Michael John Gorman named MIT Museum director

MIT has appointed Michael John Gorman the Mark R. Epstein (Class of 1963) Director of the recently re-imagined MIT Museum, effective summer 2024. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Diving into nuclear submarines

The MIT Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering developed a professional education course for the Australian Submarine Agency to support and train executives from the Australian Navy. The three-week course covered a broad range of topics, from the basics of nuclear reactor … | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Turning history of science into a comic adventure

A new comic takes readers through a history of infectious disease discoveries. “A Paradigm Shift in Infectious Disease” follows MIT Associate Professor Lydia Bourouiba and artist Argha Manna, who are both protagonists and creators of the project. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Three honored with 2023 School of Science teaching prizes

The MIT School of Science awarded professors Roger Levy, Pulin Li, and David McGee teaching prizes for exceptional undergraduate and graduate instruction. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Researchers release open-source space debris model

The MIT Orbital Capacity Assessment Tool (MOCAT) offers a unique open-source solution for modeling space debris and assessing collision risks in low Earth orbit. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Food for thought

Biology graduate student Juana De La O is building connections through her thesis work in mouse development and her passion for cooking and baking. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Richard Wiesman, professor of the practice in mechanical engineering, dies at age 69

MIT Mechanical Engineering Professor of the Practice Richard M. Wiesman died Sunday, Jan. 7. He was 69. Wiesman taught and supervised research in design, product development, robotics, controls, and manufacturing, and served as co-director of MIT’s Field and Space Robotics Labora … | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Bridging the gap between preschool policy, practice, and research

At the MIT Blueprint Labs Preschool Research Convening, practitioners presented studies on early childhood education and discussed future directions. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Noninvasive technique reveals how cells’ gene expression changes over time

A new method can track changes in live cell gene expression over extended periods of time. Based on Raman spectroscopy, the method doesn’t harm cells and can be performed repeatedly. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

The future of motorcycles could be hydrogen

MIT’s Electric Vehicle Team is building a hydrogen-powered electric motorcycle, using a fuel cell system, to serve as a testbed for new hydrogen-based transportation. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

3 Questions: A new home for music at MIT

MIT Professor Keeril Makan describes the MIT Music Building currently under construction that will feature rehearsal and performance spaces, a recording studio, classrooms, and music technology laboratories. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

A new way to swiftly eliminate micropollutants from water

MIT chemical engineers create a zwitterionic hydrogel system for single-step water treatment with minimal environmental footprint. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Shell joins MIT.nano Consortium

International energy company becomes sustaining member of industry group. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Multiple AI models help robots execute complex plans more transparently

MIT's HiP system helps robots complete long-horizon goals using three foundation models: a large language model, a video diffusion model, and an egocentric action model. Iterative refinement improves the plan at each step for household and manufacturing tasks. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Co-creating climate futures with real-time data and spatial storytelling

The MIT WORLDING initiative matched world-class climate story teams working in extended reality with relevant labs and researchers across MIT. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Technique could efficiently solve partial differential equations for numerous applications

MIT researchers propose a "physics-enhanced deep-surrogate" (PEDS) method for developing data-driven surrogate models for complex physical systems in such fields as mechanics, optics, thermal transport, fluid dynamics, physical chemistry, and climate modeling. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Stripes in a flowing liquid crystal suggest a route to “chiral” fluids

An MIT study finds chiral structures, with mirror-image configurations, can emerge from nonchiral systems, suggesting new ways to engineer these materials. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Inhalable sensors could enable early lung cancer detection

Using a new MIT technology, diagnosing lung cancer could become as easy as inhaling a sensor and then taking a urine test that reveals whether a tumor is present. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Improving patient safety using principles of aerospace engineering

A new MIT study identifies six systemic factors contributing to patient hazards in laboratory diagnostics tests. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Inclusive research for social change

The MIT Student Research Program pairs underrepresented students with opportunities to examine inequity through the IDSS Initiative for Combatting Systemic Racism. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Researchers 3D print components for a portable mass spectrometer

MIT researchers 3D printed a mini quadrupole mass filter, a key component of a mass spectrometer, that performs as well as some commercial-grade devices. It can be fabricated in hours for a few dollars and is one step toward producing a portable mass spectrometer that could enabl … | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

MIT community members elected to the National Academy of Inventors for 2023

MIT Koch Institute researchers Daniel Anderson and Ana Jaklenec, plus 11 MIT alumni, are honored for inventions that have made a tangible impact on society. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

AI agents help explain other AI systems

FIND (function interpretation and description) is a new technique for evaluating automated interpretability methods. Developed at MIT, the system uses artificial intelligence to automate the explanation of complex neural networks. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Complex, unfamiliar sentences make the brain’s language network work harder

Sentences with greater linguistic complexity are most likely to fire up a key brain language processing center, according to an MIT study that employed an artificial language network. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Building technology that empowers city residents

MIT senior Kwesi Afrifa believes technology has a unique power to accelerate urban development and empower citizens. With a major in urban planning and computer science, he seeks to create cultural hubs that are inviting to everyone. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Culturally informed design: Unearthing ingenuity where it always was

Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar, a doctoral candidate in media arts and sciences and a MAD Design Fellow, researches how technology and tradition intersect in rural spaces, particularly in Colombia. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Climate action, here and now

In profile: Associate Professor David Hsu examines how cities, states, and local governments can fight climate change — and how MIT can do the same. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

A carbon-lite atmosphere could be a sign of water and life on other terrestrial planets, MIT study finds

A low carbon abundance in planetary atmospheres, which the James Webb Space Telescope can detect, could be a signature of habitability. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Does “food as medicine” make a big dent in diabetes?

New research shows relatively little impact from a nutritional program intended to reduce blood sugar levels among diabetics. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 8 months ago

Engineers develop a vibrating, ingestible capsule that might help treat obesity

MIT engineers designed an ingestible capsule that vibrates within the stomach, creating an illusory sense of fullness and reducing appetite. The pill could offer a minimally invasive, cost-effective way to treat obesity. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

Leveraging language to understand machines

MIT graduate students Irene Terpstra and Rujul Gandhi in the 6A Program explore using AI to design new integrated circuits and make language understandable to robots. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

Carlo Ratti named curator of 2025 Venice Biennale Architecure Exhibition

Professor of the practice and innovative scholar of urban design and dynamics will oversee leading global showcase for architectural work. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

Institute Professor Emeritus Robert Solow, pathbreaking economist, dies at age 99

Roboert M. Solow, a groundbreaking MIT economist and Nobel laureate, has died at age 99, leaving behind a rich legacy of scholarship and teaching. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

MIT community in 2023: A year in review

A review of top MIT community stories of 2023 includes a presidential inauguration, international accolades for faculty and students, “Dialogues Across Difference,” new and refreshed community spaces, and more. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

Minicourse open to the MIT community gives context to the Middle East crisis

Attended by more than 500 students, faculty, staff, and alumni, with more sessions planned, the course offers a jumping off point for constructive discussions. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

MIT in the media: 2023 in review

MIT faculty, researchers, students, and staff made headlines in 2023, making key research advances including detecting a dying star swallowing a planet, exploring the frontiers of AI, creating new clean energy solutions, inventing tools aimed at earlier detection and diagnosis of … | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

MIT’s top research stories of 2023

MIT News’ top research stories of 2023 include the invention of a cheaper water desalination device, a wearable ultrasound scanner, the discovery of an Earth-like exoplanet, and more. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

Paul Parravano, longtime liaison to elected leaders and MIT’s neighbors, dies at 71

Paul Parravano, former co-director of MIT’s Office of Government and Community Relations who worked to build enduring MIT connections with elected officials and the local community, died at 71. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

Using AI, MIT researchers identify a new class of antibiotic candidates

Using artificial intelligence, MIT researchers discovered a class of compounds that can kill methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a drug-resistant bacterium that causes more than 10,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

The science and art of complex systems

MIT senior and physics major Gosha Geogdzhayev works to develop “emulator” models that can learn from large-scale global climate models to answer more specialized questions about the impacts of climate change. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

A flexible solution to help artists improve animation

A new technique gives animators the flexibility to see how different mathematical functions deform complex 2D or 3D characters, and lets them choose the function that best fits their vision for the animation. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

Navy officer deepens her engineering and leadership skills at MIT

Asia Allison, a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and a graduate student in MIT's Naval Construction and Engineering program, is developing as a technical leader in the Daniel J. Riccio Graduate Engineering Leadership Program. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

Study: Colon cancer screenings are more effective than previously understood

Colon cancer screening is more effective than previously realized, according to a study by Josh Angrist and Peter Hull that looks at data from five trials. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

MIT’s tiny technologies go to Washington

At a White House Demo Day, a team from the Marble Center for Cancer Nanomedicine at the MIT Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research showcased nanotechnologies designed to improve the detection and treatment of cancer and other diseases. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

Nanoparticle-delivered RNA reduces neuroinflammation in lab tests

In mice and human cell cultures, MIT researchers showed that lipid nanoparticles can deliver a potential RNA therapy for inflammation in the brain, a prominent symptom in Alzheimer’s disease. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

“MIT can give you ‘superpowers’”

After learner Diogo da Silva Branco Magalhães completed the MITx MicroMasters program in Statistics and Data Science, he was able to pursue his master’s degree at Northwestern University. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

Image recognition accuracy: An unseen challenge confounding today’s AI

A novel dataset metric, minimum viewing time (MVT), gauges image recognition complexity for AI systems by measuring the time needed for accurate human identification. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago

Philip Erickson named director of MIT Haystack Observatory

Philip Erickson has been named the new director of MIT Haystack Observatory. In leading the radio science observatory in Westford, Mass., Erickson succeeds longtime director Colin Lonsdale, who plans to step down. | Continue reading

@news.mit.edu | 9 months ago