Coders: Context Switching is hard for both computers and relationships

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The Transitive Property of Friendship - and the importance of the Warm Intro

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Displaying your realtime Blood Glucose from NightScout on an AdaFruit PyPortal

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F7 is the greatest PowerShell hotkey that no one uses any more. We must fix this.

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Getting Started with .NET Core and Docker and the Microsoft Container Registry

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What is Blazor and what is Razor Components?

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Xbox Avatar accessories for People with Diabetes! Sponsored by Nightscout and Konsole Kingz

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How to stream PC games from Windows 10 to your Xbox One for free

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How to parse string dates with a two digit year and split on the right century in C#

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EditorConfig code formatting from the command line with .NET Core's dotnet format global tool

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Hey Siri, what's my blood sugar? Learning to Code with Apple's iPhone Shortcuts

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Learning about .NET Core futures by poking around at David Fowler's GitHub

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Right click publish quickly to Azure App Services with VS Code extensions and zipdeploy

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Exploring nopCommerce - open source e-commerce shopping cart platform in .NET Core

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How to convert an IMG file to an standard ISO easily with Linux on Windows 10

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Remote Debugging with VS Code to a Raspberry Pi Using .NET Core on ARM

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How to update the firmware on your Zune, without Microsoft, dammit

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Announcing WPF, WinForms, and WinUI Are Going Open Source

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Compiling C# to WASM with Mono and Blazor Then Debugging in Chrome DevTools

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Dark Matter Developers: The Unseen 99%

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Real World ASP.NET Core Performance Tips from a Real Customer

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Azure DevOps Continuous Build/Deploy/Test WithASP.NET Core 2.2 Preview in 1 Hr

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Always Be Closing Pull Requests

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Improved ASP.NET Core deployments on Zeit and making small containers

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Decoding an SSH Key from PEM to BASE64 to HEX to ASN.1 to Prime Decimal Numbers

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How do you even know this crap?

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Upgrading an existing .NET project to the lean new CSPROJ format from .NET Core

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Building the Ultimate Developer PC – The Parts List for My New Computer

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SQL Server on Linux or in Docker Plus Cross-Platform SQL Operations Studio

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Lynx is dead – Long live Browsh for text-based internet browsing

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The Whole of WordPress Compiled to .NET Core

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NET Core and Docker

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Carriage Returns and Line Feeds Will Ultimately Bite You – Scott Hanselman

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Microsoft Killed My Pappy (2014)

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The Year of Linux on the (Windows) Desktop – WSL Tips and Tricks

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Eyes wide open – Correct Caching is always hard

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Setting up Application Insights took 10 minutes. It created 2 days of work

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