This 3D printer can figure out how to print with an unknown material

The advance could help make 3D printing more sustainable, enabling printing with renewable or recyclable materials that are difficult to characterize. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

For Julie Greenberg, a career of research, mentoring, and advocacy

The longtime academic leader of the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology reflects on her time spent guiding students at the intersection of medicine and engineering. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Reevaluating an approach to functional brain imaging

An MRI method purported to detect neurons’ rapid impulses produces its own misleading signals instead, an MIT study finds. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Propelling atomically layered magnets toward green computers

MIT scientists have tackled key obstacles to bringing 2D magnetic materials into practical use, setting the stage for the next generation of energy-efficient computers. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

MIT Haystack scientists prepare a constellation of instruments to observe the solar eclipse’s effects

In a first, four different technologies will monitor changes in the upper atmosphere, locally and across the continent, as the sun’s radiation dips. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Q&A: Tips for viewing the 2024 solar eclipse

Brian Mernoff of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics offers best practices to get the most out of your eclipse experience. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Researchers 3D print key components for a point-of-care mass spectrometer

The low-cost hardware outperforms state-of-the-art versions and could someday enable an affordable, in-home device for health monitoring. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Drinking from a firehose — on stage

For more than 50 years, the MIT Music Theater Guild has put on epic performances that involve students from every part of campus. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Unlocking new science with devices that control electric power

Seron Electronics, founded by Mo Mirvakili PhD ’17, makes research equipment with applications including microelectronics, clean energy, optics, biomedicine, and beyond. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

MIT researchers discover “neutronic molecules”

Study shows neutrons can bind to nanoscale atomic clusters known as quantum dots. The finding may provide insights into material properties and quantum effects. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

A new computational technique could make it easier to engineer useful proteins

MIT researchers plan to search for proteins that could be used to measure electrical activity in the brain. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Characterizing social networks

A new method to measure homophily in large group interactions offers insights into how groups might interact in the future. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

MIT economics to launch new predoctoral fellowship program

Made possible by an ongoing fundraising initiative, the new program prioritizes building resources for economics faculty research. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Programming functional fabrics

PhD student Lavender Tessmer applies computation to create textiles that behave in novel ways. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Does technology help or hurt employment?

Combing through 35,000 job categories in U.S. census data, economists found a new way to quantify technology’s effects on job loss and creation. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Most work is new work, long-term study of U.S. census data shows

The majority of U.S. jobs are in occupations that have emerged since 1940, MIT research finds — telling us much about the ways jobs are created and lost. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Researchers create “The Consensus Game” to elevate AI’s text comprehension and generation skills

MIT CSAIL researchers are using ideas from game theory to improve the reliability of language generation in language models. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

A first-ever complete map for elastic strain engineering

New research by a team of MIT engineers offers a guide for fine-tuning specific material properties. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Shining a light on oil fields to make them more sustainable

Amplified Industries, founded by Sebastien Mannai SM ’14, PhD ’18, helps oil field operators eliminate spills and stop methane leaks. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

“Life is short, so aim high”

Professor Rafael Jaramillo relishes the challenge of developing new, environmentally beneficial semiconductor materials. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Atmospheric observations in China show rise in emissions of a potent greenhouse gas

Global warming potential of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is more than 24,000 times that of carbon dioxide. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

VIAVI Solutions joins MIT.nano Consortium

International technology company becomes sustaining member of industry group. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Second round of seed grants awarded to MIT scholars studying the impact and applications of generative AI

The 16 finalists — representing every school at MIT — will explore generative AI’s impact on privacy, art, drug discovery, aging, and more. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Is it the school, or the students?

Study shows perceptions of “good” schools are heavily dependent on the preparation of the students entering them. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Student spotlight: Victory Yinka-Banjo

The junior, who is majoring in computer science and molecular biology, wants to “make it a norm to lift others as I continue to climb.” | Continue reading | 5 months ago

A delicate dance

Professor of applied economics Catherine Wolfram balances global energy demands and the pressing need for decarbonization. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Persistent “hiccups” in a far-off galaxy draw astronomers to new black hole behavior

Analysis reveals a tiny black hole repeatedly punching through a larger black hole’s disk of gas. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Engineers find a new way to convert carbon dioxide into useful products

A catalyst tethered by DNA boosts the efficiency of the electrochemical conversion of CO2 to CO, a building block for many chemical compounds. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

New software enables blind and low-vision users to create interactive, accessible charts

Screen-reader users can upload a dataset and create customized data representations that combine visualization, textual description, and sonification. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Unlocking mRNA’s cancer-fighting potential

MIT spinout Strand Therapeutics has developed a new class of mRNA molecules that can sense where they are in the body, for more targeted and powerful treatments. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

A revolutionary, bold educational endeavor for Belize

Itz’at STEAM Academy, an effort between MIT and the Belize Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Technology, pushes the boundaries of education through innovative methodologies. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

MIT-derived algorithm helps forecast the frequency of extreme weather

The new approach “nudges” existing climate simulations closer to future reality. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Artificial reef designed by MIT engineers could protect marine life, reduce storm damage

The sustainable and cost-saving structure could dissipate more than 95 percent of incoming wave energy using a small fraction of the material normally needed. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

With a new experimental technique, MIT engineers probe the mechanisms of landslides and earthquakes

The behavior of granular materials has been difficult to visualize, but a new method reveals their internal forces in 3D detail. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Engineering household robots to have a little common sense

With help from a large language model, MIT engineers enabled robots to self-correct after missteps and carry on with their chores. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Large language models use a surprisingly simple mechanism to retrieve some stored knowledge

Researchers demonstrate a technique that can be used to probe a model to see what it knows about new subjects. | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Study: Movement disorder ALS and cognitive disorder FTLD show strong molecular overlaps

Single-cell gene expression patterns in the brain, and evidence from follow-up experiments, reveal many shared cellular and molecular similarities that could be targeted for potential treatment. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Students explore career opportunities in semiconductors

Global Semiconductor Alliance’s Women’s Leadership Initiative provides inspiration and guidance to MIT students. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Think globally, rebuild locally

In order to recycle construction materials, keep them close to home, a new study of Amsterdam suggests. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

A new way to quantify climate change impacts: “Outdoor days”

This measure, developed by MIT researchers, reflects direct effects on people’s quality of life — and reveals significant global disparities. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

For MIT students, there is much to learn from crafting a chair

In class 4.500 (Design Computation), Professor Larry Sass teaches the thoughtful and experimental process of design through the familiar idea of a chair, while exploring “foundational technologies.” | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Understanding the impacts of mining on local environments and communities

Extractive industries threaten water, glaciers, and livelihoods, but new research offers hope. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Lessons from Fukushima: Prepare for the unlikely

An analysis of the 2011 nuclear accident reveals a need for more preparation, training, and protocols for responding to low-probability accidents. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

MIT announces financial aid and tuition rates for the 2024–25 academic year

Financial aid increased, more than offsetting a 3.75 percent increase in tuition. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

AI generates high-quality images 30 times faster in a single step

Novel method makes tools like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E-3 faster by simplifying the image-generating process to a single step while maintaining or enhancing image quality. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Optimizing nuclear fuels for next-generation reactors

While working to nurture scientific talent in his native Nigeria, Assistant Professor Ericmoore Jossou is setting his sights on using materials science and computation to design robust nuclear components. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Study: Life’s building blocks are surprisingly stable in Venus-like conditions

Results suggest the clouds of Venus could be hospitable for some forms of life. | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Creative collisions: Crossing the art-science divide

A collaboration between ACT and MIT.nano, the class 4.373/4.374 (Creating Art, Thinking Science) asks what it really takes to cultivate dialogue between disciplines. | Continue reading | 6 months ago