Packing qubits into 'defects' in silicon chips could hasten the arrival of a future quantum internet

Using manufacturing defects in silicon chips to house signal-amplifying qubits could help to usher in the much-anticipated quantum internet. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

3,500-year-old tablet in Turkey turns out to be a shopping list

The excavation team in Turkey found a small, clay tablet that detailed a large furniture purchase. Experts said the finding may provide clues to the area's socioeconomic condition in the Late Bronze period. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Human origins tied to ancient jawless blood-sucking fish

Researchers have traced cell origins critical to vertebrate evolution by studying a group of primitive, bloodsucking fish called lampreys. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

'Simone is a very, very rare bird': Experts discuss the science behind Simone Biles' gymnastic prowess

Even among the world's most elite gymnasts, American Simone Biles, now competing in her third Olympic Games, is a standout. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Genetically engineered 'mind control' parasite could deliver drugs to the brain

Scientists are developing an engineered parasite to get drugs into the brain. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Why the 1st week of August is the best time to see 'shooting stars' and the Milky Way — no telescope required

With its moonless sky, the first week of August is one of the best times all year to see the Milky Way and meteor showers without a telescope. Here's how to be in the right place at the right time for the best view. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

17th-century home and silver spoon from 'affluent household' found in Colonial Williamsburg

The home, which was built around 1660, would have been owned by an affluent family based on the artifacts found there. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Eating too much sugar may accelerate cellular aging

In a new study, women who followed diets low in added sugar and high in nutrients had "younger-looking" cells. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Should you floss before or after you brush your teeth?

You've probably had a dentist remind you to floss — but when's the best time to do so? | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Yellowstone Biscuit Basin explosion may have created a new geyser

Geologists have revealed new details about a recent geyser eruption at Yellowstone National Park, including the shallow depth of the explosion and staggering height of its plume. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

'If you can bench press a car, you are good to go': Inside the incredible bite-force of crocodiles

In this extract from "Bite: An Incisive History of Teeth, from Hagfish to Humans," Bill Schutt looks at the creatures with the strongest bite forces in the world. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

The unsung 'cognitive expertise' needed to excel in elite sports

In sports, physical training is often emphasized over cognitive, but both are required to excel, experts say. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Massive sinkholes in China hold 'heavenly' forests with plants adapted for harsh life underground

Plants growing at the bottom of sinkholes in China's Dashiwei Tiankeng Group don't take up as much carbon as surface plants do, but they have much higher levels of nutrients in their tissues. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Ancient Egyptians used a hydraulic lift to build their 1st pyramid, controversial study claims

A massive water-treatment facility located near the Nile River may have been used to build the pyramid of Djoser. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

'Absurdly fast' algorithm solves 70-year-old logjam — speeding up network traffic in areas from airline scheduling to the internet

Researchers have devised an "absurdly fast" algorithm to solve the problem of finding the fastest flow through a network. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Earth from space: Wall of haze gets trapped behind mountains near 'Throne of Solomon' in Pakistan

A 2023 astronaut photo provides a unique perspective of the Sulaiman Mountains in Pakistan, showing how thick clouds of haze get trapped behind the tall peaks. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Identity of 2,200-year-old skeleton in 'Tomb of Cerberus' is a mystery

Archaeologists have found a shrouded skeleton that was buried around 2,200 years ago in a tomb with extravagant murals. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

New blood test for colorectal cancer approved by FDA

Scientists hope a new blood test for colorectal cancer could improve screening rates. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Short-term vegan diet may slow aging, but questions remain

A small trial in identical twins has shown that going vegan for two months may slow aging, but the findings should be interpreted cautiously, experts say. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

China's Chang'e 5 rover detects hints of water on the moon

The hydrated molecules were found inside a rock sample retrieved by China's Chang'e 5 mission in 2020 | Continue reading | 2 months ago

The science of sports

Learn the science of how athletes push past their limits. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Unistellar Odyssey is still its lowest ever price of $1,799

Don't worry if you missed Prime Day, the Unistellar Odyssey is still $1,799 — save $500 on this fantastic smart telescope at Amazon. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Methane 'kitchens' in Siberia's permafrost form mounds that can erupt, creating giant craters

A buildup of methane and other fluids in open and closed "systems" in the permafrost could explain why strange, icy mounds sometimes erupt to form giant crater, researchers say. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Hydrogen-powered VTOL aircraft makes record 523-mile journey — and lands with 10% of its fuel left in the tank

An air taxi has completed the first forward flight of a hydrogen-fueled aircraft capable of vertical takeoff and landing — and it broke a distance record in the process. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Why do strawberries have seeds on the outside?

While it may initially appear that strawberries are fruits covered in seeds, this is not actually the case. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Earth's weather is getting weirder. Here's why.

We take a look at the apparent uptick in weird weather events and discuss the possible causes with leading climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

14 best science books for kids and young adults

Looking to inspire the next generation of curious minds? These are our picks of the best popular science books for children of all ages. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

'A remarkable conspiracy': Why is matter neutral? Physicist Frank Close explores the mystery in a new book

Frank Close tells us about the history of particle physics, and what it means that charge in our universe's matter is so closely balanced. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

What's the heaviest weight a person can lift?

The world's strongest lifters on record won acclaim for hoisting thousands of pounds into the air at one time. Could they ever go heavier? | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Space photo of the week: A cosmic 'fossil' holding some of the oldest stars in the universe

The Hubble Space Telescope zooms in on a dense ball of millions of stars within a galaxy orbiting the Milky Way. Its ancient origins raise big questions about how galaxies form and grow. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Scientists achieve record-breaking data transmission speeds — 1.6 million times faster than home broadband

Scientists break data transmission rate world record for a second time this year — boosting fiber-optic speeds by 25% to a staggering 402 Tbps. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Why do we see colors that aren't there?

Here's how our brains construct color in our environment. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Dogs can smell their humans' stress, and it makes them sad

Dogs can smell when people are stressed, and it seems to make them feel downhearted. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Weird new device measures how 'liquid' lava is

A new device helps scientists measure lava viscosity during active flows. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Teotihuacan's 'Pyramid of the Moon' is aligned with the solstice sun, researchers argue

The "Pyramid of the Moon" in Teotihuacan, an ancient city in Mexico, may align with the solstice sun, a team argues. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Sun bear: The little carnivores that look so similar to humans they've been mistaken for people wearing costumes

Sun bears often stand upright like humans, and mothers even walk around cradling their babies in their arms. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Future chips could swap silicon for faster and more efficient 2D crystal semiconductor full of useful atomic 'defects'

Next generation of computer chips could ditch silicon for TMD — a 2D material that is embedded with 'defects' which can be harnessed to improve performance. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

What's the most dangerous sport in the world?

It's hard to compare sports head-to-head, but some stand out in terms of their risk of causing injury or death. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Otherworldly video captures rare jellyfish with a hitchhiker in its bell

Amazing new footage shows a rare Deepstaria jellyfish with a resident isopod in its bell off the coast of Chile. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Will we ever reach Alpha Centauri, our closest neighboring star system?

Visiting our nearest stellar neighbor will take near-light-speed travel. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Tonga eruption entombed deep-sea life in ash

When Hunga erupted in 2022, ash "decimated" slow-moving species living on the seafloor. More mobile species were able to hoof it out of harm's way. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

An undersea eruption rocked the Aegean 520,000 years ago

Scientists discovered an unknown volcanic eruption that rocked the seafloor in the Aegean more than 500,000 years ago. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

12 game-changing moments in the history of AI

From Alan Turing's seminal paper to the advent of ChatGPT, here are 12 pivotal moments in the history of artificial intelligence. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

'It gave me goosebumps': Most powerful gamma ray burst ever detected hid a secret, scientists say

Scientists have found a mysterious signal in the brightest gamma ray burst ever detected, and now they know what caused it. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

12,500-year-old rock art 'canvas' in the Amazon reveals early Americans' connection with wildlife

Thousands of ochre rock drawings, including images of humans and animals morphing into one another, offer a striking glimpse at early life in the Amazon. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

These bacteria trigger a sex change in wasps — scientists finally know how

Scientists have uncovered how bacteria borrowed a gene from an insect to create female-only parasitic wasp populations, eliminating the need for males. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Will Olympic athletes ever stop breaking records?

Physically, athletes might reach a point where they can no longer beat sports records — however, innovative techniques and sportswear breakthroughs could potentially help athletes perform better in the future. | Continue reading | 2 months ago

'Wall of flames' from out-of-control Canadian wildfire devastates town of Jasper and national park

Firefighters are battling a 'monster' wildfire in the evacuated town of Jasper and Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada. | Continue reading | 2 months ago