Homeowner receives firm warnings after considering planting invasive plant: 'It is monstrous'

"This is one of those life choice moments where your life splinters into two realities." Homeowner receives firm warnings after considering planting invasive plant: 'It is monstrous' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Park visitor shares photos of aftermath of gender reveal party at public beach: 'This needs to be reported'

"Why do people need to deface something in nature to tell people about their baby?" Park visitor shares photos of aftermath of gender reveal party at public beach: 'This needs to be reported' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Homeowner shares distressing before-and-after photos after neighbor butchers tree on their property: 'You need a lawyer'

"I am still in shock that someone would have such blatant disregard and disrespect for someone else's property and rights." Homeowner shares distressing before-and-after photos after neighbor butchers tree on their property: 'You need a lawyer' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

School officials raise cost concerns as campuses require more air conditioning to keep students from overheating: 'It's miserable'

"The real feel in the classrooms is well over 90 degrees because of the humidity." School officials raise cost concerns as campuses require more air conditioning to keep students from overheating: 'It's miserable' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Gardener demonstrates why you should never throw away grass clippings: 'I've done this for years'

"This is gonna help protect the dirt from the sun." Gardener demonstrates why you should never throw away grass clippings: 'I've done this for years' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Park visitors share video of fellow parkgoers flouting rules at waterfall: 'I forgot they were the main characters'

Wildlife officials say dangerous stunts like this are alarmingly common, despite the threat to fragile ecosystems and personal safety. Park visitors share video of fellow parkgoers flouting rules at waterfall: 'I forgot they were the main characters' first appeared on The Cool Do … | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Breakdown assistance provider makes electrifying change to its fleet of recovery vehicles — here's how it could impact other businesses

"Introducing these exciting new concept vehicles to our fleet is an important step." Breakdown assistance provider makes electrifying change to its fleet of recovery vehicles — here's how it could impact other businesses first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Woman shares how she scores major discount on makeup just by recycling empty products: 'This is so cool'

"Definitely going to start saving my empties." Woman shares how she scores major discount on makeup just by recycling empty products: 'This is so cool' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Japan to allow hunting endangered fin whales to keep its whale meat vending machines stocked — here's why it matters

Five years ago, Japan restarted its commercial whaling operations. Japan to allow hunting endangered fin whales to keep its whale meat vending machines stocked — here's why it matters first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Researchers make mind-blowing discovery about potential use for tons of discarded beer yeast: 'A significant advantage'

"The yeast themselves are bio-based, benign, and biodegradable." Researchers make mind-blowing discovery about potential use for tons of discarded beer yeast: 'A significant advantage' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Photo shares brilliant way to use every last drop of product from tube packaging: 'Look how much was still in there'

"Why didn't I think of that?" Photo shares brilliant way to use every last drop of product from tube packaging: 'Look how much was still in there' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

'45-minute tidal wave' of contaminated water devastates community — now, residents are fighting back in court

Had the area been replanted and the ponds maintained, the residents argue, the catastrophic damage may have been avoided. '45-minute tidal wave' of contaminated water devastates community — now, residents are fighting back in court first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Woman shares incredible transformation of tarnished jewelry after cleaning hack: 'Finally get to wear these again'

"Look how good they look." Woman shares incredible transformation of tarnished jewelry after cleaning hack: 'Finally get to wear these again' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Shopper shares excitement after discovering costly tech item at local thrift store: 'Congrats on your find'

Beyond the thrill of discovering high-quality tech at a fraction of the retail price, thrifting offers a host of benefits for both your wallet and the planet. Shopper shares excitement after discovering costly tech item at local thrift store: 'Congrats on your find' first appeare … | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Startup makes breakthrough that could halve the cost of EV batteries — and it could be sourced domestically

It will be a big win for most in the sector. Startup makes breakthrough that could halve the cost of EV batteries — and it could be sourced domestically first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Startup helps wind farms avoid potentially catastrophic hazard: 'We needed to create a scalable technology'

The AI solution empowers wind farm operators to generate clean electricity for our communities while dramatically reducing harm to native and migratory bird populations. Startup helps wind farms avoid potentially catastrophic hazard: 'We needed to create a scalable technology' fi … | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Tesla owner shares photos of aftermath of dangerous crash: 'The safest cars in the world'

"Car did a great job it seems!" Tesla owner shares photos of aftermath of dangerous crash: 'The safest cars in the world' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Resident frustrated with HOA's baffling community amenity enforcement: 'This seems like really poor management'

"It should be shared." Resident frustrated with HOA's baffling community amenity enforcement: 'This seems like really poor management' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Ancient rainforest becomes first to receive national nature reserve title: 'Mysterious and untouched'

The program will continue for four more consecutive years. Ancient rainforest becomes first to receive national nature reserve title: 'Mysterious and untouched' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Scientists make astonishing discovery about a potential grid system found in Earth's plants: 'Our eureka moment'

"We could exactly pinpoint how this is related." Scientists make astonishing discovery about a potential grid system found in Earth's plants: 'Our eureka moment' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Gardener seeks advice after noticing bizarre watermelon growth: 'Can someone experienced tell me what I did wrong?'

"It is almost guaranteed related to watering practices." Gardener seeks advice after noticing bizarre watermelon growth: 'Can someone experienced tell me what I did wrong?' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Shopper airs frustrations after opening new hygiene product: 'Don't let companies convince you'

When manufacturers add extras to a product, it costs them money, and they are more than happy to pass those costs on to buyers. Shopper airs frustrations after opening new hygiene product: 'Don't let companies convince you' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Cyclist shares annoying encounter with oversized limo parked in bike lane: 'They cannot fathom that they simply aren't allowed to park in that area'

When cars disregard traffic rules, they not only put themselves at risk but also other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. Cyclist shares annoying encounter with oversized limo parked in bike lane: 'They cannot fathom that they simply aren't allowed to park in that area' first ap … | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Scientists confounded by observation that fish are shrinking: 'We still don't understand'

"This is a pretty fundamental question." Scientists confounded by observation that fish are shrinking: 'We still don't understand' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

New report estimates over a billion fewer plastic bags used in just one state: 'We've seen dramatic change'

"It took many years to get it passed, but we have become now a leader in the nation." New report estimates over a billion fewer plastic bags used in just one state: 'We've seen dramatic change' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Expert explains life-threatening safety issue getting worse on American roads: 'How are these legal ever?'

"Government should regulate these things." Expert explains life-threatening safety issue getting worse on American roads: 'How are these legal ever?' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Startup aims to revolutionize wind power with new bladeless rooftop turbines: 'Will play a vital role in helping companies fulfill their need for reliable, reasonably priced electricity'

It's a promising new avenue in wind generation. Startup aims to revolutionize wind power with new bladeless rooftop turbines: 'Will play a vital role in helping companies fulfill their need for reliable, reasonably priced electricity' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Research uncovers heat waves increase risk of preterm births and health complications for infants: 'In pregnancy, we err on the side of caution'

"There should be extra counseling in clinics and general materials about ways to protect from dehydration and heat stress during times of extreme heat." Research uncovers heat waves increase risk of preterm births and health complications for infants: 'In pregnancy, we err on the … | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Urban gardener sparks conversation after sharing flourishing garden results: 'Lots of happy bees'

Growing native plants on your property can benefit you, your family, and your neighborhood — no matter where you live. Urban gardener sparks conversation after sharing flourishing garden results: 'Lots of happy bees' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Homeowner seeks advice after inheriting 'nightmare' buried under garden by previous owner: 'Remove it all now'

"Before it starts to break down." Homeowner seeks advice after inheriting 'nightmare' buried under garden by previous owner: 'Remove it all now' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Frustrated homeowner seeks advice after neighbor cuts down trees on property: 'I have spent so much time and money improving my yard'

Unfortunately, disputes over trees are nothing new, and they're not always easy to solve. Frustrated homeowner seeks advice after neighbor cuts down trees on property: 'I have spent so much time and money improving my yard' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Conservationists near end of 2-year project to remove stubborn invasive plants that wreaked havoc on park: 'These invasive species take over'

"Native plants are better for wildlife and food sources; they have just so many benefits." Conservationists near end of 2-year project to remove stubborn invasive plants that wreaked havoc on park: 'These invasive species take over' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Researchers discover alarming impact of heat on wildlife sleep patterns: 'This study reveals a new axis of stress that animals may experience'

"We know that climate change creates a variety of different stressors on animals." Researchers discover alarming impact of heat on wildlife sleep patterns: 'This study reveals a new axis of stress that animals may experience' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Parent warned against using playground product with serious health implications for children: 'It's bad stuff'

"[It] is literally garbage." Parent warned against using playground product with serious health implications for children: 'It's bad stuff' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

New homeowner frustrated after highly invasive plant sprouts up and overtakes backyard: 'A real pain to remove'

"What is it and how would we go about eradicating it so we can use our garden?" New homeowner frustrated after highly invasive plant sprouts up and overtakes backyard: 'A real pain to remove' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Scientists find alarming rates of pesticide contamination in nearly 40% of popular baby foods: 'Babies and young children are particularly vulnerable'

"Food is the way most children will be exposed to pesticides." Scientists find alarming rates of pesticide contamination in nearly 40% of popular baby foods: 'Babies and young children are particularly vulnerable' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Burger King tests newly designed cups that could set new standard for fast-food packaging: 'We can mitigate the negative … impacts'

It's a fascinating glimpse into how fast-food chains can use new materials to move closer to a circular economy. Burger King tests newly designed cups that could set new standard for fast-food packaging: 'We can mitigate the negative … impacts' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Video captures tourists narrowly escaping herd of charging bison after getting too close: 'The ignorance … never ceases to amaze'

"All these people making life difficult for bisons. Give it a rest with the photos." Video captures tourists narrowly escaping herd of charging bison after getting too close: 'The ignorance … never ceases to amaze' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Staggering osprey rebound shows impact of conservation efforts: 'A testament to the dedication of DEP professionals and volunteers'

"A milestone in the history of wildlife conservation." Staggering osprey rebound shows impact of conservation efforts: 'A testament to the dedication of DEP professionals and volunteers' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Study reveals how many more days of abnormally high temperatures humans have created: 'That's a lot of toll that we've imposed on people'

“Human-caused climate change is boosting dangerous extreme heat for billions and making heat events longer and more likely.” Study reveals how many more days of abnormally high temperatures humans have created: 'That's a lot of toll that we've imposed on people' first appeared on … | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Homeowner shares striking before-and-after photos of garden transformation: 'This looks so much better than a yard'

"3 years of progression from grass to wild flowers and a garden." Homeowner shares striking before-and-after photos of garden transformation: 'This looks so much better than a yard' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Video of tourist's attempt to feed elk at national park sparks backlash online: 'Back away'

"National parks are not, we repeat, not a big petting zoo." Video of tourist's attempt to feed elk at national park sparks backlash online: 'Back away' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Alaskan leader stands up to oil industry and wins — here's her story

In 2007, oil companies started expressing interest in tapping into the area. Alaskan leader stands up to oil industry and wins — here's her story first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Ecologists help restore seabird population on tiny island once plagued by rats: 'It's a wonderful success'

Seabirds are an important indicator of the health of marine ecosystems on which humans and other species depend. Ecologists help restore seabird population on tiny island once plagued by rats: 'It's a wonderful success' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Researchers develop method of desalination that could save millions of lives: 'A paradigm shift is essential to sustain human life'

On a large scale, desalination is a promising method to provide abundant fresh water. Researchers develop method of desalination that could save millions of lives: 'A paradigm shift is essential to sustain human life' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Volkswagen Group announces plans to advance EV industry by rolling out affordable new model: 'The future is electric'

It says the move is part of a "promise to create mobility for all and continue to facilitate the entry into e-mobility." Volkswagen Group announces plans to advance EV industry by rolling out affordable new model: 'The future is electric' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Researchers find significant potential of energy source below US-Mexico border region: 'A really good development target'

"This is good news." Researchers find significant potential of energy source below US-Mexico border region: 'A really good development target' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago

Shopper shares awe after finding designer shoes at thrift store: 'These are gorgeous'

"Super cute find." Shopper shares awe after finding designer shoes at thrift store: 'These are gorgeous' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading

@thecooldown.com | 3 months ago