Wanderlust of the ancients

The Roman Empire enabled an early version of globalisation that offered travellers adventure, novelty and opportunity - by Fabio Fernandes Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Small hours

Welcome to Block Island: holiday hotspot for wealthy tourists, and seasonal home for the workers who keep the place running - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Was Colin Wilson a fascist?

For thousands of fans, he made philosophy thrillingly relevant. Yet there is a deep unsavoury undercurrent to his worldview - by Jules Evans Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Was Colin Wilson a fascist?

For thousands of fans, he made philosophy thrillingly relevant. Yet there is a deep unsavoury undercurrent to his worldview - by Jules Evans Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

The love and death of Yosef and Zilli

A filmmaker turns his lens on the beauty of family life as he tries to make sense of his parents’ decision to die together - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Our Earth, shaped by life

Darwin was the first to see that all lifeforms, from worms to corals, transform the planet. What does that mean for us? - by Olivia Judson Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago


An unsparing animation depicts the hell of the bombing of Hiroshima and its aftermath, as told by one of its survivors - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

This essay isn’t true

Alethic nihilism is the theory that nothing is true. There is much to gain by taking this radical idea seriously - by David Liggins Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Ed Yong: the hidden world of animal senses

From tasting feet to electric navigation: the wild world of animal senses lies beyond the limits of human sensory experience - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Cogitating black holes

The Universe cannot always be understood through observation. Instead, physicists explore by devising thought experiments - by Michael Dine Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Cast out with love

It all begins with the sheep who wears the fleece: a seafaring ode to the sweater that’s warmed Cornish sailors for centuries - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

The helpful delusion

Evidence is growing that mental illness is more than dysfunction, with enormous implications for treatment - by Justin Garson Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Trenches in Chernobyl

Disturbing and inhaling radioactive dust, in their haste Russian soldiers unburied the wrecked, undead Earth itself - by Michael Marder Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Emory Douglas: the art of the Black Panthers

How Emory Douglas, the revolutionary artist behind the Black Panthers, created an iconography of resistance and defiance - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Keeping the score

The gifts we exchange are both generous and yet fraught with social rules and obligations. Marcel Mauss explained why - by Gili Kliger Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Names for snow

Travel by snowmobile through a pristine white landscape in north Quebec in search of the dozens of Inuit words for snow - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

The invention of free love

Percy Shelley thought romantic love freed men and women from the strictures of monogamy, but did it free them equally? - by Neil McArthur Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Ida western exile

‘Emancipation is curiously coupled with risk’ – one woman’s exploration of the beauty, solitude and perils of the US West - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Ida western exile

‘Emancipation is curiously coupled with risk’ – one woman’s exploration of the beauty, solitude and perils of the US West - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Jesuits in the boardroom

As corporations struggle to survive in a more uncertain world, they should look to the success of the Society of Jesus - by Paolo Quattrone Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

The doxxing of Rose Mainville

When a young street vendor found her name in a guidebook to the sex workers of Paris, she couldn’t live with the shame - by Amanda E Herbert & David N Woodworth Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

The legacy of Sappho

Sappho was a priestess of love, whose homoerotic poetry was revered in ancient Greece – and burned centuries later - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Attuned to the aesthetic

The ultimate value of the world can be discovered if you are sensitive to what is beautiful - by Tom Cochrane Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

The science of symmetry

Nature is full of symmetries, from spiral galaxies to florets of broccoli. So why do complex creatures break the pattern? - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

The lethal act

The Buddha taught not to kill, yet his followers have at times disobeyed him. Can murderers still be Buddhists? - by Martin Kovan Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

The generous philosopher

Bruno Latour showed us how to think with the things of the world, respecting their right to exist and act on their own terms - by Stephen Muecke Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Moths and beetles in slow-motion flight

From the camera-shy to the natural-born performers, close-up, slow-motion footage reveals the varied wonders of insect flight - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

What does art do?

Good art, laced with irony, ambiguity and suspense, is not obviously political. That’s what makes it politically interesting - by Vid Simoniti Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Beyond ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ – could a range of verdict options be more just?

Binary legal verdicts give rise to injustices. Could an alternative system reflecting degrees of uncertainty be more just? | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Proportioned verdicts

Binary legal verdicts give rise to injustices. Could an alternative system reflecting degrees of uncertainty be more just? - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Medieval but not Christian

It’s shocking that histories of medieval philosophy celebrate only Christian thinkers, ignoring Islamic and Jewish thought - by Yitzhak Y Melamed Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago


A bustling day at the farmers market prompts reflections on the journey of fresh produce from field to kitchen and beyond - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

The Imperative Betrayal

The mystery of why Judas forsook Jesus goes to the heart of Christianity. A newly translated gospel offers a new view | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

A singular scientist: James Lovelock

James Lovelock was a visionary whose greatest ideas were made possible by his unshakeable independence | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Alan Moore: I am in charge of this universe

The legendary comics author Alan Moore has written a million-word novel, tribute to every eternal speck in his universe | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Has the time come for a quantum revolution in economics?

Money and brains are both quantum phenomena – so it’s not surprising that economics is overdue for a quantum revolution | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Get Under the Hood

Our laptops are sleek and polished. Our operating systems are fluid and intuitive. Computing is easy and that’s a problem | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

A dinosaur is a story

As Brontosaurus tells us, in science as in fiction, the stories we tell to understand the world are always being revised - by Nathaniel Goldberg & Chris Gavaler Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

En pointe!

Sewn, cut, burnt – for ballet dancers, preparing their shoes is a meditative process that reveals the grit beneath their grace - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

A singular scientist

James Lovelock was a visionary whose greatest ideas were made possible by his unshakeable independence - by Roger Highfield Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

On vagueness, or, when is a heap of sand not a heap of sand? (2016)

When is a heap of sand not a heap of sand? How vagueness works as a problem of logic, and why it matters in everyday life | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Five years after the war

Superhero visuals animate the identity quest of Timothée, born after a hook-up between an Iraqi refugee and a Jewish Parisian - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

The imperative betrayal

The mystery of why Judas forsook Jesus goes to the heart of Christianity. A newly translated gospel offers a new view - by David Brakke Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Lady of the Gobi

The heartbreaks and boredom of life on the ‘coal highway’, where truck drivers eke out a living in industrialising Mongolia - by Aeon Video Watch at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Tomorrow’s corals

A warming planet and acid oceans will radically transform marine ecosystems. How will our beloved reefs survive? - by Klaus M Stiefel & James D Reimer Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Telescopes on the Moon

Our future in space relies on settling the Moon and using it as a base to probe the deepest questions in the cosmos | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

Telescopes on the Moon

Our future in space relies on settling the Moon and using it as a base to probe the deepest questions in the cosmos - by Joseph Silk Read at Aeon | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago

An Unholy Alliance

Authoritarian leaders who play the religious card are not mere hypocrites. There’s something far more troubling going on | Continue reading

@aeon.co | 1 year ago