'Oumuamua is long gone, but it's still leaving scientists guessing. A new explanation proposes that the strange object was a "monstrous fluffy dust aggregate" produced by a busted-up comet. | Continue reading
The structures seem to come in all sizes and shapes, and archaeologists aren't sure what many of then were used for or when they were created. | Continue reading
The world's oldest classroom poster of the periodic table of elements, dating to 1885, has turned up in Scotland. | Continue reading
Even forensic detectives would have a hard time distinguishing between koala fingerprints and human ones. | Continue reading
Kelly Clarkson attributed her weight loss to a book called "The Plant Paradox," which advises people to cut lectins from their diet. But what are lectins? | Continue reading
A woman who couldn’t hear male voices was suffering from a rare form of aural impairment. What is reverse-slope hearing loss? | Continue reading
The greatest tsunami of them all led to the deaths of countless animals from the dinosaur age. | Continue reading
China's Chang'e-4 lander contains a living experiment that could lay the groundwork for agriculture at its future lunar base. | Continue reading
From unintentional irony to flat-out fraud, it has been another banner year for scientific retractions. Here are five notable ones. | Continue reading
Chimpanzees have much better working memories than humans, suggesting we may have underestimated their cognitive abilities. | Continue reading
An ancient temple in Indonesia hid underground for thousands of years. | Continue reading
To find life on Mars, scientists may need to "go deep." | Continue reading
Sometimes we miss one or two penguins, sometimes we miss millions. | Continue reading
The Earth's deep, underground ecosystems are nearly twice as big as the planet's oceans — and they could hold millions of undiscovered species. Thousands of scientists are racing to discover them. | Continue reading
The ground is shifting under Tehran, capitol of Iran. | Continue reading
Was this a 500-year-old fashion statement? | Continue reading
A burly "unicorn" once roamed the Eurasian steppes. | Continue reading
Some 3,700 years ago, a meteor or comet exploded over the Middle East, wiping out human life across a swath of land north of the Dead Sea. | Continue reading
It's long been thought that people inherit mitochondrial DNA exclusively from their mothers. But a provocative new study suggests otherwise. | Continue reading
In a few days, humanity will once again reach out and touch the surface of a foreign world. | Continue reading
Consuming large quantities of carbohydrates and alcohol are the real reason people feel sleepy after a Thanksgiving dinner. | Continue reading
Researchers digging through naval records uncovered a strange and alarming consequence of a massive 1972 solar storm. | Continue reading
Three asteroids are passing by Earth this Saturday, and one will be closer to us than the moon. | Continue reading
Physicists and food historians teamed up to create the ultimate pizza equation. The verdict: find a brick oven. | Continue reading
Long life spans tend to run in families, a phenomenon that's often attributed to people's genes. But a new, large study questions that. | Continue reading
A roving spring of bubbling mud is moving around like a geologic poltergeist in southern California. | Continue reading
Scientists have created the coldest spot in the universe, giving them the opportunity to study the universe's rare fifth form of matter. | Continue reading
Could new findings explain why the universe is made of matter? | Continue reading
The pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females that are able to mate and successfully reproduce | Continue reading
A man in New York developed an extremely rare and fatal brain disorder after he ate squirrel brains, according to a new report of the case. | Continue reading
Tyrannosaurus rex is often mocked for its puny, laughable arms, but new research indicates the fearsome dinosaurs could do a lot more with their little limbs than previously realized. | Continue reading
This ancient inscription from a potter's workshop is the oldest known instance of the full spelling of the word Jerusalem. | Continue reading
One of the first British explorers in the New World got a hefty reward from King Henry VII. | Continue reading
There's something out there that physicists have never seen before, and it's coming up from the bottom of the Earth. Scientists think it's a brand-new particle. | Continue reading
Humans are responsible for some of the wobble in Earth's spin. | Continue reading
Residents of a Greek town woke up to see their beaches covered in a 1,000-foot-long spider web. And experts say it's the result of a summery lovefest. | Continue reading
This extraordinary case shows that organ transplants can not only pass on infectious diseases, but also cancer, at least in some rare cases. | Continue reading
Our brain might come equipped with a noise-canceling feature: one that helps us ignore the sound of our own footsteps or the crunching of our bites. | Continue reading
Researchers have found a way to short-circuit the "immortality switch" that cancer cells use to divide indefinitely. | Continue reading
Data from the Cassini spacecraft revealed that a bizarre, hexagon-shaped vortex has formed above Saturn's north pole as the planet's northern hemisphere enters summer. | Continue reading
The study shows for the first time that ketamine needs to activate opioid receptors in order to have anti-depressant effects. | Continue reading
Searchers have located the wreck of a P-38 Lightning fighter aircraft deep within a glacier in Greenland, more than 70 years after a lost squadron of U.S. warplanes crash-landed on the ice there during World War II. | Continue reading
Drinking alcohol in moderation is more harmful than previously thought, according to a new study that concludes there's no "safe" level of alcohol consumption. | Continue reading
The massive city, which dates to around 4,300 years ago, flourished over several centuries and may have even conquered a neighboring city. | Continue reading
Don't call 'Steve' an aurora. A new study reveals the mysterious ribbon of light often seen over Canada is a new type of phenomenon never studied before. | Continue reading
Weird patches of the sky where the cosmic microwave background radiation looks funny could be signs of long-dead universes, physicist Roger Penrose said. | Continue reading
Using two ancient galactic cores called quasars, researchers have taken a massive step forward toward confirming quantum entanglement — a concept that says particles can be linked no matter how far apart in the universe they may be. | Continue reading
A or B blood can become type O, the universal donor, with the help of gut microbes. | Continue reading