Wind farm developer deploys floating radar technology to reduce bird collisions: 'Minimizing the risk'

The industry has tested both simple and complex mitigation measures with some success. Wind farm developer deploys floating radar technology to reduce bird collisions: 'Minimizing the risk' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Gardener stirs inspiration after sharing video of incredible landscape maintained for over 8 years: 'Thanks for being the garden's continued keeper'

"To me, it’s just a part of my day — it’s my heartbeat." Gardener stirs inspiration after sharing video of incredible landscape maintained for over 8 years: 'Thanks for being the garden's continued keeper' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Endangered pupfish found only in limestone cave makes miraculous rebound: 'We're excited about the future'

"It’s exciting to see an increasing trend." Endangered pupfish found only in limestone cave makes miraculous rebound: 'We're excited about the future' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Government officials plan to spend billions on septic problem threatening US Northeast: 'We're all at enormous risk'

"If they can't swim in our ponds, they can't swim in our ocean, they can't boat, there's not going to be any reason for them to come here." Government officials plan to spend billions on septic problem threatening US Northeast: 'We're all at enormous risk' first appeared on The C … | Continue reading | 3 months ago

New report sheds light on health emergency as disease sweeps through India — here's what you need to know

"Mosquitoes don't just thrive in hot and humid weather — they're finding ways to spread their misery around the world." New report sheds light on health emergency as disease sweeps through India — here's what you need to know first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Company introduces innovative new candy wrapper: 'A significant advancement within the … sector'

"The onus cannot be on the customer to fix the massive plastic waste problem." Company introduces innovative new candy wrapper: 'A significant advancement within the … sector' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Rare creature not seen in decades spotted on camera in national park: 'Nobody suspected'

"The current rates of species population decline and species extinction are high enough to threaten important ecological functions that support human life on Earth." Rare creature not seen in decades spotted on camera in national park: 'Nobody suspected' first appeared on The Coo … | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Video captures tourists' close call with wildlife: 'What a lack of respect for this magnificent animal'

"Simple acts of consideration will result in you not being gored and/or trampled." Video captures tourists' close call with wildlife: 'What a lack of respect for this magnificent animal' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

College student raises concern over campus dining hall practice with photo at meal: '[Don't know] why they felt the need to do this'

"Why don't they use stainless steel cutlery and wash them, like we do in the UK?" College student raises concern over campus dining hall practice with photo at meal: '[Don't know] why they felt the need to do this' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Gardener met with warnings after boasting about abandoned plant now thriving: 'Kill it before it's too late'

"Two years later, she's thriving more than any other herb I have." Gardener met with warnings after boasting about abandoned plant now thriving: 'Kill it before it's too late' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

County offers cash prizes in fishing tournament targeting invasive fish wreaking havoc: 'They are voracious'

"They're providing incentives to commercially harvest and process these fish ... to make an industry out of it." County offers cash prizes in fishing tournament targeting invasive fish wreaking havoc: 'They are voracious' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Officials hold inaugural culinary festival in effort to mitigate highly invasive species: 'To help Costa Rica control the lionfish population'

The three-day event raised awareness about lionfish, the harm they cause, and how to lower their numbers. Officials hold inaugural culinary festival in effort to mitigate highly invasive species: 'To help Costa Rica control the lionfish population' first appeared on The Cool Down … | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Scientists make stunning discovery deep below 'Doomsday Glacier' in Antarctica: 'We really, really need to understand'

The consequences will be serious as large swathes of coastline are swallowed up. Scientists make stunning discovery deep below 'Doomsday Glacier' in Antarctica: 'We really, really need to understand' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Gardener demonstrates how dying plant can help grow seemingly infinite amount of flowers: 'So many just throw them out'

"So cool!" Gardener demonstrates how dying plant can help grow seemingly infinite amount of flowers: 'So many just throw them out' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Yellowstone park employee sends internet buzzing with visitors' unbelievable request: 'This tourist was beary entitled'

These parks are not zoos, and these aren’t circus animals. Yellowstone park employee sends internet buzzing with visitors' unbelievable request: 'This tourist was beary entitled' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Major retailer tests new method to label avocados in supermarkets — here's why it matters

If successful, this technology could be applied to a variety of produce. Major retailer tests new method to label avocados in supermarkets — here's why it matters first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Mother shares ingenious way her family saves on gift-giving: 'Why have I never thought of this?'

"This is how our family wraps birthday presents, and I want to put people onto it because I love, love, love it." Mother shares ingenious way her family saves on gift-giving: 'Why have I never thought of this?' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Experts sound the alarm over South Korea's billion-dollar investments: 'Whatever we build ... will decide our future'

South Korea already invested $44.1 billion on new LNG carrier ships from 2013 to 2023. Experts sound the alarm over South Korea's billion-dollar investments: 'Whatever we build ... will decide our future' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Researchers make crucial discovery about drought-resistant plants: 'A grand challenge for agricultural production'

"Drought is one of the primary stresses that limit crop productivity and cause economic losses." Researchers make crucial discovery about drought-resistant plants: 'A grand challenge for agricultural production' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Home cook shares simple method to reuse cooking oil for meals to come: 'The amount of money and oil I could have saved only if I knew this'

"Now that's recycling." Home cook shares simple method to reuse cooking oil for meals to come: 'The amount of money and oil I could have saved only if I knew this' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Frugal homeowner shares little-known tip to slash your electricity bill nearly in half: 'All you have to do is call and ask'

Taking advantage of off-peak pricing is a smart way to shrink your utility bills. Frugal homeowner shares little-known tip to slash your electricity bill nearly in half: 'All you have to do is call and ask' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Tenant suspects foul play after landlord allegedly fixes gas leak hazard: 'The gas smell still remains'

"Carbon monoxide levels were off the charts." Tenant suspects foul play after landlord allegedly fixes gas leak hazard: 'The gas smell still remains' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Shopper stunned after discovering stamp on clasp of cheap necklace from thrift store: 'Someone at the store didn't think to check'

"I’m so envious right now!" Shopper stunned after discovering stamp on clasp of cheap necklace from thrift store: 'Someone at the store didn't think to check' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Scientists make battery technology breakthrough that could impact everything from smartphones to EVs: 'We are paving the way for next-generation batteries'

"Our goal was not just to make lithium-ion batteries safer but also more efficient." Scientists make battery technology breakthrough that could impact everything from smartphones to EVs: 'We are paving the way for next-generation batteries' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Homeowner seeks advice on accommodating stringent HOA water restrictions: 'Any insight would be appreciated'

"It needs to be a 5-year plan, it needs to be rolled out by a professional, and it needs to have as few options as possible." Homeowner seeks advice on accommodating stringent HOA water restrictions: 'Any insight would be appreciated' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

California achieves incredible new milestone with its power supply: 'It is the new reality'

"The percentages will only increase each year." California achieves incredible new milestone with its power supply: 'It is the new reality' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Architects construct home with world's first concrete capable of absorbing air pollution: 'The design transpires into blocks arranged in a gradient-like pattern'

One small concrete block, one giant leap for sustainable living. Architects construct home with world's first concrete capable of absorbing air pollution: 'The design transpires into blocks arranged in a gradient-like pattern' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Bizarre furniture trend has people scratching their heads: 'I will never understand'

Spending hours sanding new furniture down and painting it seems counterproductive. Bizarre furniture trend has people scratching their heads: 'I will never understand' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Thrifty shopper scores major deal on high-end rattan furniture thanks to a price tag error: 'I cannot believe my luck'

"Where are you all thrifting?!" Thrifty shopper scores major deal on high-end rattan furniture thanks to a price tag error: 'I cannot believe my luck' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Tesla reaches surprising milestone with one of its latest models: 'Achieved without sacrificing efficiency'

Each additional mile these EVs can get may help push the industry forward and ease the range anxiety for those considering a new purchase. Tesla reaches surprising milestone with one of its latest models: 'Achieved without sacrificing efficiency' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Researchers make important discovery that could reduce ER visits by over 60%: 'The improvements that can be made are really meaningful'

"We need to tie those investments to public health outcomes." Researchers make important discovery that could reduce ER visits by over 60%: 'The improvements that can be made are really meaningful' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Homeowner seeks advice after garden feud turns into neighborhood-wide issue: 'Your rights are the same as the disgruntled neighbor'

"Your best option is rally neighbors to your side." Homeowner seeks advice after garden feud turns into neighborhood-wide issue: 'Your rights are the same as the disgruntled neighbor' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

How much do solar panels cost to install and maintain? Here's how to find out in your area

With so many factors to keep track of, many homeowners get overwhelmed and may not install solar at all. How much do solar panels cost to install and maintain? Here's how to find out in your area first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Researchers make crucial breakthrough with major whale mapping project: 'The recovery of large whales is key'

"The more accurate and detailed the mapping, the better chance we have." Researchers make crucial breakthrough with major whale mapping project: 'The recovery of large whales is key' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Startup develops thermal battery hotter than boiling steel that could revolutionize energy sector: 'There's nothing that'll burn out'

"I have no doubt that this is going to go commercial." Startup develops thermal battery hotter than boiling steel that could revolutionize energy sector: 'There's nothing that'll burn out' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Gardener seeks advice to keep touchy flowers alive: 'That soil looks like it's never been wet'

Many home gardeners can relate to the challenges of keeping plants thriving. Gardener seeks advice to keep touchy flowers alive: 'That soil looks like it's never been wet' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Consumer sparks concerns after sharing viral new coffee product: 'That's terrible'

"I thought we all agreed the Keurig cups were bad? This is worse!" Consumer sparks concerns after sharing viral new coffee product: 'That's terrible' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Parent shares bafflingly wasteful shortcut to avoid cleaning dishes: 'That kind of thing drives me up the wall'

"It's like those plastic liners people buy for crock pots, so they don't have to wash them." Parent shares bafflingly wasteful shortcut to avoid cleaning dishes: 'That kind of thing drives me up the wall' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Officials issue warning as influx of illegal dumping creates fatal trap for local wildlife: 'Exacerbating the issue'

"There's a massive amount of non-segregated waste dumped here." Officials issue warning as influx of illegal dumping creates fatal trap for local wildlife: 'Exacerbating the issue' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Lawmakers pass bill that will make major changes to state's utilities: 'We need to get to work'

"We look forward to building on this important first step." Lawmakers pass bill that will make major changes to state's utilities: 'We need to get to work' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Diver issues PSA after spotting floating mess in middle of ocean: 'It was heartbreaking'

"This is so sad." Diver issues PSA after spotting floating mess in middle of ocean: 'It was heartbreaking' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Energy expert finalizes new standard that will impact next generation of wind turbine blades: 'Not all wind turbine blades are created equal'

"By prioritizing reliability and safety, we aim to bolster industry confidence and propel the global transition towards sustainable energy solutions." Energy expert finalizes new standard that will impact next generation of wind turbine blades: 'Not all wind turbine blades are cr … | Continue reading | 3 months ago

New study uncovers link between heart risks and pollution — and experts are concerned about grave health implications

Around 60% of the elderly population suffers from this often silent condition. New study uncovers link between heart risks and pollution — and experts are concerned about grave health implications first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Gardener shares stunning footage of pandemic garden project that created backyard oasis: 'Looks amazing'

"Birds absolutely love my little native garden oasis..." Gardener shares stunning footage of pandemic garden project that created backyard oasis: 'Looks amazing' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

New homeowner considers legal action after uncovering seller's lies about landscaping blunder: 'I would not have purchased the property'

"I now feel as though I've purchased a property with no value." New homeowner considers legal action after uncovering seller's lies about landscaping blunder: 'I would not have purchased the property' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Residents share video of attempt to extinguish brushfire sparked by gender reveal: 'These parties need to end'

"They want that attention so badly, they are willing to risk the lives and property of everyone else in the area." Residents share video of attempt to extinguish brushfire sparked by gender reveal: 'These parties need to end' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Scientists alarmed after discovering microplastics in human semen: 'Individuals without occupational exposures'

These findings serve as a potential explanation for a worldwide decline in male fertility rates. Scientists alarmed after discovering microplastics in human semen: 'Individuals without occupational exposures' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Landscape experts warn against popular garden product that might be killing your lawn: 'It'll actually burn up your outdoor plants'

"You don't want to fill your yard with plastic." Landscape experts warn against popular garden product that might be killing your lawn: 'It'll actually burn up your outdoor plants' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading | 3 months ago