 'Pretending to save the planet' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Photo of absurd amount of resources wasted for 3D printing sparks debate online: 'Why do people spend money on this stuff?'

"It wastes 15x the amount." Photo of absurd amount of resources wasted for 3D printing sparks debate online: 'Why do people spend money on this stuff?' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Study reveals worrying discovery about microplastic pollution: 'More likely to be ... spread by wind than soil particles'

The UCLA study also revealed that these pollutants harm humans when inhaled. Study reveals worrying discovery about microplastic pollution: 'More likely to be ... spread by wind than soil particles' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Government agency allocates $300 million to clean up contamination from former industrial sites: 'It will be safer'

"It's the highest level of funding and support for brownfields that we’ve seen." Government agency allocates $300 million to clean up contamination from former industrial sites: 'It will be safer' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Researchers develop novel method to improve solar cell efficiency and generate substantial energy — here's how it works

Solar cells are fascinating pieces of technology that transform sunlight directly into electricity through a process called the "photovoltaic effect." Researchers develop novel method to improve solar cell efficiency and generate substantial energy — here's how it works first app … | Continue reading | 3 months ago

New study finds worrying relationship between chronic kidney disease and heat: 'More likely to end up on dialysis'

Understanding heat’s role in a [chronic kidney disease] prognosis is important as our world becomes hotter than ever. New study finds worrying relationship between chronic kidney disease and heat: 'More likely to end up on dialysis' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Tenant shares progress photos after landlord agrees to yard transformation: 'It's just going to get better and better'

"Your own small little slice of paradise." Tenant shares progress photos after landlord agrees to yard transformation: 'It's just going to get better and better' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Traveler photographs frustrating advertising scheme on airport water fountain: 'It's ridiculous that it's the only option'

It’s a "good way to ruin your brand." Traveler photographs frustrating advertising scheme on airport water fountain: 'It's ridiculous that it's the only option' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Parkgoer frustrated after capturing photo of illegally dumped garbage: 'This is a national park'

A large percentage of discarded trash is plastic, and plastic is known to be dangerous to people and animals alike. Parkgoer frustrated after capturing photo of illegally dumped garbage: 'This is a national park' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Man fined after illegally removing thousands of trees in protected forest: 'The woodland has been effectively eradicated'

"This was a blatant exceeding of the permission you had been granted." Man fined after illegally removing thousands of trees in protected forest: 'The woodland has been effectively eradicated' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Researchers anticipate impact on coastal range after species reintroduction: 'A previously missing piece of our natural history'

The last one spotted in the wild, prior to reintroduction efforts, was in the 1950s. Researchers anticipate impact on coastal range after species reintroduction: 'A previously missing piece of our natural history' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Diver makes sad discovery inside plastic jug found floating in ocean: 'I'm so glad you guys looked in there'

"Always check for life when you’re pulling out marine debris." Diver makes sad discovery inside plastic jug found floating in ocean: 'I'm so glad you guys looked in there' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Hypersonic spaceplane concept design would be able to cross the Atlantic in 90 minutes — and it's being designed to run on hydrogen

The biggest game-changer might be the four engines, should they run on green hydrogen. Hypersonic spaceplane concept design would be able to cross the Atlantic in 90 minutes — and it's being designed to run on hydrogen first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Scientists use innovative microscopic technology to potentially change the future of our electronics: 'We can help accelerate the design'

These new methods could make an immense impact on the battery research community. Scientists use innovative microscopic technology to potentially change the future of our electronics: 'We can help accelerate the design' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

New report warns US households should expect dramatic increase in utility costs: 'Families in America are in a dangerous position'

The sweltering heat will add stress to already-tight budgets. New report warns US households should expect dramatic increase in utility costs: 'Families in America are in a dangerous position' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Proud gardener shares update photos after transforming neglected garden beds overrun with invasive plants: 'It looks great'

"It's finally looking better!" Proud gardener shares update photos after transforming neglected garden beds overrun with invasive plants: 'It looks great' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Video of tourist breaking national park rules with illegal use of gadget sparks anger online: 'Wildlife harassment'

"It's wrong." Video of tourist breaking national park rules with illegal use of gadget sparks anger online: 'Wildlife harassment' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Arizona local spearheads initiative to mitigate heat and hunger with 'food forest' project: 'It's definitely growing in popularity'

"Thinking about the root causes of hunger and the root causes of health issues, there are all these things that tie together." Arizona local spearheads initiative to mitigate heat and hunger with 'food forest' project: 'It's definitely growing in popularity' first appeared on The … | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Scientists demonstrate way to 'read' chemical messages left by coral reef marine life — and it could help save future populations of coral

Scientists conducted the study by collecting and filtering ocean water from five coral reefs around the U.S. Virgin Islands. Scientists demonstrate way to 'read' chemical messages left by coral reef marine life — and it could help save future populations of coral first appeared o … | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Researchers demonstrate remarkable potential of old coffee grounds in cleaning up toxins contaminating waterways — here's why it's important

The power to create change is right under our noses. In fact, it's in our cups. Researchers demonstrate remarkable potential of old coffee grounds in cleaning up toxins contaminating waterways — here's why it's important first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Couple builds LEED-Gold home using reclaimed materials and sustainable construction: 'The amount of handcrafted work in this house is high'

"Once a consumer gets involved in thinking green, then one has to think, 'To what level do I want to take this?'" Couple builds LEED-Gold home using reclaimed materials and sustainable construction: 'The amount of handcrafted work in this house is high' first appeared on The Cool … | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Global aircraft manufacturer partners with supply chain platform to bolster transparency in aviation industry: 'Understanding and improving the lifecycle management of aircraft components'

It's a hopeful sign that these kinds of innovative initiatives will continue to take flight. Global aircraft manufacturer partners with supply chain platform to bolster transparency in aviation industry: 'Understanding and improving the lifecycle management of aircraft components … | Continue reading | 3 months ago