Against Xkcd 1357 (2020)

Whenever I think about what did the most damage to internet culture over the past ten years, xkcd 1357 comes out on top. Not Twitter. Not Facebook. This simple comic. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Prioritize Strengths

Years ago I wrote about the three bucket model of product management. Here's a quick recap. You categorize all possible features into one of three buckets— gamechangers, showstoppers (called table stakes in corporate vernacular) and distractions. A gamechanger is a feature that s … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Excerpts from Jony Ive

A few days ago I finished reading Leander Kahney’s book on Jony Ive. Here are the parts that I highlighted. I don’t recommend reading the book unless you’re really deep into Apple history and design, but I did find many of these interesting. For Jony, it's all about the work-- bu … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Tech Stack

I've been hacking non-stop for over two weeks. During this time my tech stack has grown to many libraries and multiple services. I've done a lot of experimentation; there are parts of the toolchain that are excellent, and there are parts that are difficult to use, buggy or immatu … | Continue reading | 3 years ago

How to Get Promoted

Almost everyone who does great work toils in relative obscurity. Performance reviews are social fiction. How do people really advance through the corporate hierarchy? | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Please Stop Paying Me

A few days ago I realized something. I don’t like writing. I realized it because I found creative energy to work on programming projects again, and I experience writing programs differently from how I experience having to write. Even the turn of phrase “having to write” betrays m … | Continue reading | 3 years ago

How to Interview Engineers

Interviews are filled with posturing, political correctness, and socially convenient falsehoods that have everything to do with large company recruiting constraints and nothing to do with you. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

How I read [in Clusters]

Read clusters of five books. Visualize clusters as instruments to inspect the world. Collect instruments into a mental lab. Read ~40 pages/day. That's ~20 books/year, 40 new instruments per decade. | Continue reading | 3 years ago


Envy is a bad north star. Spend time with people who don't feel it. Avoid people who do. Pick a mission. Find the equivalent of practicing scales in your field, and do that. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Surviving Disillusionment

Engineers don't have a daily ritual that reminds us why we got into the field. Without a ritual, the drudgery creeps closer and the vision of the monastery recedes. | Continue reading | 3 years ago