The actual traits of successful entrepreneurs

Humility Curiosity Helpfulness High frustration tolerance High uncertainty tolerance Effectuation Prudence Self-forgiveness Self-trust Flexibility | Continue reading | 3 hours ago

When the goal of your sales pitch is to get to "No"

There are 8 billion of us on this planet, with an estimated 5.44 billion of those online. All of us potential buyers for something. But that doesn't mean you want any specific individual to buy your thing. I often tell my students that the goal of a | Continue reading | 3 months ago

Editing for brevity, in 151 words

Brevity is the soul of wit. — William Shakespeare, as Hamlet's Polonius I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time. — Blaise Pascal, personal letter Not that the story need be long, but it will take a long while to make | Continue reading | 4 months ago

19 unstoppable opportunities in the AI wasteland

In no particular order… Connection Curation Guidance Opinions Values Judgment Feedback Deep expertise Deterministic results (always the same output for the same input) Accuracy Clarity Transparency Trustworthiness Sustainability Being & going offline Honesty Privacy Protection & … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Learning about sales copy with Sea Monkeys

Aside from software, books, workshops, and packaged consulting engagements… I also sell, you know, stuff. Things. Objects. That's how I got my start in business at the age of 12 and it never gets old! There's just something fun about selling physical goods. It' | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Let's dissect Apple's terrible iPad ad and see what it says about understanding your customers

Yesterday, Tim Cook (forever Tim Apple to my mind) shared the ad for the new iPad Pro. It went over like a lead balloon full of kittens in a hydraulic press. Somehow Apple — one of the last tech cos people still like — managed to conceive, storyboard, create, and | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How to piss off your entire audience in one simple step

Benji Smith, owner of Shaxpir — a cutely named and decent-looking writing tool for novelists — has (metaphorically) died by the sword. At first glance, he was doing the right thing: He created a wide and deep ebomb for his audience, a tool in fact (bonus points for interactivity) | Continue reading | 1 year ago

We're rebooting our brand in 2024… here's why

After all the hits our business took in the last few years (SO MANY fn hits!) and a significant decline in revenue, I believe: that problems are opportunities and setbacks are education and never let a crisis go to waste So here's how Alex and I are going | Continue reading | 1 year ago

"The boom times are over."

The boom times are over. Executives know it. Wall Street knows it. And the story that we’re in a revolutionary moment of technological transformation will run out of gas soon. So the bosses are using that moment to do what Silicon Valley wound up doing when its other | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Relaunching, & rebranding, our top pillar content after 7 YEARS

Before I announce the thing we've been working on, I need to explain it, and to do that, I gotta drop some deep history on 30x500: Many many years ago — wayyy back in December 2009 — I hosted a little 3-hour teleconference talk about everything I& | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Reading the Tito's Vodka origin story

There's nothing like a good, old-fashioned entrepreneur origin story! The real kind, not the ones you'll find in Forbes or FastCompany, workshopped to death by PR and probably mostly if not entirely fake. It's why, despite the man himself being an entire trash barge | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The Reverse-Frankenstein will help you pump up your flabby writing

Together, Alex and I have coined The Reverse-Frankenstein: You RF when you've created a single large piece of content that has too many competing goals and content "tracks," so you hack it apart at the joints to produce several standalone pieces which are stronger, crispier, & | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Discipline is finite. Excitement is infinite.

"Discipline" is like "cost-cutting" — a subtractive approach that can only go so far and, if taken further, undermines and destroys the very thing you're trying to create. Excitement is like investment: it's additive, it grows, it expands, it builds more potential, | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Case Study: Launching an Audible-like business for digital comics

A few of the businesses owners that I work most closely with are unique in that I don't (or can't) really share much about their businesses due to owner privacy. But one of them is just too damn interesting to not talk about, so I' | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Your newsletter emails are a series of twisty passages, all alike

As part of my Leverage Year, I'm segregating my email inbox and moving all my newsletter subscriptions over to Newsletterss. And… it's ROUGH. I just want to change my email address. Most newsletters I get only offer an option to Unsubscribe. Then when I get | Continue reading | 1 year ago

LinkedIn talk, part 3: The complete slides

Phew! It's done. Now I just have to get a good night's sleep and give the talk tomorrow morning to a handful of complete and utter strangers who don't even read my blog! Adventure!! My rural internet's been spotty the last hour | Continue reading | 1 year ago

My first LinkedIn talk, part 2: The content

Last time I wrote about the framework for my first LinkedIn talk: Proper introduction of me & who I am/why I'm giving this talk, what Noko is Business advice HEAVILY BLENDED WITH where did Noko come from, what Noko is, where it’s going, WHY, etc. | Continue reading | 1 year ago

My first LinkedIn talk, part 1: Planning

So the title of my very first LinkedIn talk* is Profitable Project Prioritization — because who doesn't love a little alliteration, amirite? (* I'm canceling the word 'webinar' in 2023; it's time) Talking things over with my LinkedIn coach, he explained that I | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The #1 reason you'll fail as an entrepreneur

Let's skip all the intro palaver and get straight to it: The #1 reason you'll fail as an entrepreneur is you don't really want to be an entrepreneur. Hold on, hold on — I can actually hear your spine straightening through space and | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Building leverage: Tab hoarding edition

a major part of my goal for 2023 is to fix the systems that lead to mental clogs and stagnation and so… i just closed, like, 100 tabs 😩 — Amy Hoy (@amyhoy) January 2, 2023 For my New Year's resolution, I said I wanted to build | Continue reading | 1 year ago