Europe eyeing direct access to cloud services for police data requests

 In the wake of a spate of terror attacks across Europe regional interior ministers have been talking tough on tech. Encryption is one technology that’s been under fire from certain quarters. There has also been renewed discussion about ways to speed up how law enforcement agenci … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

ProBeat: Samsung should have put Cortana on the Galaxy S8

OPINION: As the battle for intelligent assistants slowly transforms into a war, with Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Samsung all eager players, I can’t help but think that two of these companies should be working together. Microsoft is the smartphone underdog and Samsung is … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Apple Launches Promote Page to Help Developers Get Noticed for Possible Featuring

The stories from developers when it comes to Apple and featuring are often strange and full of mystery. Apple itself is an odd company that does things to the beat of their own drummer, and it's why they're so successful now. But considering that featuring can be the difference b … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Apple legalizes and taxes in-app tipping for content creators

 Apple’s newly published update to its App Store policies officially designates voluntary tipping via virtual currency as in-app purchases that Apple taxes 30 percent. By taking tipping out of the grey area, more app developers might institute digital tip jars as an alternative w … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

What Kind of Copywriting Appeals to Millennials?

There’s no denying that Millennials, or Generation Y, are the prime market at the moment. With a range that still accepts current teenagers but also extends to folks in their early … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

GoFundMe, now with $4B in donations from 40M donors, plots Euro expansion

 If you’ve ever contributed to a charitable fundraising campaign online in the last seven years, chances are that one of those campaigns (if not all of them) have been through GoFundMe, a web platform where people can set up and donate to campaigns for charitable causes. The popu … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

U.K. Election: What Does This Mean for Brexit?

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May resisted opposition calls to resign and moved to form a new government with the help of a small Northern Irish party after voters unexpectedly denied her party a parliamentary majority. Chief European Commentator Simon Nixon explains what this coul … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Cortana can now do price comparisons when you’re shopping online

 Microsoft’s digital assistant Cortana will now be able to save you money when you’re shopping online. The company announced today that it will begin a pilot test of a new Cortana feature that will pop up the best price and availability of similar products, when you’re shopping t … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Photos of the Week: 6/3–6/9

An open-air hotel room in the Swiss Alps, a mass wedding in China, Comey testifies in Washington, D.C., Lord Buckethead and others vie for votes in the UK, storms and wildfires in South Africa, and much more. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Full Citation Guide: APA, MLA, Chicago & Harvard Styles

  It is important to note that a citation is not just about great facts, but also about where you | Continue reading | 7 years ago

High-tech masks filters out air pollution, viruses and bacteria

Cambridge Mask Company has developed a military grade filtration technology in its masks that purifies the air you breathe through it. It filters out air pollutants and over 99% of viruses and bacteria. Their new smart mask, which tells you when you need to wear it, has just laun … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

America and Iran Hurtle Toward Confrontation in Syria

The assault on Raqqa, the capital of the Islamic State’s self-declared caliphate, is about to begin, and the end of ISIS is in sight. But so is the end of the tacit tactical alliance between Iran and the United States.For a time, the old adversaries cooperated against their commo … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Infovideo: Wie aus dem Silicon Valley der Tech-Nabel der Welt wurde

Ein sehenswertes Video hat der Kanal Tech Insider produziert, in dem in knackigen vier Minuten die Geschichte des Silicon Valley rekapituliert wird. Wie kam es dazu, dass gerade in der Bay Area die größten Firmen der Welt sitzen und die Computerindustrie... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Trump’s social media director broke the law with a tweet

Dan Scavino, the White House social media director, broke the law when he lambasted a Congressman on social media, the Office of Special Counsel said in a letter today.In April, Scavino tweeted that House Republican Justin Amash “is a big liability,” and he encouraged Trump suppo … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Redditors are competing to design the most asinine volume sliders

We recently celebrated that Apple at long last made the decision to change its volume control in iOS 11 to something less intrusive (which, to be fair, would be almost anything but what it currently is). Coincidentally, at the same time, Redditors were having a field day over in … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Will you buy the OnePlus 5 given that it looks like this?

The look of the new OnePlus 5 has been confirmed, but is it's design similarities to other smartphones going to put buyers of their purchase? | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Chill out — Russia’s Skolkovo project attempts a re-boot with a new venture fund

 “Everyone should take a chill pill” raged President Putin during his session at  the St Petersburg International Economic Forum last week. He was of course referring to the storm of controversy surrounding the alleged ties between Russia and the Trump Whitehouse. But Putin’s out … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Yahoo SVP Adam Cahan to exit after Verizon acquisition closes

 Another high-profile Yahoo executive, SVP of Mobile and Emerging Products Adam Cahan, will leave the company as the acquisition by VerizOath: comes to a close. This news via multiple sources comes amid cuts of as much as 15 percent of the combined Oath/Yahoo staff. Read More | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Facebook and Instagram Increase Ad Offerings | DigiBuzz

This week: Instagram offers a new ad format, lots of marketers like promoting video on Facebook, a low crawl rate isn’t necessarily a bad thing. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Check Out Footage of the ARKit Integration in 'Pokemon Go'

One of the reveals from the WWDC 2017 keynote was Apple's introduction of ARKit, a toolset for developers that want to implement augmented reality into their games. And Apple got the augmented reality game to add ARKit support for compatible devices, Pokemon Go [Free]. But how is … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A Very Special U.K. Election Drunken Screed

For this special edition of our weekly Drunken Screed, we at Roads & Kingdoms asked some of our favorite Brits to have a drink or five and weigh in on the surprisingly exciting U.K. general election. Grab a pint and join us as we rant, rave, and revel over last night’s vote. My W … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Silent Power of Live-Streaming Politics

For nearly three hours on Thursday, many Americans turned their attention to the engrossing, absorbing spectacle that was James Comey, the former FBI director, giving his first public remarks since President Donald Trump fired him one month ago. One of the nation’s top law-enforc … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

It Comes at Night Is a Post-Apocalyptic Tale of the Unknown

Over and over again in It Comes at Night, Trey Edward Shults’s bravura piece of psychological horror, the camera pans down a long, dark hallway, inching closer and closer to a locked red door. That door is the only way in and out of the boarded-up house in which the film is set; … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

OwnLocal acquires Wanderful, a local deal startup backed by newspaper giants

 OwnLocal has acquired Wanderful Media, brining two companies focused on local advertising and deals together.OwnLocal works with local newspapers to turn traditional print ads into digital campaigns. Wanderful, meanwhile, operates Find&Save, a website and app that brings the new … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How to Hit the Bull’s Eye When Choosing an App Developer

As a customer, you have two ways of ordering the mobile app development: legal entities or freelancers. Each of these | Continue reading | 7 years ago

One Video: One Another by Mac DeMarco

Every week, a slew of new music videos hits the web. Watching them at your desk is not time theft because you deserve it; think of it as a nice reward for surviving another work week. But what if you don’t have time to watch every video? Maybe you have a deadline, a hungry pet, o … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How Minor Probation Violations Can Lead to Major Jail Time

PHILADELPHIA—In the early-morning hours one day last August, 25-year-old Giovanni Guzman-Vegas closed up his family’s bar and went to pick up his seven-months-pregnant girlfriend from a babysitting gig. There, he said he found her upset: A man in the house, who’d accompanied the … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Survival-Portemonnaie: Arceo Wallet

Für die anstehende Zombie-Apokalypse gibt es schon allerhand praktische Gadgets. Auf das unzerstörbare Portemonnaie ist aber wohl noch keiner gekommen. Bis jetzt. Das Arceo Wallet von der Firma Ronin Energetics ist eine Geldbörse, die... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

It Comes At Night review: a moody horror film where humanity is the monster

Horror movies are never really about the terror they put on display. Even when monster movies are marketed and sold around a creature, they’re often just using those monsters as stand-ins. Instead, horror is a way to address larger societal concerns and fears, whether it’s the cr … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Goodbye, Summer Jobs

The summer job is considered a rite of passage for the American Teenager. It is a time when tossing newspaper bundles and bussing restaurant tables acts as a rehearsal for weightier adult responsibilities, like bundling investments and bussing dinner-party plates. But in the last … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Russia Likely to Mandate Identity Checks for Bitcoin Purchases

Russia’s deputy finance minister said this week that cryptocurrency purchasers will be required to prove their identity under forthcoming regulations. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Change Planning Toolkit™ Ask Me Anything Transcript

On Thursday, June 8th I took all questions about the Change Planning Toolkit™ on TWITTER via hashtag #cptoolkit and my contact form. Here were the questions and the answers: 1. I bought your insightful book Charting Change – How can … Continue reading → | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Target and Cartwheel apps to merge starting this summer, mobile payments and improved maps to follow

 Target’s mobile app strategy will undergo a significant change, starting this summer. The retailer announced this week it will soon combine the functionality of its Cartwheel savings app with its main shopping app, in preparation for an eventual Cartwheel shutdown. The Target ap … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How serious is Apple about VR?

I was really excited to see Apple talk about VR at WWDC this year. It's a sign that Apple can embrace a market it doesn't entirely control, or possibly even fully understand. Microsoft, Google, and Facebook all now offer some form of AR or VR hardware and software stack, and the … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Japan's Parliament Clears the Way for Emperor's Abdication

Japan’s Parliament on Friday passed a law that allows Emperor Akihito to become the first occupant of the chrysanthemum throne to abdicate since 1817. With Akihito stepping down, his son, Crown Prince Naruhito, will likely take over. The imperial family has just 19 living members … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A history of Taylor Swift’s odd, conflicting stances on streaming services

Taylor Swift’s entire catalogue is back on Spotify. Her first three albums haven’t been available since November 2014, and her October 2014 release 1989 has never been on the service before today. It’s the end of what has inarguably been the biggest, messiest controversy of the p … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Apple, Amazon, and Google executives are still set to attend a White House summit, despite, well, everything

Leaders from the largest technology companies are set to visit the White House later this month for an inaugural meeting of President Donald Trump’s group formed to modernize government services, according to three people familiar with the plans. They will arrive weeks after many … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Adonit Switch is the ultimate designer’s tool

If you use a stylus but also scribble notes the old -fashioned way, the Adonit Switch 2-in-1 Stylus & Pen is the perfect stylish addition to your desk. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Call for Proposals: Support to literary translation projects 2017

The Call for Proposals for Support to literary translation projects 2017 has been published. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The App That Does Nothing

Binky is an app that does everything an app is expected to do. It’s got posts. It’s got likes. It’s got comments. It’s got the infinitely scrolling timeline found in all social apps, from Facebook to Twitter, Instagram to Snapchat.I open it and start scrolling. Images of people, … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

US State Department Forms New Blockchain Working Group

The US State Department is looking to boost its research resources in support of a new working group focused on blockchain.Source | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Be a productivity pro with this ultimate Microsoft Office certification training for just $39

It’s easy to overlook a suite of programs that predate most offices and the people who staff them. However, there’s a reason Microsoft Office is celebrating a quarter-century as the gold standard of office productivity programs: because it’s powerful and still runs like a Swiss w … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Oil Is Flowing Through the Dakota Access Pipeline

After months of protests, more than 750 arrests, and high-profile interventions by both the Obama and Trump administrations, the first part of the battle over the Dakota Access pipeline has ended.Oil is now flowing through the pipeline—and, crucially, beneath Lake Oahe in North D … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Kein Scherz: Horsey Mc Horseface gewinnt Galopprennen in Australien

Erinnert sich noch jemand an Boaty McBoatface? Das britische Forschungsboot, das diesen seltsamen Namen aufgrund eines Community-Namenswettbewerbs bekam? Boaty McBoatface erlangte weltweiten Ruhm, der bis nach Australien reichte. Dort gibt es einen Pferderennstall,... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

IOC adds 3-on-3 basketball to 2020 Olympics

Maybe having a big three can win you more than just an NBA title. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; Here’s Our End Of The Week Strategy

And there goes another week in the bitcoin price space. Done and dusted. When we kicked things off for this morning’s European session, we outlined a few key levels with which we were going to approach the markets today. Basically, we set up a (relatively wide) range and said we’ … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The armistice between Taylor Swift and Spotify is good for everyone

Let’s answer the main question right out of the gate: the reason Taylor Swift brought her albums back onto Spotify and to platforms she’s overlooked in the past few years, like Amazon Music and Pandora Premium, isn’t because Katy Perry released Witness (although it may have somet … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Reverso helps you avoid sounding like a robot dork in a foreign language

Learning a language is hard. Schools, in particular, are especially bad at teaching them. If you’re just reciting verb conjugations, and learning words and phrases that don’t interest you, you won’t make any progress. Over the past few years, there’s been several interesting effo … | Continue reading | 7 years ago