Unusually Flare from Nearby Star a Bad Sign for Alien Life

Proxima Centauri—the nearest star to our own—has produced one of the most powerful flares on record. The observation is potential evidence that red dwarfs, though plentiful, are inhospitable to life. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Researchers Take Down Botnet Pretending to Be Millions of People Watching TV

Fraudsters operate off the assumption that it’s way more profitable to think up byzantine ways to cheat people out of money than it is to just, like, work hard and ask for a promotion occasionally. For instance: an Israeli tech company is currently accused of using a very convolu … | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Signal's CEO Just Hacked the Cops' Favorite Phone Cracking Tool

Israeli digital intelligence firm Cellebrite sells software designed to unlock phones and extract their data. As a result, its products are a favorite of law enforcement agencies across the U.S., and police frequently use them to gather evidence from seized devices. In the past, … | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Whole Foods Launching Amazon Palm Reader Payment System in Seattle

Whole Foods will launch a palm reader payment system at its Madison Broadway location in Seattle today and has plans to roll out the biometric program at seven more stores in the coming months, according to an announcement early Wednesday. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Regulators Urge Peloton Tread+ Owners to Stop Using Treadmill Immediately

In the wake of multiple reports of injuries and at least one death involving Peloton’s Tread+ treadmill, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued an “urgent warning” that the product “poses serious risks” to children’s safety and should not be used in households wit … | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

CBP Releases Video from Predator Drone Deployed over George Floyd Protests

Shortly after the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd last year, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) flew a Predator drone over the city in an effort to surveil the ongoing protests against police brutality occurring there. The drone, which took off from Grand Forks Air Fo … | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Adobe Co-Founder and Inventor of PDFs Dies at Age 81

Charles “Chuck” Geschke, a co-founder of the leading software company Adobe who invented PDFs, died Friday at age 81, the company said in a statement. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Domino’s Has a New Pizza Delivery Robot That Lets You Track Your Order

Domino’s, the eager company that’s always looking for new ways to get you its pizza, is at it again. To ensure that you are not without its pizza, the company has dispatched a delivery robot at one of its stores that it says will take the pizza right to customers. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

We're Archiving Yahoo Answers So You'll Always Know How Babby Is Formed

With the help of the Internet Archive—and a little bit of code—we set up a script to auto-archive as many of the roughly 84 million submitted questions that we were able to find using the “sitemap” file for the Yahoo Answers site. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Spectrum Workers on Strike Build Their Own ISP

If, for any number of reasons, you’d like to burn telecoms to the ground and build a new internet service provider on their smoldering remains, good news for you. New York City Spectrum workers, who’ve weathered an anguishing four-year strike, have built their own internet servic … | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

App Store Kids Game Turns into a Gambling App

An iOS a game called Jungle Run—basically a 2D coin running game —that turns into a cryptocurrency-funded casino in Turkey. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Gaze Upon My Browser Extensions and Despair

Reporting on the tech privacy space has taught me that it's smart to be selective with the extensions I use since they’ve historically done a bad job at protecting they collect from our browswers. But 24 (okay, actually 28) wasn’t that many. Right? | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Mystery of Who Cracked the San Bernardino Shooter's iPhone for the FBI Solved

When the U.S. government wanted to crack into a dead terrorist’s iPhone several years ago, they turned to a little-known cybersecurity startup in Australia, Azimuth Security, to help them do it. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

A Dementia-Like Illness Has Sickened over 40 People in Canada

Doctors in Canada are puzzled over a cluster of people coming down with a dementia-like brain disorder with no known diagnosis. Over the past half-decade, dozens of residents in New Brunswick are thought to have developed the condition, which includes symptoms such as memory loss … | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Microsoft's Quantum Boast Went Bust

Microsoft is an outlier among the companies investing in quantum computing research. Unlike Google, IBM, or the handful of startups that have built noisy experimental prototypes out of superconducting circuits, ions, or photons, the company is trying to build a quantum computer b … | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

More Evidence Links 'Cat Scratch' Bacteria and Schizophrenia

New research is the latest to find evidence of a link between mental illness and infections caused by a group of bacteria commonly found in cats and other animals. The small study found that people with diagnosed schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder were more likely to carr … | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Amateur Astronomer Spots a Rare Visible Nova

A new nova, appearing in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia, can be seen with binoculars and small telescopes, but this transient object won’t stick around for long. Here’s how you can spot Nova V1405 Cas before it’s too late. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

When Clubhouse Runs Out of Money

How does Clubhouse plan to survive if its VC funding spigots are shut off? Can it sustain the hype? | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Trump Plans to Launch a Social Media Platform

Former President Donald Trump is planning to return to social media with “his own platform,” his advisor said Sunday. And none of those fake news meanies will be invited. Neener neener neener. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Star Trek Episodes That Define Captain Kirk

On March 22nd both William Shatner and Captain James Tiberius Kirk celebrate their birthday—so to mark the occasion we look back at 10 classic episodes of Star Trek that all speak to different facets of the iconic Captain of the starship Enterprise. | Continue reading

@io9.gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Researchers Put Cloth Face Masks Under a Microscope. The Images Are Unreal

Researchers at NIST analyzed cloth face masks using a scanning electron microscope. The results are out of this world. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Mars Bar Robot Chases Customers Around the Store and Tempts Them to Buy Candy

The future of grocery shopping is a little over the top. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Warehouse Robots That Deliberately Crash to Unload Packages

Modern warehouses are a hive of frenetic activity as robots and humans move boxes around as quickly as possible. To shave a few precious seconds off a delivery, researchers in Germany have developed a high-speed robotic drone that unloads packages by deliberately crashing into a … | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

NASA Indestructible Airless Titanium Tires Might Soon Be Available for Your Bike

This tire will never to be inflated or spring a leak, and will probably survive a lot longer than the bike itself. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Surveillance Company Claims It Can Track Nearly Any Car in Real-Time

A document obtained by the office of Sen. Ron Wyden shows Ulysses claims to be able to “remotely geolocate” cars in “nearly any country,” with the exceptions of Cuba and North Korea. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Cricut Backs Down – Cutting Machines

In a statement released today, Circut promised existing users unlimited lifetime use of their machines. The policy extends to anyone else who decides to buy one of the machines throughout 2021. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Open-Source Security Key Helps You Ditch Software Authenticators

SoloKey 2 is an affordable alternative to expensive security keys. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Apparently the Pentagon Is Thinking of Giving Jetpacks a Try

Why not? | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Cricut Wants Users to Pay for Unlimited Use of Cutting Machines They Already Own

Users are, unsurprisingly, very unhappy. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

California Passes New Regulation Banning “Dark Patterns” in Landmark Privacy Law

Banning deceptive advertising tactics is another step towards ensuring that consumers are protected under the CCPA. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

ISS Ditches 2.9-Ton Pallet of Batteries, Its Most Massive Piece of Space Trash

Weighing 2.9 tons and traveling 4.8 miles per second, this heap of old batteries is now the heaviest single piece of garbage to be jettisoned from the International Space Station. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Hackers Are Swarming Microsoft Exchange

At least 10 different hacker groups are targeting Microsoft Exchange servers, which seems bad. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Cloud gaming platform Shadow files for bankruptcy

The company is undergoing a “reorganization” to get rid of its debt, but current Shadow subscribers can still use the service. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

T-Mobile Is Taking All of Your Sweet, Sweet Data Unless You Tell It to Stop

Heads up, fellow T-Mobile customers: You might want to take a look at your mobile carrier’s privacy policy. It now explains that you'll be automatically enrolled in data collection for targeted ads—unless you opt out. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Slugs Cut Off Their Own Heads When They Want a New Body

Looking like opened pea pods with a lustrous sheen, the sea slugs Elysia cf. marginata and Elysia atroviridis aren’t your average gastropods. First off, they’re members of sacoglossa, a clade of slugs known for taking the algae from marine plants and integrating the chloroplasts … | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Ghost Station Has Been Broadcasting Same Traffic Report for Obama's Inauguration

Road closure notifications continuously played on loop like some sort of post-apocalyptical movie scene. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Someone Is Hacking the Hackers

In the latest in a string of “hits” on Russian dark web forums, the prominent crime site Maza appears to have been breached by a hacker earlier this week. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Setting Spotify as a Default Music App in iOS 14.5 Isn't a Feature After All

Bad news, Spotify users. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

5G Conspiracy Theories Are Fueling an Entire Economy of Scams

Etsy, eBay, and Amazon sellers are turning a profit on products that claim to protect you from 5G. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Someone Made a Fully Playable Game of Pong Inside a macOS Icon

Apple has always pushed its hardware as tools for creative types—not toys for gamers—but that hasn’t stopped creative developers from turning Macs into unique gaming machines, like putting Lemmings on the Touch Bar, and now putting an icon-sized playable version of Pong in the do … | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Exiled WallStreetBets Mods Want to Make a Blockchain-Based Hedge Fund

Some former moderators of memestock trading floor WallStreetBets intend to start a competing community which will act like a “decentralized hedge fund.” What could go wrong. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

QAnon, CultTok, and Leaving It All Behind

“They’re going to go through some stages until they come out on the other side.” | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

A 1990s iMac Processor Powers NASA’s Perseverance Rover

It's not about processing speed, but reliability. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

SolarWinds Officials Throw Intern Under the Bus for ‘Solarwinds123’ Password

The SolarWinds drama just won’t stop. It’s a tale of Russian hackers—and potentially Chinese hackers—alleged email spying, and a gaping hole of security vulnerabilities that seems to get worse as more details come to light. Now, we can add yet another twist to the story: the laug … | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

‘Deep Nostalgia’ can turn old photos of your relatives into moving videos

It’s hard to feel connected to someone who’s gone through a static photo. So a company called MyHeritage who provides automatic AI-powered photo enhancements is now offering a new service that can animate people in old photos creating a short video that looks like it was recorded … | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

YouTube Thinks It’s Cracked the Code on Appropriate Content for 9-Year-Olds

Oh, sure. This will definitely work as planned. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

Apple Bought Another Company Every 3 to 4 Weeks for Last 6 Years, Tim Cook Says

Apple has bought out just short of 100 small businesses over the last six years as part of its corporate acquisition spree, CEO Tim Cook told shareholders at a virtual meeting on Tuesday. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago

More Evidence That Neanderthals Were ‘Absorbed’ by Humans, Not Wiped Out

Prehistoric teeth found over 100 years ago are some of the best evidence yet for hybridized communities of Neanderthals and modern humans. | Continue reading

@gizmodo.com | 3 years ago