Flying head first into the 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards shortlist

Continue reading | 11 months ago

AI-based algorithm uses "compressed evolution" to create functional robots

Evolution is a very slow process, due largely to the fact that nature doesn't "know" in advance which features of an animal will be beneficial. A new AI-based algorithm does know, however, allowing it to design purpose-specific robots within a matter of seconds.Continue ReadingCa … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Blindness-preventing eyedrops could replace ocular injections

If you don't like getting needles in the arm, imagine getting them in your eyes. That's what people with wet age-related macular degeneration have to do, but thanks to new research, those injections may soon be replaced by painless eyedrops.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, Scie … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Latest Pixel smartphones come with 7 years of Android updates

After pretty much all of the specs leaked online over the past few weeks, Google has now officially announced the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphones, and the Pixel Watch 2 wearable.Continue ReadingCategory: Mobile Technology, TechnologyTags: Google Pixel, Google, Smartwatch, Pix … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Portable DNA-detecting device is 100 times more sensitive than others

When doctors want to see if someone has a certain illness, they may check the patient's blood or urine for the DNA of a specific virus or bacteria, or for a mutated version of the person's own DNA. A new device should make doing so much, much faster and easier.Continue ReadingCat … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

2023 Chemistry Nobel grants big honor to explorers of the super-small

This year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to three different scientists who advanced the development of quantum dots – nanoscale particles that exhibit unusual characteristics thanks to their diminutive size.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Chemistry, Nobel priz … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Huff 'n' puff geothermal fracking: Earth batteries at 200% efficiency

Sage Geosystems has pioneered a new form of cheap energy storage that uses the Earth as a giant bellows, pumping water into underground fractures, then letting it squirt back up at 70% efficiency – or 200% efficiency if you also harvest heat energy.Continue ReadingCategory: Energ … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

"Starburst" galaxies could solve cosmic dawn mystery raised by Webb

The unprecedented power of the James Webb Space Telescope allows it to look farther back in space and time than ever before – and in doing so, it’s revealed puzzling galaxies that seem to be too advanced for their age. Now astronomers have proposed a new explanation for them – st … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

New blood test could improve diagnosis & management of concussion

Researchers have found a way to determine whether someone has suffered a concussion by measuring the blood levels of three biomarkers within six hours of the injury. The blood test could be used alongside existing tests for a more accurate diagnosis of the condition and to aid ma … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

“Explosive” cell death gene variant carried by millions of people

Researchers have found that millions worldwide carry a gene variant that controls ‘explosive’ cell death linked to inflammation. They say it may explain why some people are prone to developing inflammatory diseases and potentially lead to the development of personalized treatment … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

High-speed, super agile Super Sub shows up in the flesh at Monaco

U-Boat Works has unveiled "the fastest private submersible ever conceived" – let alone built. The three-person bubble-cabin Super Sub looks like an underwater supercar, and it's quick enough to cruise, if not sprint, with bottlenose dolphins.Continue ReadingCategory: Marine, Tran … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Munro adds an exoskeleton to nipped and tucked electric 4x4

Just a couple weeks after lighting up headlines with its Mountain Rescue 4x4, Munro Vehicles is back in the announcement chair, this time with a production-refined utility vehicle it calls the Series-M. The company has rolled early feedback into its design, trimming and sculpting … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

"Invisible grating" bends laser using just air and sound

Guiding lasers where they need to go is a key part of optics systems, and now engineers at DESY have developed a way to bend laser beams without anything touching them. The light is deflected using an invisible grating made of air shaped by acoustics.Continue ReadingCategory: Sci … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Solar desal system produces drinkable water quickly without clogging

Researchers have developed a new solar-powered desalination system that produces high amounts of drinkable water and uses a technique inspired by the ocean to avoid the problem of salt clogging. Scaled up, the system could provide enough drinking water to fulfil the daily needs o … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

New Horizons gets a new lease on life and a possible flyby mission

The future of NASA's New Horizons interstellar probe as it speeds out of the solar system, never to return, is a bit more secure after the space agency announced a new extended mission plan that includes another possible Kuiper Belt object flyby.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, S … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

The sci-fi sale of the century

Greg Jein is sci-fi royalty. He built the detailed miniature filming models that we gasped at in many of the movies and television series that shaped our view of the future, at the same time as assembling a collection of the finest movie props from an insider’s viewpoint with ins … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

RV modules open endless flexibility for affordable custom van builds

Dutch company Van Jorn presents a new way of building out your dream camper van. It's developed a plug-and-play ecosystem that combines the warmth and ambiance of a custom camper van with the flexibility of a modular kit that assembles more easily than an Erector set. In doing so … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Perfecta grill uses AI to custom-cook steaks in under three minutes

While some people really enjoy perfecting their barbecue skills, others simply want grilled meat that isn't burnt on the outside and raw on the inside. The Perfecta grill should appeal to the latter group, as it uses AI to "perfectly" cook meat in three minutes or less.Continue R … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

A simple switch of tape could keep batteries from self-discharging

It never fails … you go to use a device that should be fully charged, but its battery has gone flat over time. Such may soon no longer be the case, however, if battery manufacturers simply start using a different type of adhesive tape.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Dalhou … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Versatile Tetraflex robot changes shape to move in different manners

If a robot is trying to traverse rugged, irregular terrain, it's limited by having just one body shape. The Tetraflex robot was designed with this fact in mind, as it can change shape to adopt different modes of locomotion.Continue ReadingCategory: Robotics, TechnologyTags: Unive … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

R30 electric day cruiser revealed ahead of official December launch

Former Tesla exec John Vo swapped electric cars for boats late last year with the launch of the Blue Innovations Group. Now the Florida-based startup has announced its new flagship leisure craft, the R30 electric day cruiser.Continue ReadingCategory: Marine, TransportTags: Electr … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Wacky Japanese sleeping pod lets office workers nap while standing up

The Japanese take their napping seriously and the country has a proud history of producing outside-the-box ideas to help overworked salarymen grab a few z's, but even for that part of the world the Giraffenap is a crazy idea. The pod-like structure allows office workers to litera … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Review: Fender Tone Master Pro, the most powerful guitar processor ever

Tube-driven guitar amplifiers are outstanding pieces of music equipment, but they're also heavy, bulky, somewhat delicate and they require some maintenance over the years. They're a little tricky to record with consistency, and each one delivers a relatively limited tonal palette … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

2023 Nobel Prize for Physics recognizes work to measure electrons

The Royal Swedish Academy of Science has awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L'Huillier for work that's "given humanity new tools for exploring the world of electrons inside atoms and molecules."Continue ReadingCategory: Physics, Sci … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

BenQ 4LED projector immerses players in low-lag big-screen gaming

BenQ has announced an update to last year's 4LED gaming projector in the shape of the X3100i, which boasts 4K big-screen visuals and Android TV, super-low input lag, enhanced dynamic range and spatial audio.Continue ReadingCategory: Home Entertainment, TechnologyTags: BenQ, Gamin … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Sesame seed-sized radar senses movements 100x smaller than a hair

Engineers at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) have developed a new radar sensor that can pick up movements just 100th the width of a human hair. Better yet, the sensor itself is only the size of a sesame seed and is energy efficient.Continue ReadingCategory: Technol … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Chronic stress linked to two-fold risk of Alzheimer's disease

Chronic stress can take a sizeable toll on the body, including higher risks of obesity, graying hair, hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. And it appears it may be just as damaging to our brains.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Dementia, Alzheimer&apo … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

James Webb spots dozens of unexplained "JUMBO" objects in Orion nebula

Hiding within new images of a nebula captured by the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have made a puzzling discovery – dozens of Jupiter-sized objects that defy explanation.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, ScienceTags: Planet, Jupiter, James Webb Space Telescope, JWST, ESA … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Scientists get fat cells do the heavy lifting for weight loss

Finding the molecular key that will see fat tissue turn from white to brown has huge potential for obesity treatments, and for weight loss in general. Yet the cellular code has been a hard one to crack. Now, scientists believe they’ve edged a step closer, demonstrating how by inh … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Solar RV team chases boundless nomadism with 1st-ever solar off-roader

As electric vehicle designers continue to figure out ways of making battery-powered cars more practical for everyday urban and suburban commuters, the Eindhoven University of Technology Solar Team has taken a few leaps forward into the future, showing how electric drive technolog … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Nobel prize awarded to scientists who set stage for mRNA COVID vaccines

The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to biochemist Katalin Karikó and immunologist Drew Weissman for discoveries that enabled the development of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Nobel prizes, Coronavirus (CO … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

U-2 Dragon Lady spy plane makes first flight with new avionics suite

A vintage Cold War spy plane is getting a new lease on life as Lockheed Martin's notorious yet secretive Skunk Works completes the first test flight of a Lockheed U-2 Dragon Lady with an upgraded avionics suite and cockpit displays.Continue ReadingCategory: Military, TechnologyTa … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Review: 2024 Mercedes-AMG EQE X4 SUV impresses

There are now two Mercedes-Benz EQE models. One is a car, the other an SUV. Both are electric and both are great entries into the emerging EV market. We spent some time behind the wheel of the 2024 Mercedes-Benz AMG EQE 600 4Matic and were impressed.Continue ReadingCategory: Auto … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Packout camper's T-track frame delivers maximum gear-loading flex

The pickup topper market has absolutely exploded over the past five years or so, making it more and more difficult for any given product to stand out. And yet, small startups continue to find ways to do so. Las Vegas' Packout Campers is the latest to shoot across our radar, havin … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Crew-less Droneliner may one day slash the cost of airfreight

While air freight is certainly the fastest method of transporting cargo, it's also by far the most expensive. The Droneliner aircraft could help change that, by doing away with a crew and adopting a more cargo-friendly body shape.Continue ReadingCategory: Aircraft, TransportTags: … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Experimental "fire-safe" fuel won't ignite unless electrified

As any car-chase action movie will tell you, the gasoline used in our vehicles is flammable, explosive stuff. Scientists have created a new combustible fuel, however, which stays safely non-flammable for transport and storage.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Fuel, UC Rivers … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Google aims for a better class of Chromebook with new Plus category

More than a decade since the first low-powered but fuss-free, easy-to-use, inexpensive laptops running Chrome OS were launched, Google has now announced the Chromebook Plus program – a new performance-focused category with built-in AI.Continue ReadingCategory: Laptops, Technology … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

PlanetCare closes the loop on microplastic pollution from washing machines

Years before Samsung and others started tackling microplastic from machine washes escaping into the environment, there was Slovenia-based PlanetCare. Now the company has announced its second-generation external filter.Continue ReadingCategory: Around The Home, LifestyleTags: Micr … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Ecocapsule hatches next generation egg-shaped tiny house

Having delivered on its initial promise of an egg-shaped off-grid tiny house, Ecocapsule now plans a new and improved model. Named the Ecocapsule NextGen, the dwelling will maintain the same novel egg-like form but in a more spacious shell.Continue ReadingCategory: Tiny Houses, L … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

World's largest spherical structure opens with immersive U2 concerts

After lighting up its 580,000-sq-ft LED-packed exterior for the first time back in July, Las Vegas' newest entertainment venue officially opened for business this weekend with the first of a string of Achtung Baby live concerts by rock band U2.Continue ReadingCategory: Technology … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Sun salute: Natural light a surprise ally in fighting diabetes, obesity

Lifestyle interventions to treat or prevent type 2 diabetes and obesity are not necessarily the easiest changes to make. However, one study has found that adding a prescribed period of natural light to your day could significantly improve health markers, without any other changes … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Zuckerberg and Fridman show off insane leap in face-to-face VR chat

"This is really the most incredible thing I've ever seen," said podcast host Lex Fridman, interviewing Mark Zuckerberg in VR using Meta's stunning new photorealistic avatars, coming soon to Quest, so lifelike that they "cross the uncanny valley."Continue ReadingCategory: Virtual … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

New imaging reveals colossal cosmic web lurking in dark distant universe

On the largest scales possible, the universe resembles a web of light spun by an inconceivably large spider. Now, astronomers have detected very faint light from these cosmic web filaments in the deep, dark, distant universe.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, ScienceTags: Caltech, … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

World-first Dutch program will use ride-share cars as a grid battery

Renewable energy grids need lots of energy storage – and EVs plugged into charging stations represent a huge, city-wide battery just waiting to help out. The Dutch city of Utrecht is about to pioneer a clever way to kickstart two-way charging.Continue ReadingCategory: Automotive, … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

More evidence connecting BPA exposure to ADHD and autism

For the first time, scientists have described a biochemical mechanism linking attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with the common but problematic compound Bisphenol A (BPA), which can leach into food and water from food and drink pac … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Stanford to bioprint human hearts for implantation into live pigs

Organ transplants can save lives, but they’re plagued by long waiting lists and high chances of rejection. In a major step towards creating new organs on demand, Stanford scientists have now received a contract and funding for experiments to 3D print human hearts and implant them … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Victorinox brings Swiss Army multitool magic to fixed-blade knife

The small blade on a Swiss Army knife can never replace a full-size fixed blade for critical tasks in the wild. On the other hand, a fixed-blade knife isn't the tool for starting a fire on its own or delicately removing a tick embedded in your neck. Official Swiss Army maker Vict … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

In a world-first, T-600 heavy lift drone launches anti-sub torpedo

A recent NATO exercise in the waters off the coast of Portugal saw naval drones reach a new level. As part of the exercise, a BAE Systems/Malloy Aeronautics T-600 heavy lift Uncrewed Air System (UAS) air launched an inert Sting Ray training torpedo.Continue ReadingCategory: Milit … | Continue reading | 11 months ago