Are Marketers over indexing on ROI and the return of the Marketing Mix?

Two of my very good friends, Romi Mahajan of the KKM Group and Aseem Badshah of Socedo shot a video discussing our most recent blog post on the Return of the Marketing Mix. Ultimately, marketing is a mix of channels, tactics, and bets, of which some are measurable and some are no … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

The Return of the “Marketing Mix”

Fashions change. This cliché doesn’t apply just to hemlines and jeans, but to business as well. Anyone who claims that business is all about logic and data needs to get a reality-check; Marketers are perhaps the worst offenders here, much to their detriment. Of late, Marketers h … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Artificial Intelligence is changing Customer Service

No matter how much technology has changed our day to day lives, both at home and at work, what remains essential to running a successful business is customers—how you treat them, how they feel about your product or service, and whether they share those good (or bad) feelings. In … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Enabling Sales for New Growth Opportunities

On April 6, 2016, the Department of Labor released a 1000-page document known as the Fiduciary Duty rule (DOL fiduciary) requiring financial advisors to always act in the best interest of the client, expanding the meaning of “investment advice fiduciary” originally defined under … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Digital Transformation as an Expression of Business

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Getting Towards a Mature Data Infrastructure

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Chatbots: The future of conversational commerce and marketing

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Agile Marketing in B2B

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Cryptocurrency should appeal to regulators

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Bitcoin: Needs to be Rebranded to Inspire Trust

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Exploring the World of Blockchain Transactions

Continue reading | 8 years ago

Cryptocurrency: How to establish trust?

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Blockchain – governance, regulation and security

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Getting Big Data to Actually Work

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