Tasks, Techniques, and Tools for Genomic Data Visualization

Genomic data visualization is essential for interpretation and hypothesisgeneration as well as a valuable aid in communicating discoveries. Visual toolsbridge the gap between algorithmic... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Graphical Calculus for Products and Convolutions

Graphical calculus is an intuitive visual notation for manipulating tensorsand index contractions. Using graphical calculus leads to simple and memorablederivations, and with a bit of practice... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Inferring JavaScript Types Using Graph Neural Networks

The recent use of `Big Code' with state-of-the-art deep learning methodsoffers promising avenues to ease program source code writing and correction. Asa first step towards automatic code repair,... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Getafix: Learning to Fix Bugs Automatically

Static analyzers help find bugs early by warning about recurring bugcategories. While fixing these bugs still remains a mostly manual task inpractice, we observe that fixes for a specific bug... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Driving upside-down in a circular track

In this article, we point out an interesting solution for the dynamics of aracecar in a banked circular track with banking angle well over 90o. We callthis track configuration an Inverted Track,... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Simitate: A Hybrid Imitation Learning Benchmark

We present Simitate --- a hybrid benchmarking suite targeting the evaluationof approaches for imitation learning. A dataset containing 1938 sequences wherehumans perform daily activities in a... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Yosys+nextpnr: OSS Framework from Verilog to Bitstream for Commercial FPGAs

This paper introduces a fully free and open source software (FOSS)architecture-neutral FPGA framework comprising of Yosys for Verilog synthesis,and nextpnr for placement, routing, and bitstream... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Visualizing the Consequences of Climate Change

We present a project that aims to generate images that depict accurate,vivid, and personalized outcomes of climate change using Cycle-ConsistentAdversarial Networks (CycleGANs). By training our... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

What Is Applied Category Theory?

This is a collection of introductory, expository notes on applied categorytheory, inspired by the 2018 Applied Category Theory Workshop, and in thesenotes we take a leisurely stroll through two... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Holpy: Interactive Theorem Proving in Python

The design of modern proof assistants is faced with several sometimesconflicting goals, including scalability, extensibility, and soundness of proofchecking. In this paper, we propose a new... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Who Witnesses the Witness?

We analyze the computational complexity of the many types ofpencil-and-paper-style puzzles featured in the 2016 puzzle video game TheWitness. In all puzzles, the goal is to draw a simple path in... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Exploring Interactions with Voice-Controlled TV

Intelligent agents such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant are now builtinto streaming TV systems, allowing people to use voice input to navigate theincreasingly complex set of apps available... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Direct speech-to-speech translation with a sequence-to-sequence model

We present an attention-based sequence-to-sequence neural network which candirectly translate speech from one language into speech in another language,without relying on an intermediate text... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Convolution is outer product [pdf]

The inner product operation between tensors is the corner stone of deepneural network architectures, directly inherited from linear algebra. There isa striking contrast between the unicity of... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Machine Learning at Microsoft with Ml.net

Machine Learning is transitioning from an art and science into a technologyavailable to every developer. In the near future, every application on everyplatform will incorporate trained models to... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Smartwatch Games Encouraging Privacy-ProtectiveBehaviour in a Longitudinal Study

While the public claim concern for their privacy, they frequently appear tooverlook it. This disparity between concern and behaviour is known as thePrivacy Paradox. Such issues are particularly... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Basic Performance Measurements of the Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory Module

Scalable nonvolatile memory DIMMs will finally be commercially available withthe release of the Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory Module (or just "Optane DCPMM"). This new nonvolatile DIMM... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

GPS-Based Vehicle Tracking System-on-Chip

Modern powerful reconfigurable systems are suited in the implementation ofvarious data-stream, data-parallel, and other applications. An application thatneeds real-time, fast, and reliable data... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Full-Stack Optimization for Accelerating CNNs with FPGA Validation

We present a full-stack optimization framework for accelerating inference ofCNNs (Convolutional Neural Networks) and validate the approach withfield-programmable gate arrays (FPGA)... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Learning Scalable and Precise Representation of Program Semantics

Neural program embedding has shown potential in aiding the analysis oflarge-scale, complicated software. Newly proposed deep neural architecturespride themselves on learning program semantics... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Understanding eWhoring

In this paper, we describe a new type of online fraud, referred to as'eWhoring' by offenders. This crime script analysis provides an overview of the'eWhoring' business model, drawing on more... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

The role of pawnshops in risk coping in early twentieth-century Japan

This study examines the role of pawnshops as a risk-coping strategy in Japanin the prewar period when poor people were highly vulnerable. Using data onpawnshop loans in more than 250... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Fidelity benchmarks for two-qubit gates in silicon

Universal quantum computation will require qubit technology based on ascalable platform, together with quantum error correction protocols that placestrict limits on the maximum infidelities for... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

On the Universality of Memcomputing Machines

Universal memcomputing machines (UMMs) [IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst.26, 2702 (2015)] represent a novel computational model in which memory (timenon-locality) accomplishes both tasks of... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Nonvolatile Memory Cell Based on Memristor Emulator

Memristor, one of the fundamental circuit elements, has promisingapplications in non-volatile memory and storage technology as it cantheoretically achieve infinite states. Information can be... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Chain of Implicit Trust: An Analysis of the Web Third-Party Resources Loading

The Web is a tangled mass of interconnected services, where websites import arange of external resources from various third-party domains. However, thelatter can further load resources hosted on... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Collecting 16K archived web pages from 17 public web archives

We document the creation of a data set of 16,627 archived web pages, ormementos, of 3,698 unique live web URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) from 17public web archives. We used four different... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Separation of conditions as a prerequisite for quantum theory

We introduce the notion of "separation of conditions" meaning that adescription of statistical data obtained from experiments, performed under aset of different conditions, allows for a... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

A Survey on Deep Learning Based Brain Computer Interface

Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) bridges the human's neural world and the outerphysical world by decoding individuals' brain signals into commandsrecognizable by computer devices. Deep learning... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Automatic Programming of Cellular Automata and ANN Guided by Philosophy

Many computer models such as cellular automata have been developed andsuccessfully applied. However, in some cases these models might be restrictiveon the possible solutions or their solution is... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Multi-Person Pose Estimation with Enhanced Channel-Wise and Spatial Information [pdf]

Multi-person pose estimation is an important but challenging problem incomputer vision. Although current approaches have achieved significant progressby fusing the multi-scale feature maps, they... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Colossal barocaloric effects in plastic crystals [pdf]

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@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

1D Convolutional Neural Networks and Applications: A Survey

During the last decade, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have become thede facto standard for various Computer Vision and Machine Learning operations.CNNs are feed-forward Artificial Neural... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Quantum interference between light sources separated by 150M kilometers

We report an experiment to test quantum interference, entanglement andnonlocality using two dissimilar photon sources, the Sun and a semiconductorquantum dot on the Earth, which are separated by... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

SpaceTEE: Secure and Tamper-Proof Computing in Space Using CubeSats

Sensitive computation often has to be performed in a trusted executionenvironment (TEE), which, in turn, requires tamper-proof hardware. If thecomputational fabric can be tampered with, we may... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Learning to Evolve

Evolution and learning are two of the fundamental mechanisms by which lifeadapts in order to survive and to transcend limitations. These biologicalphenomena inspired successful computational... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Are commercially implemented adaptive cruise control systems string stable? (no)

In this article, we assess the string stability of seven 2018 model yearadaptive cruise control (ACC) equipped vehicles that are widely available inthe US market. Seven distinct vehicle models... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

What You Should Know About Megaprojects, and Why [pdf]

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@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

MixMatch: A Holistic Approach to Semi-Supervised Learning

Semi-supervised learning has proven to be a powerful paradigm for leveragingunlabeled data to mitigate the reliance on large labeled datasets. In thiswork, we unify the current dominant... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Adversarial Examples Are Not Bugs, They Are Features

Adversarial examples have attracted significant attention in machinelearning, but the reasons for their existence and pervasiveness remain unclear.We demonstrate that adversarial examples can be... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

The Alt-Right and Global Information Warfare

The Alt-Right is a neo-fascist white supremacist movement that is involved inviolent extremism and shows signs of engagement in extensive disinformationcampaigns. Using social media data mining,... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

On the Pitfalls of Measuring Emergent Communication

How do we know if communication is emerging in a multi-agent system? The vastmajority of recent papers on emergent communication show that adding acommunication channel leads to an increase in... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Link Prediction in Networks with Core-Fringe Data

Data collection often involves the partial measurement of a larger system. Acommon example arises in collecting network data: we often obtain networkdatasets by recording all of the interactions... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Simplicity Creates Inequity

Algorithmic predictions are increasingly used to aid, or in some casessupplant, human decision-making, and this development has placed new demands onthe outputs of machine learning procedures.... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Scaling and Benchmarking Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning

Self-supervised learning aims to learn representations from the data itselfwithout explicit manual supervision. Existing efforts ignore a crucial aspectof self-supervised learning - the ability... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

A Survey on Neural Architecture Search

The growing interest in both the automation of machine learning and deeplearning has inevitably led to the development of automated methods for neuralarchitecture optimization. The choice of the... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

Understanding Perceptions of Problematic Facebook Use

While many people use social network sites to connect with friends andfamily, some feel that their use is problematic, seriously affecting theirsleep, work, or life. Pairing a survey of 20,000... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago

A Denotational Engineering of Programming Languages

The book is devoted to two research areas: (1) Designing programminglanguages along with their denotational models. A denotational model of alanguage consists of two many-sorted algebras - an... | Continue reading

@arxiv.org | 4 years ago