Roundtable with Rachel Stephens, Steven Vaughan-Nichols and Katie Gamanji covers the status of cloud native adoption and its near- and long-term outlook. | Continue reading
eBPF could provide a "fundamentally better data plane" for cloud native operations, explained Daniel Borkmann, one of the core eBPF maintainers as well as an engineer at an engineer at Linux networking company Isovalent, speaking at the virtual eBPF Summit last week. | Continue reading
The core abstraction in Temporal is a fault-oblivious stateful Workflow with business logic expressed as code. The state of the Workflow code, including local variables and threads it creates, is immune to process and Temporal service failures. | Continue reading
Today Vint Cerf is Google's chief internet evangelist, he's also a visiting scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), where since 1998 he's been working on an "interplanetary internet," | Continue reading
Tina Huang of Transposit, . Charity Majors of Honeycomb, Matthew Fornaciari of Gremlin, Liran Haimovitch of Rookout, Daniel “Spoons” Spoonhower of Lightstep, and Lee Liu of LogDNA all weigh in with their IT tales of woe, and redemption. | Continue reading
Node.js still reigns, but an upstart competitor has emerged. Deno, a new open source JavaScript runtime, was created by original Node.js author Ryan Dahl. | Continue reading
Today, Kubernetes is already wildly popular, but boy is it easy to make mistakes, introduce logic bugs, and set structures up wrong. So, clearly, it's time for StackRox's new KubeLinter tool. | Continue reading
For two hours and forty-two minutes, software engineering guru and LLVM and Swift creator Chris Lattner answered questions on the podcast of Lex Fridman, an MIT researcher who's working on autonomous vehicles, human-robot interaction, and machine learning. Lattner "is one of my f … | Continue reading
Microservices and cloud native applications are the flavor of the season. Modern applications based on the microservices design pattern come with their own set of challenges. Each service has to implement a class of datastore such as relational, key/value, NoSQL, and graph databa … | Continue reading
The lack of an ACID transactional capability limits the use scenarios of MongoDB, as well as other NoSQL databases. Besides, NoSQL doesn’t support SQL, so we can’t reuse the rich resources accumulated by other RDBMSs in the past few decades. | Continue reading
It turns out that a specialized type of database, known as time-series (“TSDB”), shares many properties with enterprise blockchains. | Continue reading
Keptn is a CNCF sandbox project that provides a pluggable, event-based control plane for continuous delivery and automated operations. | Continue reading
The anti-patterns unique to serverless and how observability can cushion the impact of anti-patterns creeping into your serverless architectures. | Continue reading
Red Hat OpenShift users are now able to insert Ansible automation directly into those lifecycles without the need for ad hoc scripts or other methods. | Continue reading
Everyone needs operational skills; even teams who don’t run their own infrastructure. Ops is the constellation of skills necessary for shipping software. | Continue reading
Just like businesses moved on from using outdated technologies like typewriters and faxes, it’s time to move on from release nights, embrace feature flags and start enjoying the code release process again. | Continue reading
WordPress co-creator Matt Mullenweg and Netlify CEO Matt Biilmann continued their debate about web architecture this week at Jamstack Conf. | Continue reading
The Linux kernel could see a radical shift in how it operates, given the full promise of the Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF), argued Daniel Borkmann, Linux kernel engineer for Cilium, in a technical session during the recent KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU virtual conference. | Continue reading
DevApps gives developers the ability to build applications with the same kind of automation and real-time response that DevOps brought. | Continue reading
Akka creator & Lightbend CTO Jonas Bonér talks about challenges of bringing state to serverless, reactive microservices frameworks and Cloudstate itself. | Continue reading
KubeEdge, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) sandbox project, is designed to extend Kubernetes from cloud to edge. | Continue reading
Securing Kubernetes data is as easy as herding cats. With its new beta SaaS Kubernetes service, Druva wants to make it as easy as herding sheep. | Continue reading
Ways to avoid lock-in when setting up your infrastructure in the cloud. | Continue reading
Microsoft had recently conducted the Azure Sentinel Hackathon inviting users to build solutions for its Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platform. Opsbrew won this hackathon for their log pipeline management tool that gathers log data from disparate sources and ro … | Continue reading
Last month saw a reminder of just how much the internet changed the world — along with moments of remembrance and reflection after the death of Jack Rickard. | Continue reading
Many developers grouse about the complexity of Kubernetes, but the software also has an immense flexibility. | Continue reading
This article explores the issue of observability, how a serverless environment complicates it. We then describe the journey toward ultimate observability. | Continue reading
On August 20th, GitHub launched the ReadME Project a new series of web pages "to amplify the voices of open source software" — promising to bring the stories of the people who create it. | Continue reading
In May, the GNOME Foundation settled a patent dispute with Rothschild Patent Imaging (RPI), and Leigh M. Rothschild, owner of RPI. | Continue reading
A discussion on the improtance of saving state in cloud native computing. | Continue reading
In this article, we explain general API implementation concepts using AWS Lambda and other AWS services. | Continue reading
Containers and container management tools have a lot of moving parts. Although you could very quickly deploy a single Docker container without much thought, the larger you scale up that container and the more services you add to it, the more complicated it becomes. In fact, Kuber … | Continue reading
Gitpod this week has released an open source version of its integrated developer environment (IDE), which it is calling "a new class of cloud-based IDE that fundamentally changes how software developers build applications." | Continue reading
An in-memory technology is required for services that demand high performance. | Continue reading
The popular Rancher K3s has been accepted into the Cloud Native Computing Foundation as a Sandbox project. | Continue reading
Kubernetes is a fantastic foundation for modern platforms, but as is the case when learning anything complicated, you need a safe playground that rewards experimentation and structured learning while minimizing the potential for any negative consequences. | Continue reading
This month saw a new presentation from Yukihiro Matsumoto, the creator and chief designer of the Ruby programming language —and Chief Architect of Ruby at the cloud platform-as-a-service company Heroku — at NoRuko, an event describing itself as "a virtual-only Ruby unconference. … | Continue reading
VMware sponsored this post. The open source reputations of many companies are on the rise, bolstered by real progress in corporate community engagement according to a survey of over 1,000 technologists. For the second year in a row, VMware worked with The New Stack and The Linux … | Continue reading
OAuth operates like Tesla's “Valet Mode”. The Tesla Owner gives the valet limited access to his/her Tesla without needing to provide the main vehicle key. | Continue reading
David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of Ruby on Rails and co-founder of the Basecamp project management software speaks on the importance of dismantling "the myth of Hustle culture." | Continue reading
A move to consolidate GatsbyJS' commercial and open source operations has caused upheavel in the community that supports this JavaScript framework. | Continue reading
In our previous tutorials for the git version control software, we learned the essential basic commands for using git, as well as how to work with to establish a repository and push our project code to the website. Now it is time to start actually working with GitHub ( … | Continue reading
In this second part of the tutorial series on Rancher Labs’ K3s project, we will explore how to configure a three-node etcd cluster that will be used by a highly available, multi-node K3s cluster. | Continue reading
This Week in Programming brings together all the latest developer news for the cloud native computing community. | Continue reading
The goal of every ISV is to have your software so vital to their customers that they cannot survive a second without it. Ruckstack uses industry-standard cluster management software to give ISV a way to provide safe and dependable clustering support to your customers. | Continue reading
For legal cannabis producers and suppliers, compliance is the difference between blossoming your business and losing your license. | Continue reading
Last week security blogger Brian Krebs revealed that a popular internet-enabled security camera “secretly and constantly connects into a vast peer-to-peer network run by the Chinese manufacturer of the hardware.” While the device is not necessarily sharing video from your camera, … | Continue reading
Swift's Chris Lattner, Ask Me Anything from the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Programming Languages. | Continue reading