Why Zigging Is The Enemy of Innovation

  Remember what your granddad used to tell you? That famous piece of advice? You know, that “When the world zigs, zags” thing? i.e. Don’t be a sheep, | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Human Potential: Mars Style

NASA’s wee helicopter drone became the first controlled flight on Mars. A definite first for the planet. What makes the story even more poignant is that | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Culture Is Just Another Term For Leadership

It’s considered one of the greatest ad campaigns of all time. The car rental company, Avis’ “We try harder” campaign. It first broke in 1962 and lasted | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Kung Fu Lessons

  Anyone following the news these days will know, we’re living in some pretty crazy times, both home and abroad. Politics, the environment, the rise | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Partner with Entrepreneurs Inside & Out

Our favorite “intrapreneur” story? That would have to be our old friend, Steve Clayton. Steve is the “Chief Storyteller” at Microsoft, where he oversees | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

A Case Study in the Impact of Culture

It’s a familiar story. Both the UK and the EU were trying to get a COVID vaccine program off the ground. The UK (who only just split with the EU last | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

The best answers are not the obvious ones

  Here’s the thing. Creative types are pretty useless at most things, like say, changing tires, skinning a deer, playing the stock market, or making | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

RISK FORWARD: When Do You Do Your Best Work?

  When we’re moving forward on a project but not as effectively or productively as we’d like, it’s worth reconsidering our environment. Years ago, | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Is CEO A Two Person Job?

  The Roman Emperor Diocletian (r. 284 to 305 AD) had a problem. The Empire had gotten too big for one Emperor to control. So he split the Empire | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

World Class or Bust

Why all the marketing speak? People often ask why we write so much about marketing, advertising, and branding. There are many adjacencies from designing | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Wishful Thinks

There’s probably a better word to describe these, but we call them “Wishful Thinks”. i.e. Things we think are true for no other reason than we wish them | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

At first, it’s a shock

It comes as a bit of a shock, at first. That it’s not that hard to make world-class stuff... Like, for example, beer. Not really. All you need to do is | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

How To Be Different

Every time a guy with a dream decides to open a new big-city restaurant, the old joke goes, “Good thing nobody else has thought of that.” This problem is | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Are You Creating Culture Or Is It Creating You?

Back in 1990s Austin, Texas, the musicians called it “The Velvet Rut”. Austin was still considered “The Live Music Capital Of the World”, the rent was | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Which team are you on?

Have you noticed all the buff CEOs lately? So when did the C-Suite discover bodybuilding? The thing is, none of it is random. It is not a fad. In the old | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Why Nerds Will Rule The World

There’s this recent New Yorker video about hardcore coffee nerds. A nerd, basically, is someone who is interested in things far more than the average | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

RISK FORWARD: Legacy, Satisfaction & Greatness

  A few years after my mother died, I took my father to Las Vegas. I’d been booked for a keynote performance there and thought my father would get a | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

How To Invent The Future

In the last year, there have been two books that have really excited us. Rory Sutherland’s “Alchemy” and Matt Ridley’s “How Innovation Works”. Both are | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Innovation is Cultural

This Bloomberg article gave us pause: The USA has slipped out of the Top Ten Most Innovative Countries. That’s right. America's being surpassed by the | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

The Connection Between Super Bowl Ads and Company Culture

  Another year, another massively expensive spectacle in which companies paid a reported $5.5 million for a 30-second spot in the Super Bowl -- on | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Are you Seeking Redemption?

Welsh denim entrepreneur David Hieatt recently tweeted this: “Being an entrepreneur is one of the most effective personal development programs you can | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Nobody Cares About You

The great marketing blogger (and College Professor) Mark Ritson had a superb piece in Marketing Week about how, contrary to all the hotshots that give | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

How to design your future

  Back in 1969, Kenneth Clarke presented the seminal BBC TV series. “Civilization”. It was a big deal at the time. It’s probably the most influential | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

The battle of hearts is what wins wars

The Roman Civil war came to a climax when Julius Caesar defeated Pompey The Great at The Battle of Pharsalus. On paper, Pompey should’ve won the battle. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Make Your Impossible Dream a Future Reality

Some people wake us up. They bring us a new idea or a new way to do things. They challenge us to think differently, they challenge the status quo. They | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Truth to Power

    How many meetings have you walked out of and thought to yourself, that was a bunch of old white guys blowing smoke up each other's skirts?  | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Happy New Year!

Let’s reevaluate love today. Love is the thing that pushes us to succeed. Love is a thing that we have to feel for ourselves, for our family, for our | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

The Secret To Finding Joy

As the holidays swing round again, this year the idea of “Joy To The World” has never been more needed. And joy is a powerful idea. For it means much more | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Intellectual Best Practices

The great anti-establishment Australian publisher, Claire Lehmann was recently lambasting the big-city American intelligentsia for their lack of | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Fewer Moving Parts

Everybody loves Steely Dan. At least, every middle-aged, American white dude from the suburbs loves Steely Dan. For anyone who went to college in the | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

The “Kind of Blue” Effect

In pop music, there is a curve. “Easy-Listening” on one end of the curve (Barry Manilow, Kenny G, Billy Joel, etc) and on the other, we have “Challenging” | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

The seven, ten, twelve, habits of successful leaders

  It’s a funny thing about leadership. By definition, it’s one of the most important roles on the planet. Your job is fundamentally about spreading | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Go figure it out

“I figured it out. You figure it out.” One of my favorite quotes was told to me by an old friend, Austin Kleon. He was talking about some famous writer, | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Gapingvoid goes to Hollywood

One of the great things about our consulting engagements is that the effect of our work carries on long after we "leave the building". A few years ago, | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Tony, thank you for delivering Wow

  The sad news was all over the media this weekend: Former Zappos CEO, Tony Hsieh passed away under pretty awful circumstances. We are gutted. A big | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

The secret to designing great cultures

“Culture” is having its moment, and it couldn’t come sooner.   People are asking; “How do we maintain culture at distance?”, “What do we do about | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

What Business Are You Actually In?

There's an old saying: The Stone Age didn’t end because we ran out of stones. No, the Stone Age was ended by the Bronze Age. And then the Iron Age, and | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Create or Die

  1. At the end of the day, we are a nation of creators. 2. We think of the creator class - the people who actually build stuff- as opposed to the | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Veterans Day 2020

  To honor our troops this Veterans Day, we made a little ebook of famous quotes on the nature of heroism. Because that’s what Veterans are. The word | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

What do you believe in?

  Belief is a funny thing. It seems so simple, but it makes an enormous difference to your outcomes in life. Do something without belief, without | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

A Virus Worth Spreading

Learn more about A Virus Worth Spreading from Gapingvoid, the leaders in workplace culture consulting and making work more meaningful! 305-763-8503 | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Which hill are you going to die on?

Learn more about Which hill are you going to die on? from Gapingvoid, the leaders in workplace culture consulting and making work more meaningful! 305-763-8503 | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Is your brand viral ready?

Learn more about Is your brand viral ready? from Gapingvoid, the leaders in workplace culture consulting and making work more meaningful! 305-763-8503 | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 3 years ago

Are you a pawn?

Learn more about Are you a pawn? from Gapingvoid, the leaders in workplace culture consulting and making work more meaningful! 305-763-8503 | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 4 years ago

Who are you, anyway?

Learn more about Who are you, anyway? from Gapingvoid, the leaders in workplace culture consulting and making work more meaningful! 305-763-8503 | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 4 years ago

Always Open Self

Learn more about Always Open Self from Gapingvoid, the leaders in workplace culture consulting and making work more meaningful! 305-763-8503 | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 4 years ago

This Kind of Hard Work

And so to get ahead, you work like crazy. Quite right.You become the hardest working junior on the floor. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 4 years ago

John, Paul, George, Ringo and Grit.

There's the joke about how everyone remembers where they were when they first heard The Beatles had broken up, even the people who weren’t born yet. | Continue reading

@gapingvoid.com | 4 years ago